When he applied to be a pilot for Krazy Kwinn's Shipping, Vobro thought it would be a good, steady job that allowed him to save some credits and see the galaxy, off of Pantora. What he got instead was a crazy wild ride when after 3 weeks on the job, he was given triple his usual pay to transport some goods with his transponder turned off, and take a detour through an asteroid field. At the end of the job, when the recipient of the cargo shot his co-pilot for mouthing off, did Vobro learn that Krazy Kwinn was a front for the Crimson Dawn. He flew a few cycles with them, and eventually got to walk away with all of his limbs, a know-how on the underworld, two fancy blaster pistols, and a crippling booster blue addiction. Not bad, he often muses to himself.
Addiction, value 20:
Vobro is a boostie, a colloquialism for someone who is addicted to booster blue. Flying for Krazy Kwinn's Shipping and Storage, he worked hard to make sure his shipments would get to their locations, and to dodge any unsavory types along the way.