Ex Planetary Defense Force Squad Leader on Pantora. Som was gifted a Nova Viper by his father, on his dying breath. He was told it should be used for justice, and never oppression. Som was inspired by his father's death to join the military. He found a distaste for taking orders from higher ups, and left the defense force along with Pantora. With fight still left in him and the will to put his skills to good use, Som now works for a bounty hunter's guild at the wasteland, bringing law and justice with him as he travels the galaxy.
Justice: The character has a strong, unshakable sense of right and wrong. He is committed to seeing justice brought back to the galaxy, and he wishes those who have betrayed it ot receive the punishment they deserve.
Magnitude 5 Debt (1000 Credits):
A while back Som blew all of his money on maintenance for his blaster pistol, only turns out he didn't actually have the money to spend so he took out a loan from a close friend.
Magnitude 5 Vigilante:
The character has seen the wheels of justice grind up the innocent and let the guilty walk free. The character has sworn to take the law--or a version of it, at any rate--and bring justice to those who deserve it. When taking contracts, this character tends to pursue the most hardened criminals.
short, dark hair
blue skin
customary white markings around chin and forehead.
black tattoos around neck and forearms