Born on Jakku as the youngest son of a pair of off-worlders, Nomar and Kaida, Aden has spent his entire life on Jakku. Robbed of his parents when they were killed during a dispute with two other scavengers, the young boy was left orphaned at 5 and to be cared by his elder sister Jessa. To make ends meet, his older sister who was fifteen at the time joined up with a group of scavengers to try to provide for both of them. His sister had a talent with machinery and passed on some of what she knew to her younger brother, taking him out with them on scavenging runs into the wastelands, teaching him how to fend for himself.
However, Aden soon discovered he had another talent: Staying hidden. Using his gift, he soon figured out how to sneak through the settlement to "liberate" goods for both his sister as well as the other scavengers travelling with them. From another scavenger he learned how to break open locks, both electrical and otherwise, while his sister also started to teach him some basic means of self-defence, eventually gifting him a slug thrower rifle and a small staff (The latter of which he had difficulty using).
One late afternoon, Aden had gone into the settlement. He had left his rifle at home but taken the small staff, mainly to stay hidden easier as he slunk through picking pockets. When he returned he discovered a small squad of stormtroopers accosting his sister, with their leader being a man in uniform with a distinctive scar across his nose and cheek. Trying to help his sister, he charged at one of the stormtroopers with his staff in hand. Unfortunately, numbers, their greater strength and his own inexperience at close quarters fighting left him quickly disarmed and struck over the back of the head with the butt of a rifle.
By the time he came too he found Jessa was gone and tracks leading back to the settlement. Rushing back, he asked around for any information but merely discovered that the stormtroopers had loaded an unconscious woman on board their shuttle before taking off.
Knowing that his sister had been taken off world, the boy set about trying to find a way off-world. One week later, he found his chance when a freighter docked and he stowed away on board, taking him off-planet.
He didn't know where she had been taken, or even why she had been taken, but he knew that somewhere in this vast galaxy Jessa was out there and in danger. It was just a matter of finding her that would be the hard part for the naive young scavenger.
(Ambition) Discovery- Seeking out and discovering new worlds, information, or the wondrous secrets hidden among the galaxys countless stars drives this characters actions. More than anything, he wants to find and experience nobody else has.
Primary objective: Find and rescue his older sister Jessa.
Emotional Stength: Bravery (The characters bravery is quite remarkable. Whether facing down a charging rancor or racing into a burning building to help innocents, he is always willing to take risks to help others)
Emotional Weakness: Anger (Hot blood, however, can easily lead to hot tempers. The character is quick to anger, and what he cannot deal with face-to-face can often frustrate him to the point of rage)
Rating: 50
Chosen Bonus: +5 Exp and +1000 Starting credits