I was like any other clone trooper serving a Jedi until the ORDER happened…
We all had a sudden urge to attack the Jedi and when we did the Jedi didn’t survive only some of them got out and most clones were taken but not me I stood my ground and found what they used to control me and I destroyed it.
I wish I could help my fellow clone in these Dark Dark Times.
But I will save all fellow Clones like they did me!
That is my OATH!
Obligation Favor: The character owes someone a big favor. Perhaps a government agent looked the other way after catching the character slicing corporate computers. Perhaps a fellow Technician faked a malfunction or loss of data to cover for a failure on the PC's part. The magnitude of the favor is connected to the amount of Obligation. The Obligation could take an extended amount of time to clear, as it might be reduced by many small actions.
Obligation Score - 30