Mee'Ago Lego by Jayded

Executioner, Force Sensitive Outcast, Assassin, Modder
Edge of the Empire

Threshold 15
Current 15
Threshold 19
Current 10
Ranged 4
Melee 3




Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) 0
Athletics (Br) 0
Charm (Pr) 0
Coercion (Will) 0
Computers (Int) 0
Cool (Pr) 0
Coordination (Ag) 1
Deception (Cun) 0
Discipline (Will) X 1
Leadership (Pr) 0
Mechanics (Int) X 1
Medicine (Int) 0
Negotiation (Pr) 0
Perception (Cun) X 1
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) X 0
Piloting: Space (Ag) X 0
Resilience (Br) 1
Skulduggery (Cun) X 2
Stealth (Ag) X 1
Streetwise (Cun) X 1
Survival (Cun) X 2
Vigilance (Will) X 1
Brawl (Br) 0
Gunnery (Ag) X 0
Lightsaber (Ag) X 1
Melee (Br) X 2
Ranged: Light (Ag) 0
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) X 4
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) 0
Knowledge: Lore (Int) X 1
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) 0
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) 0
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) 0
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) X 1


Temple Gaurd Lightsaber Pike
Qualities: Breach 1, Defensive 1, Linked 1, Stun 4, Sunder, Unwieldy 3, Accurate 1
Blade Breaker
Qualities: Defensive 2, Pierce 1, Sunder Attachments: Combat Tested (Add □ to Discipline checks.) Paired Weapons (Reduce ω required to hit with second weapon when two-weapon fighting by 1.)
Kyuzo Energy Bow
Ranged: Heavy
Knockdown, Pierce 5 Attachments: Gyrostabilizer (1 Decrease the Cumbersome Quality by 4 Mod, 1 Innate Talent (Barrage) Mod)


Weapons & Armor

Jedi Temple Guard Armor (shit hitting the fan suit)- in modular pack
Encumbrance: 4
Hard Points: 3
Rarity: 10 ➲
Price: 17,250
Categories: Half Body, Heavy
Soak: 1
Melee Def: 3
Ranged Def: 3

Contains helmet comlink.
Contains integrated scanner.

Droid Brain Defense System (1 Increases Defense value by 1 Mod, Increase Defense by 1 when taking Guarded Stance maneuver.)
Multi-Band Comlink (A long range comlink is integrated into helmet.)

Mimetic Suit (stealth recon suit)- worn but not active
Encumbrance: 2
Hard Points: 3
Rarity: 8 ➲
Price: 14,050
Categories: Full Body
Soak: 1
Melee Def: 1
Ranged Def: 1

Upgrade the ability of Stealth checks twice while suit is active.

Optical Camouflage System ( Upgrades the ability of all Stealth checks twice while wearing this armor. , Innate Talent (Master of Shadows) Mod, 1 Skill (Stealth) Mod)
Custom Fit (Removes ■ from Athletics and Stealth checks., Remove an additional ■ from Athletics and Stealth checks)
A/KT Tracker utility Vest
Hard Points: 1
Rarity: 2
Price: 5,700
Categories: Light
Soak: 3
Melee Def: 2
Ranged Def: 2

1 Increase Encumbrance Threshold by 2 Mod

Armor Insert (1 Set Soak value 1 Mod, 1 Set Defense value to 1 Mod, Armor inserts can be noticed by making an Average (◆◆) Perception check., 1 Increases Soak value by 1 Mod, 1 Increases Defense value by 1 Mod, Perception check difficulty increased to Hard (◆◆◆).)
Superior Armor Customization (Quality (Superior) Mod)
Smuggler's Trenchcoat
Rarity: 7
Price: 1,650
Categories: Half Body, Heavy
Soak: 1
Melee Def: 1
Ranged Def: 1

Checks to find anything hidden within a smuggler's trenchcoat are opposed by the Skulduggery of the wearer.
The coat can conceal up to 2 encumbrance worth of items.

Kyuzo War Shield (worn on head unless in battle)
Encumbrance: 3
Rarity: 8
Price: 750
Type: Melee
Categories: Bludgeoning Melee, Shield
Damage: 2
Damage Mod: +1
Range: Engaged
Critical: ωωωω
Skill: Melee
Qualities: Cumbersome 3, Defensive 1, Deflection 2, Disorient 1

User may spend ωωω from any combat check to throw the weapon to cause the shield to ricochet back to their grasp.

