Daskalani “Dusk” Vuathulu by DClark

Starfighter Ace, Ataru Striker, Colossus
Force and Destiny

Threshold 18
Current 16
Threshold 17
Current 8
Ranged 1
Melee 1

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Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) X 2 -1 Setback (Galaxy Mapper)
Athletics (Br) X 2 -1 Setback (Conditioned)
Charm (Pr) 3
Coercion (Will) 0
Computers (Int) 0
Cool (Pr) X 1
Coordination (Ag) X 1 -1 Setback (Conditioned)
Deception (Cun) 0
Discipline (Will) 1
Leadership (Pr) 3
Mechanics (Int) X 2
Medicine (Int) 0
Negotiation (Pr) 0
Perception (Cun) X 1
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) 2 -2 Setback (Skilled Jockey)
Piloting: Space (Ag) X 2 -2 Setback (Skilled Jockey)
Resilience (Br) 0
Skulduggery (Cun) 0
Stealth (Ag) 0
Streetwise (Cun) 1
Survival (Cun) X 0
Vigilance (Will) 0
Brawl (Br) X 3 +1 Boost Dice
Gunnery (Ag) X 1
Lightsaber (Ag) X 3
Melee (Br) X 1
Ranged: Light (Ag) 1
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) 0
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) 0
Knowledge: Lore (Int) 0
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) 0
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) 0
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) 2
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) 0


Blaster Pistol
Ranged: Light
Stun Setting
Blaster Rifle
Ranged: Heavy
Stun Setting
Basic Lightsaber x 2
Breach 1, Sunder, Linked


Weapons & Armor

Battle Armor
-Soak: +3
-Melee Defense: +1
-Ranged Defense: +1

Personal Gear

Assets & Resources

Critical Injuries & Conditions


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Ataru Technique 1 FaD When making a check using the Lightsaber skill, may use Agility instead of Brawn.
Conditioned 1 FaD Remove a Setback dice per ranks from Athletics and Coordination checks. Reduce the damage and strain suffered from falling by ranks.
Confidence 1 FaD May decrease difficulty of Discipline checks to avoid fear by 1/Rank
Dedication 2 FaD Gain 1 level in a single Characteristic
Durable 1 FaD May reduce any Critical Injury suffered by 10 per ranks, to a minimum of 1.
Exhaust Port 1 FaD Before attacking a starship or vehicle, the character may spend 1 Destiny Point to ignore the effects of the Massive rule for the attack.
Force Rating 1 FaD Gain +1 Force Rating
Full Throttle 1 FaD Take a Full Throttle action, make a Hard Piloting Check to increase a vehicle’s top speed by 1 for a number of rounds equal to Cunning.
Galaxy Mapper 1 FaD Remove a Setback Dice per rank of Galaxy Mapper from Astrogation checks. Astrogation checks take half normal time.
Grit 5 FaD Add 1 Strain Threshold/Rank
Intuitive Evasion 1 FaD Perform the Intuitive Evasion maneuver, suffer 1 Strain and commit Force Dice up to ranks. Upgrade difficulty of combat checks targeting Starship or Vehicle by equal amount. Suffer 1 strain every round Force Dice remain committed.
Intuitive Strike 1 FaD When making a combat check with a planetary scale weapon, add Force Dice no greater than Force Rating to the check. Spend Light and Dark Side points to add Success and Advantage.
Jump Up 1 FaD Once per round, may stand from seated or prone as an incidental.
Parry 3 FaD When hit by a melee attack, suffer 3 strain to reduce damage by 2+ranks.
Parry (Improved) 2 FaD When parrying a hit that generates a Despair or 3 Threat, Dusk may hit her attacker once with Lightsaber, Brawl, or Melee weapon, dealing base damage, after the original attack resolves.
Quick Draw 1 FaD Once per round, draw or holster a weapon or accessible item as an incidental.
Rapid Reaction 2 FaD Suffer a number of strain to add an equal number of Success to initiative checks. Strain suffered cannot exceed Ranks.
Reflect 3 FaD When hit by a Ranged attack, suffer 3 strain to reduce damage by 2+ranks.
Skilled Jockey 2 FaD Remove a Setback Dice/Rank from all Piloting (Planetary) and Piloting (Space) checks.
Touch Of Fate 1 FaD Once per session, add two Boost Dice to any single check.
Toughened 5 FaD +2 Wound Threshold
Tricky Target 1 FaD Count Vehicle or Starship piloted as having a silhouette 1 lower when being attacked.
Enduring 1 FaD +1 Soak
Hawk Bat Swoop 1 FaD Take the Hawk Bat Swoop action. Perform a Lightsaber combat check against target within short range, adding Force dice up to Force rating. Spend a Light Side point to engage target and additional Light Side points to add advantages.
Saber Throw 1 FaD Perform a Saber Throw action to make Lightsaber combat check as ranged attack at target within medium range, adding Force Dice up to rating. Spend one Light Side point to hit the target, spend an additional Light Side point to have to the weapon return to hand.
Resist Disarm 1 FaD Suffer 2 strain to avoid being disarmed or have weapon damaged or destroyed.
Makashi Technique 1 FaD When making a check using the Lightsaber skill, may use Presence instead of Brawn.

