Rule of Law: There is nothing more important than the rule of law, and the Bounty Hunter is sworn to protect it. As a registered Bounty Hunter, the character is an extension of galactic law and works strictly to uphold it.
Dutybound (40)
Ever the consummate professional, the Bounty Hunter has traveled to the Elrood Sector to track a notorious criminal that is on the run. Newly arrived in the Sector, the Bounty Hunter has made contact with the local chapter of the Bounty Hunters Guild in order to procure the necessary supplies, ammunition, and sundries that will be needed to end their hunt once and for all. Having already spent months tracking their quarry, the Bounty Hunter is aware that this hunt may very well make or break their career as a reputable Hunter.
A newly minted Bounty Hunter, this Hunter formerly apprenticed under a well known Hunter in the Core Worlds. Having learned all they could from their mentor, this young Hunter took a lower level contract to begin their career as a Bounty Hunter. Unexpectedly, their quarry turned out to be more evasive that originally expected. The Bounty Hunter has expended what assets and resources they had just to reach the Elrood Sector.