My whole life I have loved seeing all the machinery surrounding me growing up in Coronet. Seeing the how the circuits, pistols, wire, gyro's, gears, couplings and more would bring to life everything from the small MSE-6 droids to the massive CEC Star Destroyers. I would often dream of being part droid part Chadra-Fan. I would often act like my favorite cartoon spy "00-729". Early in my young adult life I started to use the, natural cuteness and likeableness of my race to my advantage. I would use it to deceive my targets so I could steal from them. One day I got a hold of a datapad and some slicing gear and feel in love with the wonderful places the Holonet would take me, oh yeah and what I could steal.
It wasn't long till I was picked up by local talent agency called the "Pyke Syndicate", yeah you might have heard of them. Anyways after a few jobs and some nice upgrades I was able to install some nice cybernetics hidden underneath my think fur. Along with that almost all the slicing gear my body can take on, I am more machine than man now...…
Obligation: 10
The Price of a Name - Being a spy has never been an easy job for me. Here I am wanting to make a name for myself but have to live a life of mystery and shroud's of darkness. Every job I do I always leave my signature "Spy" Name, Shadow Runner. If you have heard of me it either I have did my job and I am famous or I didn't cover up good enough.....