Kyuzo Energy Bow Encumbrance: 6
Hard Points: 2
Rarity: 8
Price: 3,600
Type: Energy Weapon
Categories: Ranged
Damage: 9
Range: Long
Critical: ωωωω
Skill: Ranged - Heavy
Qualities: Knockdown, Pierce 5
Gyrostabilizer (1 Decrease the Cumbersome Quality by 4 Mod, 1 Innate Talent (Barrage) Mod)

Encumbrance: 1
Hard Points: 1
Rarity: 5
Price: 600
Type: Melee
Categories: Cutting Edge Melee
Damage: 2
Range: Engaged
Critical: ωωωω
Skill: Melee
Qualities: Defensive 2, Pierce 1, Sunder

Combat Tested (Add □ to Discipline checks.)
Paired Weapons (Reduce ω required to hit with second weapon when two-weapon fighting by 1.)

Temple Gaurd Lightsaber Pike.
(very well disguised as a walking stick)
Encumbrance: 2
Hard Points: 4
Rarity: 10 ➲
Price: 32,800
Type: Lightsaber
Categories: Lightsaber
Damage: 9
Range: Engaged
Critical: ω
Skill: Lightsaber
Qualities: Breach 1, Defensive 1, Linked 1, Stun 4, Sunder, Unwieldy 3, Accurate 1

Dantari Crystal (Changes Base Damage to 7 Mod, Changes Base Critical Rating to 2 Mod, 1 Grant Quality (Breach 1) Mod, Quality (Sunder) Mod, When making a Force power check as part of a combat check, may spend φ to recover 2 strain., 1 Decreases Critical by 1 Mod, 1 Damage +2 Mod)
Combat Tested (Add □ to Discipline checks., Add □ to check to resist fear.)
Hilt Masking Kit (Adds ▼▼ to any attempt to find or identify the lightsaber as a lightsaber.)
Custom Grip (1 Remove 1 ■ from all attack checks when using this weapon Mod, Anyone other than owner adds ■■ to combat checks using this weapon., 1 Quality (Accurate 1) Mod)

Personal Gear

{Cybernetic 1}: Lockbreaker Hand
This cybernetic hand is packed with tiny tools that are specialised for bypassing mechanical and electrical locks.
Price Encum Rarity
(R) 2200 N/A 6
Count as having one rank in "Bypass Security" talent.
Add 1 boost die to Skulduggery and Computers check for defeating locks.

(6)Dendriton Toxin ,
This is an exceedingly lethal neurotoxin which is employed by particularly sadistic individuals, as the poison causes a victim to suffer fatigue and dull pain which progressively gets worse over time.
Bought as a single dose;
Price Encum Rarity
(R) 125 0 7
Any dose requires a Daunting (4 difficulty) Resilience check. Failure deal 1 strain at the end of the next turn, 3 strain at the end of the turn after that and 5 strain at the end of the third turn (ignoring soak). Suffer 1 setback dice to any check while under the effects of the poison. Suffer 1 additional strain per disadvantage result. A despair requires another resilience check after the third turn, or suffer 5 additional strain.

(10)Synthetic Standard Neurotoxin
This poison is produced to disrupt the biochemical processes of an organic being to ultimately kill them.
It is bought in single doses;
Price Encum Rarity
(R) 50 0 6
The poison may be administered by ingestion, aerosol or injection.
The target must make an average (2 difficulty) resilience check for a single dose, or a hard (3 difficulty) resilience check for multiple doses. If failed, the target takes 5 wounds of damage. Each threat generated causes an additional 1 strain damage. A despair can be used by the GM to force the target to test against the poison again on their next turn, as it remains in their system.

Antidote Set
Poisons are a tool used by many underhanded members of the political stage, when direct confrontation is inconvenient. Those working with the enemy may carry an antidote set in case of things going south.
Price Encum Rarity
250 1 5
Reduce difficulty of checks to resist a poison by 2 (to a minimum of 1). If the poison is unknown, make a hard (3 difficulty) Knowledge (Underworld) check to make an educated guess and be able to benefit from this set.

