Remove 1 setback per rank from all streetwise or knowledge (underworld) checks.
Shien Technique
(1) SE:[1]
Use Cunning with LS checks instead of Brawn.
Basic Combat Training
(1) R:[1]
Brawl and Ranged Light become career skills.
Second Wind
(2) R:[1,2]
Once per encounter take the Second Wind incedental, heal an amount of strain equal to ranks.
Vehicle Combat Training
(1) R:[1]
Gunnery and Piloting Planetary become career skills.
Force Powers
Force Rating
Spend 1 pip to sense the emotional state of one target with whom you are engaged.
Spend 1 pip to sense the presence of all lifeforms within short range.
Neith was born to a middle class family on Coruscant. His mother was a Security Forces Officer. When he was a small child she was fired for speaking out against the newly risen empire's treatment if aliens. His father was a genius who was conscripted by the empire for work on a secret project. He was never seen again, and was presumed dead by the family. Without a job or husband, Neith's mother was forced to move to find work she could still be morally proud of. She found work as a Security Forces officer on Duros. There Neith spent the remainder of his childhood, until his teen years when his mother was killed by an Imperial. He had witnessed the murder from the rooftops where he liked to sit and watch the city. The Imperials arrested a common junky for the act. As a teenage orphan he ran off with a band that was famous for singing some anti-empire songs despite the repeated attempts at arresting them. He met a Kyuzo friend of the band who was visiting. That Kyuzo recruited Neith to the rebellion and took him to get some training offworld. After completing a very brief training, Neith was thrust into a slowly building galactic conflict that unbeknownst to him would come to a head just a few years later. Neith has always felt the force with him, though he didnt know what it was. It is a mad stroke of luck he wasn't found by an inquisitor sooner. Or a mad stroke of destiny.. During the return flight of a low risk mission and inquisitor had stowed away on the ship. After the ship entered hyperspace the inquisitor attacked. He slaughtered the crew and Neith was only barely able to make it to the escape pod with his life. Ejecting an escape pod during hyperspace is never a good idea. It is impossible to know where one would end up and there is a decent chance wherever one ended up it would mean the end of their life. Out of the frying pan, into the fire. It was quite a shock when he crashed onto a world that by all starcharts should not be there.
71 (Light Side Paragon)
Emotional Strength: Bravery - Neith is not without fear. He just has the strength of character to not let fear control him. That is true bravery.
Emotional Weakness: Arrogance - Neith tends to underestimate his opponents, believing most he finds himself at odds with to be slow-witted.
Nieth is young. He is somewhere in his late teens early twenties. He has unkempt short black hair and grey eyes. He wears a dark blue jacket and light blue pants. He wears black boots, his long cut pants letting then pass for shoes at a first glance.