Weapons & Armor
Vibrosword - +2 Dam, 2 Crit, 3 Encum, 3 HP, Defense 1/Pierce 2/Vicious 1
E-11D Blaster Carbine - 9 Dam, 3 Crit, Medium, 3 Encum, 2 HP, 1,400; Upgrade the ability of combat checks made when using this weapon at short range once
Vibroknife - +1 Dam, 2 Crit, 1 Encum, 2 HP, Pierce 2/Vicious 1
Vibroknuckler - +1 Dam, 2 Crit, 1 Encum, 0 HP, Pierce 1/Vicious 1
Riot Armor - +2 Soak, 2HP, 3 Encumbrance
--Repulsor Pack - Allows the user to function as a speed 1, handling - 1 , system strain threshold 2 vehicle that can only operate in atmosphere and has the same silhouette as the operator. Maximum altitude of 75 meters, and the operator's Coordination skill is used for checks.
Personal Gear
1 Datapad - 1 Encum; Used to store data, manifests, reports and could download data from larger computer networks.
1 Comlink - 0 Encum; Allows communication up to distances around 100 kilometres
1 Utility Belt - 0 Encum; increases the wearers encumbrance threshold by 1
1 Military Backpack - 0 Encum; increases encumbrance capacity by 6, has the cumbersome 2 quality.
1 Lockpick Set - 1 Encum; for non electronic locks or out of power electric locks
4 Stimpacks - 0 Encum; Requires one manoeuvre to use on self or other, Immediately heals 5 wounds, a second stimpack heals 4 wounds, third 3 wounds and so on, six stimpacks in a single day has no effect
1 Breathmask & Respirator - 1 Encum; Allows user to breath and operate in environments and atmospheres that are not normally hospitable for them.
5 Ration Packs - 0 Encum; Can survive one week on one ration