Jedi Utility Belt
Contains 3 days of food, an emergency medpac, lightsaber maintenance kit, glow rod, comlink and aquata rebreather.
Increases enc. threshold by 1
Jedi Multi-Tool
Rarity: 1
Price: 130
Type: Carrying/Storage

Mk. III Modular Backpack
Mk. III Modular Backpack Accessory Pouch (1 Increase Encumbrance Threshold by 6 Mod)
Rarity: 1
Price: 330
Type: Carrying/Storage
1 Increase Encumbrance Threshold by 2 Mod
Mk. III Modular Backpack Accessory Pouch (1 Increase Encumbrance Threshold by 6 Mod)
Concealed Climbing Cord (Grants user a length of climbing cord with grappling hook. This counts as the Right Tool for the Job for climbing and repelling.)
Hidden Compartment (Adds a small hidden compartment to a personal item. Finding compartment requires a Hard (◆◆◆) Perception check., Upgrade difficulty of Perception check once)

(3)Surveillance Taggers
These are small audio-recording and tracking devices which may be magnetically or chemically fixed to a target vessel or room. They may transmit back to another device with acquired information.
Price Encum Rarity
(R) 175 0 4

Surveillance Scanner
This handheld device are capable of detecting all sorts of active and passive surveillance implants that may have been left by opposing intelligence agencies.
Price Encum Rarity
750 2 5
This scanner has a range of close (planetary) or long (personal).
Upgrade ability to find bugs, cameras and engage in other counter-surveillance once.

Trackers Googles
Add 1 boost dice to Perception (Cun) checks to locate a target by sight. Remove 2 setback dice from ranged combat checks imposed due to concealment, darkness, mist or fog from the wearer's Ranged - Light (Ag) and Ranged - Heavy (Ag) Combat skill checks.

