Jedi Utility Belt: 0 enc, 800cr, 8r.
- Includes: 3 days worth of rations.
Emergency Medpack.
Aquata Rebreather.
Jedi multi-Tool.
Glow rod.
- Increases encoumbrance threshold by 1.
Climbing Gear: 1 enc, 50cr, 2r.
Assets & Resources
Stimpack × 5
Restraining Bolt × 3
Shield Remote ×2 [All characteristics are 1, 3 soak, 1 melee defense, 1 ranged defense, 6 wt. Talents: Bodyguard - may suffer 1 strain as a manuvre to upgrade the difficulty of combat checks against target ally once. Abilities: Droid, Silhouette 0 (the difficulty of combat checks against any smaller target are increased by an amount equal to the difference in silhouette). ]
1770 requisition credits
Critical Injuries & Conditions
Book & Page
Jump Up
Once per turn may stand from seated or prone as an incedental.
Ataru Technique
May use Agility instead of Brawn for Lightsaber checks.
If weilding a LS weapon when hit by a melee, brawl, or Lightsaber attack, may suffer 3 strain to reduce damage by an amount equal to 2+ranks.
Saber Swarm
Perform a Saber Swarm Manuevre. Suffer 1 strain to have the next Agility - Lightsaber combat check this turn gain the Linked quality equal to Force rating during check.
Saber Throw
Take the Lightsaber Throw action. Make a Lightsaber combat check as a ranged attack at a target within meduim range, adding force dice no greater than Force rating. Must spend 1 pip and succeed to hit the target; spend 1 pip to have the weapon return to hand.
If weilding a LS weapon when hit by a ranged attack, may suffer 3 strain to reduce damage by an amount equal to 2+ranks.
Quick Draw
Once per turn may draw or holster a weapon or item as an incedental.
Force Powers
Force Rating
The force user can sense the force interacting with the world around them.
The user may spend 1 pip to sense all living things within short range (sentient and non-sentient). (May not be activated multiple times.)
The user may spend 1 pip to sense the current emotional state of one living target with whom they are engaged. (May not be activated multiple times.)
Sense's ongoing effects may be triggered one additional time per round.
Ongoing effect: Commit 1 Force die. Once per round when an attack targets the Force user, they upgrade the difficulty of the pool once. (May mot be activated multiple times.)
When using Sense's ongoing effects, upgrade the pool twice, instead of once.
The force user can move small objects via the power of the force.
The user may spend 1 pip to to move an object of silhouette 0 that is within short range up to their maximum range. The default maximum range is short range. (May not be activated multiple times.)
Ebb & Flow
The force user's actions sap power from their foe's or strengthen themselves.
Ebb: When the force user makes a skill check they may roll an Ebb power check as part of the roll. The force user may spend 1 pip to suffer 1 strain, then inflict 1 strain on all other engaged characters. (May not be activated multiple times.)
Flow: When the force user makes a skill check they may roll a Flow power check as part of the roll. The force user may spend 1 pip to heal 1 strain. (May not be activated multiple times.)
The force user may spend 1 pip to increase the amount if strain inflicted or healed by 1.
Layne was trained by Ascetic Master Seen Callin. Master Callin would spend many years travelling between various temples, many forgotten or abandoned, just to meditate there on the mysteries of the force. He would send his young padawan Layne Alarii out into the wilderness of that world to explore and meet its inhabitants. Although Layne never learned much in the way of a standard education, he did learn about people and their struggles. Perhaps as a result, over the years he developed a greater empathy towards others. In their visits to the outer rim territories, Layne witnessed a growing dissatisfaction with The Republic. He never expected war to break out. Hurried home to Coruscant the young Padawan was prepared for war. After the battle of Geonosis his master retired to teach younglings at the temple on Coruscant, and Layne was made Knight Alarii of The Jedi Order.
Layne is loyal to the Jedi, and the Republic.
Duty: (15)
Intelligence - The Jedi is often sent into CIS space to discover their plans and find out what they know.
Sabotage - The Jedi takes every opportunity to destroy CIS resources and intelligence so that they may not be used against the republic.
Jedi Knight Layne Alarii
22 Years of Age
5ft 10in
Brown hair
Verdant Green eyes
Dressed in casual clothing
Other Notes
110 xp for creation.
-30 for agility 3.
-40 for agility 4.
-30 for Force Rating 2.
-10 for lightsaber 2.
0 xp left after character creation.
+5 xp for -5 duty.
-5 xp for Quick Draw.
0 xp left after duty bonus.
+150 xp for knight level play.
-5 for Jump Up.
-10 for Ataru Technique.
-15 for Parry.
-20 for Saber Swarm.
-25 for Saber Throw.
-15 for Reflect.
-15 for Lightsaber 3.
-5 for Sense (Base).
-10 for Control (Sense) [1].
-10 for Duration (Sense).
-10 for Strength (Sense).
-5 for Move (Base).
-5 for Ebb/Flow (Base).
-10 for Strength (Ebb/Flow) [1].
0 xp left after knight level bonus.