Middle Class Struggles
Sometimes a character comes from modest, but comfortable conditions prior to entering a life of adventure. This broad category could include anything from a skilled technician, minor political official, professional soldier, or any other lifestyle that typically involves hard work—but with the pay to make it worthwhile.
Opportunity Knocks
The simplest reason for a character to live on the fringes of society is the basic desire to grasp some opportunity or challenge oneself.
The character shows loyalty to those they serve alongside. This could be either the current group of PCs, former military buddies, or business associates.
A Score to Settle (5)
The character has always been rough-and-tumble, but somewhere along the way someone wronged them, and they never forget a debt, real or imagined. This could be as simple as someone promising them backup who then disappeared or someone bad-mouthing them in front of a prospective client. Now, the character is always looking for ways to even the score.
Criminal (5)
The character has a criminal record, or was accused of a crime (perhaps one they didn't even commit), and is somehow embroiled in the legal system. Obligation may be settled by paying ongoing legal costs, making attempts to bury evidence, or efforts to prove their innocence.
Regeneration: Whenever a Trandoshan would recover one or more wounds from natural rest or recuperation in a Bacta tank, they recover one additional wound. They do not recover one additional wound when receiving first aid or medical treatment from a character, or when using a stimpack.
Trandoshans can regrow lost limbs as well, though it usually takes at least a month before the limb is usable.
Claws: When a Trandoshan makes Brawl checks to deal damage to an opponent, they deal +1 damage and has a Critical Rating of 3.