Hollis Endell is a 23-year-old Human female from Commenor. The daughter of wealthy shipping magnates, she displayed an aptitude for piloting at a young age, and, shortly before her 17th birthday, was admitted to the Imperial Naval Academy on Prefsbelt IV. While at the Academy, she demonstrated skill at piloting TIE Fighters, and graduated top of her class at age 19. Following graduation, she was assigned to a patrol group in the Mid-Rim. 3 months into her tour of duty, the Empire seized control of her parents' shipping enterprise and executed the board of directors - including her parents. While still reeling from the shock of this news, a group of fellow new Academy graduates attempted a defection by stealing a shuttle while she was on patrol, and Hollis was ordered to shoot it down. Conflicted, she refused and was subsequently court-martialed and imprisoned. She was freed during a insurgent jailbreak, and was offered a place in the fledgling Rebel Alliance, however, she declined, and drifted to the fringe of the galaxy.
For the next year, she found work as a mercenary pilot and smuggler, and buried her feelings in drugs and alcohol. After a particularly difficult job, she was bailed out of a tough situation by Roy Siav, her parents' former personal shuttle pilot. Together, they obtained a YT-1300 Light Freighter, the Lucky Break, and joined forces with a mercenary company known as Khosari's Roughnecks, where they worked as smugglers and couriers. Having parted ways with Roy, Hollis now runs jobs for whoever pays the most. A particularly enticing job crossed her radar, and she agreed to help Gida Me with a job to lift a precious cargo from Teemo the Hutt...
+15 Bounty
- as a deserter from the Imperial Navy, not to mention the last surviving member of a family the Empire had executed, Hollis is a wanted woman.
Hollis is 23-year-old human female, standing a hair over 160 cm, with a slim, athletic build, ideal for fitting into cramped fighter cockpits. She has brown eyes and practical yet stylish brown hair.
Her arms sport several tattoos, including a partially covered up one that resembles a family crest, and a phrase in Ancient Commenorian.
She usually dresses in smuggler's garb, including a brown leather jacket with an old Clone Wars CSAR Unit patch on it. She also has a black smuggler's vest which she is very fond of. She almost always wears long sleeves to hide her tattoos.