K'Rash was born. as most Whiphids, in the frigid lands of Toola. A through and through Whiphid. he has had for most of his life very little contact with technology in general, and still has a general attitude of distrust and contempt towards machines. and anything that he cannot fix with his own hands.
As a member of a hunter society, K'Rash has learned about the sacred nature of the hunt, and the duty to preserve balance not only between the Whiphid members and tribes, but also with their prey. As such, he has interpreted apparent coincidences, unexplainable intuitions. and sometimes visions, as signals of a spiritual calling towards hunting evil beyond his world.
After a lack of answers from Whiphid leaders and shamans, K'Rash decides to leave Toola in order to 'hunt for the sight of the prey',a common expression used in his home world when the hunters of a tribe have to go on extended expeditions without knowing what they will find, or if they will find anything at all.
Independence / Coldness
K'Rash believes in his independence and strength as a hunter. Through the harsh conditions of Toola, he has learnt to never fully rely on others. For the same reason, even as he worries about the natural balance of the world, he keeps his distance towards his companions, or others he thinks of as equals, or partners of the hunt.
Age: 100
Gender: Male