Koorimani (1000XP) by MegaGeek2468

Trailblazer, Warleader, Beast Rider
Age of Rebellion

Threshold 22
Current 0
Threshold 19
Current 0
Ranged 0
Melee 0




Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) 0
Athletics (Br) X 2
Charm (Pr) 0
Coercion (Will) 0
Computers (Int) 0
Cool (Pr) 0
Coordination (Ag) 0
Deception (Cun) 0
Discipline (Will) 1
Leadership (Pr) X 0
Mechanics (Int) 0
Medicine (Int) X 1
Negotiation (Pr) 0
Perception (Cun) X 3
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) 0
Piloting: Space (Ag) 0
Resilience (Br) 0
Skulduggery (Cun) 0
Stealth (Ag) X 3
Streetwise (Cun) 0
Survival (Cun) X 3
Vigilance (Will) 0
Brawl (Br) X 0
Gunnery (Ag) 0
Lightsaber (Br) 0
Melee (Br) X 2
Ranged: Light (Ag) X 0
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) X 3
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) 0
Knowledge: Lore (Int) 0
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) X 1
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) 0
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) X 1
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) X 2


A-295 Blaster Rifle
Ranged: Heavy
Accurate 3, Cumbersome 2, Pierce 1, Stun Setting; S to Mechanics checks to perform maintenance
Combat Utility Vibroblade
Pierce 2, Vicious 1; May be used as tool kit to repair devices/heal droids, but adds S; adds B to Survival checks


Weapons & Armor

Blaster Rifle (HP 0, Encum 4)
- Augmented Spin Barrel
- Marksman Scope
Combat Utility Vibroblade (HP 0, Enc 2)
Alliance Light Stealth Armour (HP 0, Enc 0[3])
- Multi-Band Comlink (HP 0)
- Integrated Scanner (HP 1, B to Perception checks to spot movement/hidden enemies)
- Passive Foliage System (HP 1, S to Perception/Vigilance checks to spot wearer)

Personal Gear

Modular Backpack Frame
- Storage Module (Enc +3)
- Comms Unit (Enc 2)
Load-Bearing Gear (Enc +3)
Utility Belt (Enc +1)
Binders (Enc 0)
Electrobinoculars (Enc 1)
Extra Reload (Enc 1)
8x Stimpacks (Enc 0)
Entrenching Tool (Enc 1)
Climbing Gear (Enc 1)
Camouflage Paint (Enc 0)

Assets & Resources

Cracian Thumper

4 3 1 2 1 2
Soak 5
WT 15
Def 0
Encum 12/26
Skills: Brawl 2, Cool 1, Perception 1, Stealth 3
Talents: None
Abilities: Sil 2, Domesticatable 1, Trained Mount 2 (BB to riding checks)
Equipment: Claws (Brawl, Dam 6, Crit 2, Engaged), Tail (Brawl, Dam 8, Crit 5, Engaged, Disorient 2)

Critical Injuries & Conditions


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Grit 6 FiB p.31 +6 Grit
Toughened 4 FiB p.31 +8 Wounds
Dedication 3 FiB p.31 +1 Agility, Intellect, Cunning
Primitive SoT p.23 Upgrade difficulty of all checks involving advanced technology
Stalker 1 FiB p.31 B to Stealth/Coordination checks
Prime Positions 3 FiB p.31 +3 ranged soak to PC/allies in short range when in cover
Cunning Snare FiB p.31 Action: once per encounter create a trap; Opposed Vigilance vs. Survival to avoid; victim suffers wounds equal to Cunning+Failures, see book for details
Outdoorsman 1 FiB p.31 Remove S from checks to move through terrain/manage environment; halve travel times
Dodge 2 FiB p.31 Incidental: may suffer no more strain than ranks to upgrade difficulty of attacks by equal amount
Blind Spot 2 FiB p.31 PC/allies in short range add 2A to attacks while in cover
Prey on the Weak 1 FiB p.31 +1 damage to Disoriented targets
One With Nature FiB p.31 May take Survival check to recover Strain
Ambush FiB p.31 Manoeuvre: While in cover, add damage equal to Stealth to one combat check before end of turn
Suppressing Fire 2 KtP p.29 Spend 1A on missed combat check to inflict 2 Strain on target
Careful Planning KtP p.29 Once per session, introduce 'fact' to narrative as if DP spent
Coordinated Assault 1 KtP p.29 Manoeuvre: number of engaged allies equal to Leadership add 1A to combat checks; range increases per rank
Clever Solution KtP p.29 Make one skill check per session using Cunning rather than normal characteristic
Forager 1 SoT p.27 Remove SS from checks to find food/water/shelter; half time taken to find supplies
Beast Wrangler 2 SoT p.27 BB to checks to tame/wrangle creatures
Expert Handler 2 SoT p.27 Remove SS from Survival checks to ride beasts
Expert Tracker 1 SoT p.27 Remove S from checks to find/track targets; half time taken to track targets
Let's Ride SoT p.27 Once per round, may mount/dismount a vehicle/beast or enter/exit a cockpit/turret, as an incidental
Natural Outdoorsman SoT p.27 Reroll 1 Resilience/Survival check per session
Soothing Tone SoT p.27 Action: Average Knowledge (Xenology) check to allow a beast to recover Strain per 1S
Spur SoT p.27 Action: Hard Survival check to increase a beast's speed by 1; 2 Strain for each round it stays Spurred
Improved Spur SoT p.27 Suffer 1 Strain to attempt Spur as a manoeuvre and decrease difficulty to Average
Supreme Spur SoT p.27 Reduce beast's strain cost to 1
Disorient 2 FiB p.31 On successful combat check, 2A to Disorient target for 2 rounds