Assets & Resources

Critical Injuries & Conditions


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Grit 5 Gain + 1 strain threshold
Resolve 2 When the character suffers strain, they suffer 1 less strain per rank of Resolve, to a minimum of one. This does not apply to voluntary strain loss.
Toughened 1 The character increases [their] wound threshold by two per rank of Toughened.
Quick Strike 1 The character adds a boost dice per rank of Quick Strike to [their] combat checks made against any target that has not yet acted in the encounter.
Quick Draw 1 Once per round, on the character's turn, [they] may draw or holster an easily accessible weapon or item as an incidental, instead of a maneuver. This talent also reduces the amount of time to draw or stow a weapon that usually requires more than one maneuver to properly prepare or stow, by one maneuver.
Stalker 2 The character adds a boost dice per rank of Stalker to [their] Coordination and Stealth checks.
Hunter's Quarry 1 The character may take the Hunter's Quarry action against an opponent within long range, making a Hard Survival check. If the check succeeds, upgrade the ability of all attacks made against the target by one until the end of the character's turn.
Imp. Hunter's Quarry 1 The character can choose to suffer 2 strain to perform the Hunter's Quarry action as a maneuver instead.
Precise Aim 2 Once per round on the character's turn, the character may perform a combat check and suffer a number of strain. The number of strain cannot exceed their ranks in Precise Aim. They then decrease the target's defense (ranged and melee) by one per strain suffered for that combat check.
Marked for Death 1 Force talent. The character may take the Marked for Death maneuver, selecting one target and committing a Force dice. The character adds two automatic advantage results to combat checks against that target while a Force dice remains committed, but cannot use the Marked for Death talent again until the character uncommits Force dice, the original target is incapacitated, or the session ends. Advantage results gained in this way cannot be used to recover strain.
Essential Kill 1 Force talent. When making a combat check that does not involve either using the Gunnery skill or operating a non-starship weapon, the character may add a Force dice no greater than [their] Force rating to the check. The character may spend a Force point to add an advantage result, or three Force points to add a triumph result (character's choice), to the result. Advantage results gained in this way cannot be used to recover strain.
Mind Over Matter 1 The character may spend one Destiny Point to recover strain equal to their Willpower rating.
Dodge 1 When targeted by a combat check (ranged or melee) the character may choose to immediately perform a Dodge incidental to suffer a number of strain, then upgrade the difficulty of the combat check by that number. The number of strain suffered cannot exceed [their] ranks in Dodge.
Jump Up 1 Once per round on the character's turn, the character may stand up from prone or a seated position as an Incidental.
Targeted Blow 1 On a successful attack during combat with a non-starship/vehicle weapon, the character may spend one Destiny Point to add damage equal to [their] Agility to one hit of a successful attack.
Anatomy Lessons 1 After a successful attack with a personal (non-starship/vehicle) weapon, the character may spend one Destiny Point to add damage equal to [their] Intellect to one hit of the attack.
Sniper Shot 1 Once per round before making a non-thrown ranged attack, the character may perform a maneuver to attempt a Sniper Shot. Sniper Shot increases the maximum range of their ranged weapon up to one range band per rank. For each rank beyond the normal maximum of the weapon, upgrade the difficulty of the check by one (this is in addition to the increased difficulty of the shot due to longer range).
Uncanny Senses 1 Force Talent. The character adds a boost dice per rank of Uncanny Senses to [their] Perception checks.
Uncanny Reactions 1 Force Talent. The character adds a boost dice per rank of Uncanny Reactions to [their] Vigilance checks.
Sense Emotions 1 Force talent. The character adds a boost dice to all Charm, Coercion, and Deception checks unless the target is immune to Force powers.
Secrets of the Force 1 Knowledge (Lore) and Lightsaber become career skills for the character.
Parry 1 When the character suffers a hit from a Brawl, Melee, or Lightsaber combat check, after damage is calculated (but before soak is applied, so immediately after step 3 of Perform a Combat Check) the character may take a Parry incidental. They suffer 3 strain and reduces the damage dealt by that hit by a number equal to 2 plus their ranks in Parry. This talent may only be used once per hit and when the character is wielding a Lightsaber or Melee weapon.
Reflect 1 Force talent. When the character suffers a hit from a Ranged (Light), Ranged (Heavy), or Gunnery combat check, and after damage is calculated (but before soak is applied, so immediately after step 3 of Perform a Combat Check) they may take the Reflect incidental. They suffer 3 strain and reduce the damage dealt by a number equal to 2 plus their ranks in Reflect. This talent may only be used once per hit and when the character is wielding a Lightsaber weapon.
Renegade Form 1 Force talent. When the character purchases this talent, they choose one characteristic. They may use this characteristic in place of Brawn when making Lightsaber checks.
Tinkerer 2 The character makes one piece of equipment more modifiable. They choose one piece of equipment and increases its number of hard points by one. They can only do this once per piece of equipment, but can modify a number of pieces of equipment equal to their ranks in Tinkerer. If they lose a modified piece of equipment, they may apply Tinkerer to a new one.
Gearhead 1 The character removes a setback dice per rank of Gearhead from [their] Mechanics checks. In addition, the credit cost to add mods to attachments decreases by 50% (this does not increase with additional ranks of Gearhead).
Know Somebody 1 Once per game session, when attempting to purchase a legally available time, the character may reduce its rarity by one step per rank of Know Somebody.

Force Powers

Force Rating
The Force user espands normal visual senses through a connection to the Force.
The user may spend w/b to ignore the effects of darkness or blindness and see normally at up to medium range. This allows the user to view everything most sentients could normally be able to see on a well lit day.
Upgrade Effect
Control (fine details) Spend w/b to make out fine details on a single object within medium range
Control (microspic) Spend w/b to see microscopic details of a single object within engaged range
Control (Vigilance) When making a vigilance or perception check, make a farsight power check as part of the pool and spend w/b to gain success or advantage on the check
Control (transparent) Spend w/b to see through a single object at medium range as if it were transparent
Mastery Spend w/b,w/b. The user now can see as though from a spot within close range (PLANETARY scale) of the user's body
The character may attempt to guide, shape, and even twist the thoughts and feelings of others
Special Rule: w/b use - When guiding and shaping thoughts, only B may be used to generate negative emotions such as rage, fear, and hatred. Only W may be used to generate positive emotions such as peace, tranquility, and friendliness. Other emotions such as confusion can be generated from either.
The character may spend w/b to stress the mind of one living target he is engages with, inflicting one strain
Upgrade Effect
Magnitude Spend w/b to increase targets affected equal to Magnitude upgrades purchased
Control (Emotion/Belief) The force user may make an opposed Discipline vs. Discipline check combined with an influence power check. If the user spends w/b and succeeds on the check, he can force the target to adopt an emotional state or believe something untrue, lasting for 1 round(combat) or 5 minutes.
Range Spend w/b to increase powers range by a number of range bands equa to Range upgrades purchased





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