Born on the battlefield and raised in war, it was inevitable Vash would find his way into service. Both of his parents served in the Galactic Republic army and he was born in a forward command base in the early months of the Great War where his mother was stationed as a tactician. He was raised in barracks and on training fields, learning the ways of the military long before most. Just before coming of age, his father was killed while on a mission. The day he was eligible, Vash enlisted to the Galactic Republic service. He fought for the last ten years of the Great War, making and losing many friends along the way.
After the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant, Vash was left with no direction. He decided to settle on Coruscant with his mother and start a business. Knowing the general lawlessness of parts of the world, Vash put his military skills to work and created a private security force.
Conflict: Squadmates
Vash would do anything for those he serves with. As an XO in the Galactic Republic army, he made sure his troops had everything they could need to succeed and could often be seen up late at night talking to a frightened or traumatized soldier. Even after the Great War, Vash carries this mentality into his everyday life. He is skeptical of outsiders, but will do anything for those close to him.
A Score To Settle: 10
When Vash created his private security force, his Devaronian friend Rolt was the first to sign on. During their first job though, Rolt somehow managed to make off with all of the reward money before anyone knew what was happening and hasn't been heard from since. Vash was able to hold the business together, but he can never forgive a friend betraying him like that.
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Height: 5'10"
Build: Lean
Hair: Black
Eyes: Orange
Vash is the spitting image of military precision. Short, well groomed hair, no stubble, and pristine looking gear.