Jedi Career : Athletics, +1 Cool, +1 Discipline, Piloting (Space), Knowledge (Lore), +1 Lightsaber.
Jedi - Knight (Starting Spec) - (Talents : 110xp) - +1 Cool, Leadership, Negotiation, +1 Lightsaber
β‘ β‘ β β‘ - (05xp) - Grit - Jump Up - Researcher - Grit
β‘ β‘ β β - (20xp) - [Parry] - Parry - Sense Emotions - Researcher
β‘ β‘ β‘ β - (15xp) - Improved Reflect - Reflect - Improved Parry - Balance
β‘ β‘ β‘ β - (20xp) - Circle of Shelter - [Side by Side] - Reflect - Will of the Force
β‘ β‘ β β - (50xp) - Guardian of the Republic - [Saber Throw] - Dedication - Force Rating
Jedi - General (0xp) - (Talents : 0xp) - Cool, Leadership, Negotiation, Lightsaber
β‘ β‘ β‘ β‘ - (0xp) - Grit - Commanding Presence - Command - Toughened
β‘ β‘ β‘ β‘ - (0xp) - [Parry] - Fall Back! - Stand Firm! - Reflect
β‘ β‘ β‘ β‘ - (0xp) - Preemptive Intervention - Commanding Presence - Enhanced Leader - Grit
β‘ β‘ β‘ β‘ - (0xp) - Toughened - Inspiring Kill - Natural Champion - Improved Stand Firm!
β‘ β‘ β‘ β‘ - (0xp) - Dedication - Knowledge is Strength - Force Rating - Exemplar of the Republic
#Starting XP
+340xp : Race (110xp), Duty (5xp), Knight (150xp).
#Characteristics :
-60xp : 30xp Brawn, 30xp Willpower.
#Starting Skills :
Career : Jedi
Athletics, Cool, +1 Discipline, Piloting (Space), +1 Knowledge (Lore), +1 Lightsaber.
Spec.: Padawan
Coordination, Mechanics, +1 Vigilance, +1 Knowledge (Education)
Race : +1 Coercion, +1 Resilience.
#Path to Power :
#Extra Specialization :
-20xp Jedi - Knight
#Talents :
-90xp : 5xp Quick Draw, 10xp Well Rounded (New Career Skills : Deception, Knowledge Warfare), 15xp Valuable Facts, 15xp Force Rating, 20xp Adaptable, 25xp Dedication.
-85xp : 5xp Researcher, 10xp Sense Emotions, 10xp Researcher, 15xp Balance, 20xp Will of the Force, 25xp Force Rating.
#Force Power :
-15xp : 10xp Move, 5xp Range.
#Total xp Spent :
#Gear :
Starting Credits : 500cr Base, 9000cr Knight, 1000cr Duty(5)