Other Notes


110 - Initial
900 - Earned


Survival 1 - Dressellian
Athletics 1 - Soldier
Medicine 1 - Soldier
Ranged (Heavy) 1 - Soldier
Survival 2 - Soldier
Perception 1 - Trailblazer
Stealth 1 - Trailblazer


Brawn 3 - 30XP
Agility 3 - 30XP
Cunning 3 - 30XP
Presence 2 - 20XP


Warleader - 30XP
Beast Rider - 40XP


Melee 1 - 5XP
Knowledge (Outer Rim) 1 - 5XP
Knowledge (Warfare) 1 - 5XP
Knowledge (Xenology) 1 - 5XP
Knowledge (Xenology) 2 - 10XP
Discipline 1 - 10XP
Melee 2 - 10XP
Athletics 2 - 10XP
Perception 2 - 10XP
Stealth 2 - 10XP
Stealth 3 - 15XP
Ranged (Heavy) 2 - 10XP
Ranged (Heavy) 3 - 15XP
Survival 3 - 15XP


Stalker 1 - 5XP
Toughened 1 - 5XP
Disorient 1 - 10XP
Prime Positions 1 - 10XP
Cunning Snare - 10XP
Outdoorsman 1 - 10XP
Grit 1 - 15XP
Dodge 1 - 15XP
Blind Spot 1 - 15XP
Toughened 2 - 15XP
Dodge 2 - 20XP
Prey on the Weak 1 - 20XP
One With Nature - 20XP
Dedication 1 - 25XP
Ambush - 25XP
Disorient 2 - 25XP
Prey on the Weak 2 - 25XP


Prime Positions 2 - 5XP
Suppressing Fire 1 - 5XP
Grit 2 - 5XP
Grit 3 - 10XP
Careful Planning - 10XP
Grit 4 - 15XP
Suppressing Fire 2 - 15XP
Coordinated Assault 1 - 20XP
Prime Positions 3 - 20XP
Blind Spot 2 - 20XP
Dedication 2 - 25XP
Clever Solution - 25XP


Toughened 3 - 5XP
Forager 1 - 5XP
Beast Wrangler 1 - 5XP
Toughened 4 - 10XP
Expert Tracker 1 - 10XP
Expert Handler 1 - 10XP
Beast Wrangler 2 - 15XP
Let's Ride - 15XP
Grit 5 - 15XP
Natural Outdoorsman - 20XP
Expert Handler 2 - 20XP
Spur - 20XP
Improved Spur - 20XP
Supreme Spur - 25XP
Grit 6 - 25XP
Dedication 3 - 25XP
Soothing Tone - 25XP


Blaster Rifle - 900cr
Augmented Spin Barrel (4 mods) - 2750cr
Marksman Scope (2 mods) - 1500cr
Cracian Thumper - 7500cr
Riding Tack - 100cr
2x Saddlebags - 50cr
Modular Backpack Frame - 10cr
Storage Unit - 25cr
Comms Unit - 500cr
Load-Bearing Gear - 100cr
Utility Belt - 25cr
Alliance Light Stealth Armour - 2200cr
Multi-Band Comlink - 200cr
Integrated Scanner (1 mod) - 1100cr
Passive Foliage System - 75cr
Combat Utility Vibroblade - 600cr
Binders - 25cr
Electrobinoculars - 250cr
Extra Reload - 25cr
8x Stimpacks - 200cr
Entrenching Tool - 20cr
Climbing Gear - 50cr
Camouflage Paint - 40cr

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