Gideon Harlock by OrpheusGK

Sharpshooter, Clone Pilot
Edge of the Empire

Threshold 14
Current 0
Threshold 17
Current 0
Ranged 3
Melee 1

Placeholder Image




Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) 0
Athletics (Br) X 1
Charm (Pr) 0
Coercion (Will) X 2
Computers (Int) 0
Cool (Pr) X 0
Coordination (Ag) 0
Deception (Cun) 0
Discipline (Will) 1 +1b
Leadership (Pr) X 0
Mechanics (Int) X 0
Medicine (Int) X 1
Negotiation (Pr) 0
Perception (Cun) X 3 +1b/+2b (Mikkian+Armour/ +2b applies to detect movement or hidden enemies) )
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) X 0
Piloting: Space (Ag) X 3
Resilience (Br) 0
Skulduggery (Cun) 0
Stealth (Ag) 0
Streetwise (Cun) 0
Survival (Cun) X 0
Vigilance (Will) X 1 (Armour)
Brawl (Br) X 0
Gunnery (Ag) X 2 Upgrade twice with Aegis.
Lightsaber (Br) 0
Melee (Br) X 0
Ranged: Light (Ag) X 0
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) X 3 +1b (accurate), -1 Black
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) 0
Knowledge: Lore (Int) 0
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) 0
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) 0
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) X 1
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) 0


Ranged: Heavy
Accurate 1, Pierce 3, Cumbersome 2, Stun Setting. Custom Grip (-1k) Enchanced Xciter: Crit Rating -1, Pierce 3, 2 despairs can be used to explode the weapon causing a critical on wielder.
A280CFE - Rifle Mode
Ranged: Heavy
Stun Setting, Accurate 1, Pierce 1
A280CFE - Pistol Mode
Ranged: Light
Stun Setting
Shield Gauntlet
Deflection 2, Stun Damage, Disorient 1, Knockdown. | Combat Tested (+1b to Discipline)
VES-700 Pulse Rifle
Ranged: Heavy
Blast 6, Stun Setting
Dart Gun - Integrated with CyberArm
Ranged: Light
Pierce 1, Limmited Ammo 1


Weapons & Armor


* Option 1: HBR w/ Custom Grip (Accurate 1), Weapon Sling (Cumbersome -1, Quick Draw), Enchanced XCiter (-1 to Crit rating, modded for Pierce 3). Refluffed to have an extendable stock. (Enc 6)

* Option 2: A280-CFE Convertible Heavy Blaster Pistol, no mods. Takes a maneuver (paid to fix) to change from pistol to rifle. (Enc 3)

* Option 3: VES-700 Rifle (Enc 4)

* Shield Gauntlet w/ unmodded Combat Tested attachment (Enc 1)
Total carried enc:
Option 1: 5
Option 2: 4



* Heavy Robes refluffed as half-cape (Defense 1, Worn, Enc 0)
* Modded Laminate Armour:
** Superior Armour Customization (+1 Soak, -1Encumbrance)
** Vacuum Sealed (Ignore effects of vacuum/poisonous environments for 10 minutes)
** OmniScan 3 (intergrated general purpose scanner, adds +1 b to detect movement, hidden enemies | Modded for +1 Perception)
** Squad Tactical Systems (Gain a blue in Perception & Vigilance when in medium range of others with the same system | Modded for +1 in Perception & Vigilance)
** Multi-Band Comlink (Intergrates long-range comlink)

Superior Customization incorporated Breath Mask and Scanner Goggles in a modular helmet design.


- CyberArm (+1 Agility, Hidden compartment to hold integrated Dart Gun, 3p Perception check to locate)

- Surge Override Switch (Allows for a 2p Discipline check to reactivate disabled cybernetic - this implant is immune to being disabled)

Personal Gear

Comlink (Enc 0)
Datapad (Enc 1)
Breath Mask (Enc 1)
Scanner Goggles (Enc 0)
Extra Reload (Enc 1)
Backpack (Enc Threshold +4)
Stimpack x4 (Enc 0)
Total carried enc: 3



* a megaphone disc attached to his belt and connected to the breath mask (150 credits, allows Scathing Tirade to be used at Medium Range by increasing difficulty by 1 and burning 2 advantages to activate)

Assets & Resources

Lethal professionalism with a reputation to match.

Remedy: an RMD-20 "Eye in the Sky" droid.

Critical Injuries & Conditions

None so far.


