Antipathy by actazil

Steel Hand Adept
Force and Destiny

Threshold 18
Current 13
Threshold 16
Current 9
Ranged 1
Melee 1




Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) 0
Athletics (Br) 0
Charm (Pr) 0
Coercion (Will) 0
Computers (Int) 0
Cool (Pr) X 1
Coordination (Ag) X 1 -2d6 black
Deception (Cun) 1
Discipline (Will) X 1
Leadership (Pr) 0
Mechanics (Int) 0
Medicine (Int) 0
Negotiation (Pr) 0
Perception (Cun) X 1 plus blue d6
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) 0
Piloting: Space (Ag) 0
Resilience (Br) 0 -2d6 black
Skulduggery (Cun) 0
Stealth (Ag) 0
Streetwise (Cun) 0
Survival (Cun) X 0
Vigilance (Will) 0
Brawl (Br) X 2
Gunnery (Ag) 0
Lightsaber (Br) 0
Melee (Br) X 0
Ranged: Light (Ag) 0
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) 0
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) 0
Knowledge: Lore (Int) 0
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) 0
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) 0
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) 0
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) 0


Brass Knuckles (x2)
Disorient 3
5 (1+brawn)
Neer's Gauntlet
Roll force die, gain +10/+5 crit/conflict per black point spent
5 (1+brawn)
Pierce 2, vicious 3
2+ brawn


Weapons & Armor

Armored clothing (1 soak/1 def, energy dispersion system, +2 soak on strain)
Brass knuckles
Banal Apparel
Grey imperial work suit (on yavin)
P-14 hazardous enviro suit (2 soak)
Herders gauntlets: May use force move (non attack) as a maneuver.

Personal Gear

4 Stimpack
chance cubes
Glow rod
Climbing Gear
Falsified Credentials (3 diff comptrs w/scanner, 4 diff perc.)

Assets & Resources

Gold necklace from skeleton

Banal Apparel
Grey imperial work suit (on yavin)
P-14 hazardous enviro suit (2 soak)

1 rank deception from physical sith trial fight

Critical Injuries & Conditions

daily healz (1/5)

150 deadly crit


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Iron body 2 Remove 2d6 on coordination and reslilience checks. Reduce crit rating by 1.
Acklays' scything strike 1 Gain pierce equal to force rating on brawl attacks
Swift 1 Do not suffer usual penalties for difficult terrain.
Toughened 2 Gain 2 wound threshold points
Far Strike 1 As an action, make a brawl check as a ranged attack, adding force die up to rating. Increase the range of the attack by one band for each force point spent, to a maximum of long.
Parry 1 When hit by a melee attack, suffer 3 strain to reduce damage by 2 + ranks in parry
Imp. Precision Strike 1 Once round, when inflicting melee crit, suffer 2 strain to change the result to any average crit
Sapith Sundering 1 Brawl gains sunder quality. Roll force die equal to rating, and may spend pips as advantage to activate sunder.
Precision Strike 1 Suffer 1 strain to make to change to 1 easy
Grit 2 Gain 1 soak per rank

Force Powers

Force Rating
Force move
The user can move smaller objects via the power of the force. I can spend one force point to move an object of silhouette 0 within short to maximum range. Default maximum range is short.
Upgrade Effect
Basic Power The user can move smaller objects via the power of the force. I can spend one force point to move an object of silhouette 0 within short to maximum range. Default maximum range is short.
Strength (x4) Spend 1 pip to increase silhouette of object by 1 equal to ranks in strength (3)
Range (x1) spend 1 pip to increase range equal to ranks of range
Control Make a discipline check combined with a move power check, dealing damage equal to 10 times silhouette.
Magnitude I can spend 1 pip to increase targets equal to magnitude.
Fine Control I can pull objects out of secure mountings or out of an opponents grasp.
Upgrade Effect
Basic Power When making athletics, may roll force die and spend pip(s) on success or advantage.
Control Resilience checks
Control Brawl checks


