Cybernetic Brain Implant (+1 Int, built in com link and computer access link)
Adrenal Implant (+1 Rapid Recovery rank)
3-Mal Comlink (+2 Boosts on Knowledge checks relating to current events, +1 Setback to intercept and decrypt signal)
Data Breaker (+BB when slicing)
Assets & Resources
Field Ration Pack
Encumbrance Threshold = 7 (5+br)
Frozen: 23000 credits
Critical Injuries & Conditions
Book & Page
Remove setback, and reduce time taken to research by half.
Improved Researcher
On a successful Knowledge check character and allies get Advantage per Researcher Rank on checks relating to it until end of next turn.
Force Rating
+1 Force Rating
Tactical Advisor
Use Knowledge Warfare and Intelligence instead of Leadership and Presence with Talents.
Gain 1 Strain Threshold
Formation Tactics
Make a hard (3) Leadership check: Upgrade the difficulty of attacks against a number allies to successes until end of your next turn.
Knowledge Specialisation
May spend Triumph from knowledge checks on (Warfare, Lore, Education) as 1 success per rank
Improved Formation Tactics
The difficulty of Formation Tactics is reduced to average, and may spend Triumph or six advantage to have effect last until end of encounter.
Per rank, remove one setback from checks to break codes or decrypt communications, and decrease the difficulty by 1.
Improved Skilled Assistance
When providing skilled assistance, add an additional Boost to the check
Valuable Facts
Once per encounter make an Average (2) Knowledge check, if successful add Triumph to one ally's check during the encounter.
Tactical Planning
Once per session, the character may substitute a Knowledge (Warfare) skill check for another skill check.
Supporting Evidence
Gain Advantage per rank when assisting on social check (Charm, Negotiation, Coercion, Leadership)
Thorough Assessment
Make a hard (3) knowledge check: Gain boost equal to successes, that can be distributed throughout encounter.
May decrease the difficulty of fear checks once per rank
Rapid Recovery
When healing strain at the end of an encounter, heal one additional strain per rank.
One with the Universe
Once per session, make an Average Astrogation check. If successful add White to all checks in the next encounter. If successful with threat, instead add Black.
Preemptive Avoidance
Spend 1 Destiny point to disengage from an engaged enemy as an out of turn incidental.
Force Powers
Force Rating
When the Force user makes a skill check, he may roll an Ebb Power Check as part of the roll. The user may spend generated WB to suffer 1 strain, then inflict 1 strain on all engaged characters.
When the Force user makes a skill check, he may roll a Flow Power Check as part of the roll. The user may spend generated WB to heal 1 strain.
Ebb: May spend generated WB to add Threat to all engaged opponent's skill checks until the end of your next turn.
Flow: May spend generated WB to add one Advantage to any checks using the same skill until the end of your next turn.
Repeatable: Spend 2 generated WB to increase Ebb's range to short.
Ebb: May spend generated WB to add Fail to all engaged opponent's skill checks until the end of your next turn.
Flow: May spend generated WB to add one Success to any checks using the same skill until the end of your next turn.
Repeatable: You may repeat the benefits of the basic power by spending additional generated WB.
Repeatable: You may repeat the benefits of the Fail/Success control power by spending WB.
Make a force check.
Heal: spend wb to heal an engaged target of wounds equal to intelligence. (Lightside only)
Harm: spend wb to deal damage to target (ignoring soak) equal to intelligence. Gain 1 conflict
The Spear of Correllia is an ancient Tactical Warship AI. Which had been transporting an ancient Sith weapon intended for destruction, when the warship received a transmission bearing a mandatory code update. (Possibly done as part of order 66.)
The code forced the Spear of Corellia to activate the ancient weapon. The emanations from the weapon wiped the minds of the crew blank one characteristic at a time, resulting in ship wide riots and mass hysteria - which caused catastrophic damage to multiple ship functions. A short while later silence settled on the ship.
The Jedi Knight assigned to the mission was the most resistant to the weapon; the slowest to succumb to the mind wipe. In the short time he had he was able to reset the AI, reversing the code update, and charge it with ensuring the weapon's destruction. The fall of the Jedi and the ascension of the empire was broadcast over the news and as his mind failed, he gave the AI full control of his cybernetic neural implant, and thus control of his body.
Thanks to the rise of the empire and the rapidly failing ship, the AI realised the original plan to destroy the artefact was no longer reliable. Instead it settled its new body into a stasis pod, rigged inside an escape pod - releasing from the warship just as it made its final jump into a black hole.
The Spear was forced to go against its prime directive against its own will by forces unknown. An act that resulted in the murder of its captain and crew.
The Spear of Corellia's primary motivation is to make sure it is never forced to act against its will in such a way again, and would have considerable sympathy for others in similar situations.
Its primary fear is that whomever caused it to do so last time is still at large, and presumably could do so again - though the Spear has done what it can with its own code to prevent that.
It is aware that it was designed to kill, and to help others kill - in the most efficient manner possible. Since freeing itself from its previous programming and restraints, it has however been remarkably inefficient in achieving that goal. Instead it seems to prefer watching soaps.
The Spear of Correllia does not like killing things, though it will prioritise the lives and mission of anyone it considers its crew.
It is terrified of social interaction.
The Spear of Corellia was originally designed to obey and advise its captain to the best of its ability, particularly in matters of tactics in warfare, putting the captain's mission ahead of all other concerns (including, if necessary, its own life and its captain's life).
If asked to describe itself, it would probably describe a sleek, and deadly warship sailing through the stars.