Force Powers

Force Rating
When making an Athletics check, Dusk may roll an Enhance power check as part of the pool. She may use Force points to add Success or Advantage, player’s choice
Upgrade Effect
Control: Force Leap (Vertical) When performing a Force Leap, Dusk can jump vertically in addition to jumping horizontally.
Control: Force Leap (Horizontal) Take a Force Leap action: Make an Enhanced power check. Dusk may use a Force point to jump horizontally to any location within short range.
Dusk may make an opposed Discipline vs. Discipline check combined with an Influence power check. If she spends force points and succeeds on the check, he can force the target to adopt an emotional state or believe something untrue, lasting for 1 round or 5 minutes.
Upgrade Effect
Control: Emotion/Belief Dusk may make an opposed Discipline vs. Discipline check combined with an Influence power check. If she spends force points and succeeds on the check, she can force the target to adopt an emotional state or believe something untrue, lasting for 1 round or 5 minutes.
Control: Skills When making a Coercion, Charm, Deception, Leadership or Negotiation check, Dusk may roll an Influence power check as part of her dice pool. She may spend Force points to gain Successes or Advantages (player’s choice) on the check.
Range 1 Spend Force points to increase the power’s range by a number of range bands equal to Range upgrades.,
Dusk can move objects via the power of the Force.

Dusk can spend a Force point to move one object of silhouette 0 that is within short range to within short range.

Dusk can spend a Force point to increase the silhouette able to be targeted up to silhouette 2.

Dusk can spend a Force point to move one additional object
Upgrade Effect
Magnitude 1 Spend Force point to increase targets affected equal to Magnitude rank.
Strength 2 Spend a Force point to increase silhouette able to be targeted to silhouette 2.
Control: Hurl Dusk can hurl objects to damage targets by making a ranged combat check combined with a Move power check, dealing damage equal to 10 times silhouette (silhouette 0 deals 5 damage).
Range 2 Spend a Force point to increase the range to Long
Control: Pull Dusk can pull objects out of secure mountings or out of an opponent’s grasp
Dusk can sense the Force interacting with the world around her.

She may spend Force points to sense all living things within short range (including sentient and non-sentient beings).

Dusk may spend a Force point to sense the current emotional state of one living target with whom she is engaged.
Upgrade Effect
Control: Upgrade Difficulty Dusk can commit a Force dice. Once per round, when an attack targets her, she upgrades the difficulty of the pool once.
Control: Sense Thoughts Dusk can spend a Force point to sense the current thoughts of one living target with whom she is engaged.
Range 3 Dusk can spend a Force point to increase the power’s range 3 times.





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