As a child my parents sold me to a slaver who bought me to the inner rim planet Eshan at 6 years old. Eshan is a planet that is know for the Echani race, and their respected martial arts style the Echani fighting style. This culture values honor in melee combat. I was groomed by my slaver, an Eshani business man by the name of Rakar. Rakar brutally trained me and tortured me to become his prodigy fighter to make money in the underground fighting pits. Over the next 11 years I excelled and made my master a lot of money. I eventually made a name for myself and garnered a huge following, and was set to participate in a big upcoming tournament. My first match I was faced against the prior years reigning champion. The previous champion was an Echani noble, Salysk, who had the best fighting trainers and tutors. The fight was close, blow for blow, however Salysk gained the upper hand and I began to lose. Knowing the consequences of losing and the torture I would endure from Rakar, I faltered and Salysk got a critical blow on me. I went out cold and woke up to Rakar screaming at me. Rakar came back and chained me up and was screaming at me, how I cost him 3,000 credits for the entry fee. His anger turned to violence, and after taking a serious beating, I got angry at him, and the force manifested in a heated gamer moment. My chains shattered, and I force threw Rakar head first into the wall, knocking him unconscious. I knew I was not long for the planet, so I stole Rakars ship and flew to a trade hub planet. I was followed by some bounty hunters and I managed to land the ship but had to abandon it to escape the bounty hunters. For the following 3 years I spent my time as a hired body guard/ mercenary to various merchants and smugglers. Due to not needing a weapon, I am highly valued for the protection I bring into meetings and gatherings where weapons are not allowed. During this time there has been numerous attempts by bounty hunters to capture me, but I always managed to evade or defend myself.


I am largely unemotional, and maintain a strong control of my body, mind and spirit. Showing emotion is a weakness in and out of combat that my opponents can take advantage of. I never felt like I was even close to tapping into my potential, and I felt confined by the limits of arena fighting. I spent the last 2 years trying to tap into my force abilities training in my off time in underground fighting rings, but I have struggled to tease my force abilities out while in my emotionless state. My main motivation is to push the boundaries of my abilities to new levels.


Due to the torture, manipulation and slavery I was subjugated to growing up, I have never known love, and all I have ever known is combat. And the one thing that brought value to my life was to find success in combat, as that is the only time Rakar would show affection to me. I have a rigid view of morality, and recognize that the powerful take from the weak. Thus it is my best interest to be the most powerful in whatever room I am in. I have little empathy for others, as all I have ever known is misery, and I believe that it is the natural state of life. I will not choose to help others unless if I have something to gain.

I have the conviction emotional strength and the obstinacy weakness. I make quick decisions and see them through without hesitating. Believing in personal action and the abilities to achieve ones goals, this character never gives up on a task. Once I become determined about something, no one can dissuade or reason with them. I believe that to change my mind or cause is to show weakness, even if a situation has altered or become hopeless.


To the Echani, battle is the purest form of expression. You never know someone truly until you have sparred with them. Hand to hand combat was so deeply entrenched in their society that the Echani were said to be able to anticipate their opponent’s move before they happened.

Lord Jean Astoris believed that none outside the Echani could match their abilities. So it was a great surprise to see such skill from a brawling slave at an outer rim market. He purchased the young Mikkian immediately sensing in her great potential—both for battle and for profit. He honed her raw talent into deadly skill, training her in the Echani martial arts.

In the fighting pits of Bengali, the young gladiator known as Antipathy made her master a rich man.

But her gifts were growing with every match, and she could feel something building inside her. Power combined with hatred is a dangerous thing, and one night the slave, now a young woman, snapped. She lashed out against her master, sending him flying across the room without laying a finger on him. As he lay in a daze, she ran.

Finding the doors strangely and luckily unbarred, she fled his estate and escaped Bengali forever. But Lord Astoris, humiliated and stripped of his prize fighter, would not let her escape without a fight. Every day the bounty on Antipathy grows higher, and more and more hunters take up the call to find her and bring her “home”.

Other Notes

birth name was not Antipathy, but rather Azera by my birthparents.
Conflict 9
Morality 46

Cad Bane has picked up my bounty.
Cora-Lady droid in charge in Igora city on Maroe
Savant- the big boss of the group. Shipment came from Belesar
Doma Pellian- Zigerian smuggler contact of Savant. Kobe and Torogo is their copilot.
Ossus-Duxen- The collector's datapad says there is holocrons on each of these planets.
Yulenick Itclaw- Kumasian refugee effort leader at Alderaan (Former Jedi)
Crimson Dawn- Archis Krant, captain, Spite first mate droid. Blaan, gunner

Aratera- Virgil Meritus jedi master. Message: turn around and leave Aratera in peace. No more war. Anticipated bad results from purge. Researcher, studying force/ruins. Holocron- Nomi Sunrider

Looking to Buy
Refined Cortosis Gauntlets (1000 rarity 7) OR shield gauntlets (1500 rarity 7)

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