Can use Agility instead of Brawl for lightsaber. Breach 1, Sunder
Weapons & Armor
Basic Lightsaber
Armored Robes
Personal Gear
Assets & Resources
Critical Injuries & Conditions
Book & Page
Adversary - 3
Upgrade the difficulty of any combat check targeting this character once per rank of Adversary.
Ataru Technique
When making a check using the Lightsaber skill, the character may use Agility instead of Brawn.
Intense Focus
Perform an Intense Focus maneuver; suffer 1 strain and upgrade the ability of the next skill check once.
Parry - 4
When hit by a melee attack, suffer 3 strain to reduce damage by 2 plus ranks in Parry.
Force Powers
Force Rating
As an action, the Inquisitor may spend φ to move one silhouette 0 object within short range to another location within short range. If successful, he may spend φφ to deal damage equal to Willpower with a critical rating of 4, dealing one additional damage per ☼. The Inquisitor may spend φ to increase the range by one range band, may spend φ to increase the silhouette of the object by 1, and may spend φ to increase the number of objects he may move at one time by two (all upgrades may be activated multiple times). Additionally, he may hurl an object at opponents making a Discipline check with a difficulty equal to the silhouette of the object. If successful, the attack deals damage equal to the silhouette times 10 (silhouette 0 objects deal 5 damage), plus one for each ☼. To hurl multiple objects, the Inquisitor must generate enough φ to move each object, and use Auto-Fire rules.