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Lethal Blows 2 Core PASSIVE: +10 per rank of Lethal Blows to any Critical Injury rolls inflicted on opponents.
True Aim 2 Core MANEUVER: Once per round, before the character makes a ranged attack, he may perform a True Aim maneuver. By performing this maneuver, the character gains all the benefits for aiming and also upgrades his attack roll once per rank of True Aim.
Sniper Shot 1 Core AoR MANEUVER: Once per round before making a non-thrown ranged attack, the character may perform a maneuver to attempt a Sniper Shot. Sniper Shot increases the maximum range of his ranged weapon up to one range band per rank. For each rank beyond the normal maximum of the weapon, upgrade the difficulty of the check by one (this is in addition to the increased difficulty of the shot due to longer range).
Deadly Accuracy 1 Core PASSIVE: [RANGED-HEAVY] Each time the character gains a rank of Deadly Accuracy, he must choose one combat skill. The character may add his ranks in that combat skill as additional damage to one hit of a successful attack made with that skill with non-starship/vehicle weapons. He cannot choose the same combat skill twice.
Dedication 2 Core PASSIVE: [AGILITYx2] +1 to a characteristic.
Toughened 1 Core PASSIVE: +2 to Wounds Threshold
Grit 3 Core PASSIVE: +1 to Strain Threshold
Let's Ride 1 Rise of the Seps/Clone Pilot Tree Incidental: Once per round, mount or dismount vehicle/beast or enter cockpit/weapon station in a vehicle as an incidental.
High-G Training 2 Rise of the Seps/Clone Pilot Tree OOT INCIDENTAL: When the pilot of a vehicle/starship, may trade System Strain for Character Strain up to the ranks of this talent.
Fire Support 2 Rise of the Seps/Clone Pilot PASSIVE: After PC makes succesful combat check with vehicle weapon, next ally to make a check gains 1 Blue/rank.
Natural Operator 1 Rise of the Seps/Clone Pilot INCIDENTAL: Once per session, PC can reroll one Piloting(Planetary/Space) check.
Assault Drop 1 Rise of the Seps/Clone Pilot INCIDENTAL: Once per session while PC pilots vehicle/ship: All passengers onboard or allies engaged w/ vehicle, may immediately disembark/embark as an OOT-INCIDENTAL.


Gideon Harlock is the progeny of a family of affluent Mikkian traders, the youngest sibling out of 5. He was afforded excellent schooling from an early age. He was quickly fascinated with the judicial systems and separations of power, along with military history. This background led him to believe that the political system of the Republic around him was rife with corruption and a strong sense of ethics and honour (a pillar of Mikkian society) would do wonders to rectify the Republic's failings.

With slim chances of inheriting the family business, he was allowed to pursue a career relevant to his interests, his parents expecting him to follow an academic career in law. Little did they know that Gideon became a well-provisioned bounty hunter, aiming for criminals evading justice and assisting the authorities in matters he though just.

With the onset of the Clone Wars, young Harlock was approached and swayed by the Separatists (who wanted to staff their officer corps with mercenaries and bounty hunters) with arguments about the Republic's heavy-handed and unfair taxing policies, favouring the core worlds almost to exclusion and perverting its own ideals. It didn't take long before the Separatists' war machine showed its true colours under General Grievous. Gideon was disgusted by the atrocities committed from both sides, but his strong Mikkian sense of duty meant he was loath to desert and the reasons for the war as a leverage to fix an unfair taxing system still resonated true.

Fate had other, much more interesting plans. As if overnight, the Republic won and transformed to a far more oppressive regime: the Empire. For Gideon, the war never ended. His efforts for the Republic to heed its own ideals suddenly looked as if infinitesimal, with the balance swinging in the other direction entirely. He returned to his bounty hunting ways, but he almost immediately started getting involved with resistance cells, smuggling bacta and intelligence, using his bounty hunting license as a cover for travelling freely between various systems. He progressively took a more active role after the destruction of Alderaan and helped establish the base on Yavin 4. After the battle of Yavin he trained under the newly defected Crix Madine, being an early member of the Alliance's Special Forces. He took part in several missions with an overall focus of gathering and retrieving intelligence, extraction of assets and logistics disruption, often being seconded to non-SpecForce squads.

After the Battle of Endor, Gideon turned down the offer to stay in the New Republic's military, wanting to avoid a peacekeeping position that might place him in conflict with his ideals. Instead he took up the bounty hunting profession again, supplemented with an excellent reputation with the New Republic authorities, keeping him busy with contracts from their judicial system, from war criminals of the Imperial Remnant, to hardened lawbreakers.


Code: Live Capture (No Disintegrations pg. 37)

Harlock didn't fight the Empire only to exterminate the Republic's citizens and not all crimes should be punished with death in his eyes. Whenever possible, he tries to bring in a mark alive.


+5 for 1000 credits: Vigilante

His well-placed contacts in the New Republic mean that Harlon always has a contract that satisfies his sense of justice and honour. On the other hand, it also means that he has made quite a few enemies from ex-cons and gangs.


Early 40s, 1.95m. Tatoos on right arm indicating his affiliation with Rebel Alliance and SpecForce.

"The tall and lean figure of a purple male Mikkian drops from above and lands gracefully [...]. His confident strides in his black boots, the military-grade silver knee pads, the heavy-duty blue pants and the enlarged black holster holding a modded rifle with a collapsed stock spelled trouble. The dark grey padded riot armour, the visible tattoo of vertical bars circling the upper right arm, the diagonal black harness and the attached silver pauldron with the Rebel Alliance’s symbol in azure only accented said trouble, with competency. This guy was ex-SpecForce and he made sure everyone seeing him knew it. The appearance was carefully cultivated to radiate a deadly air of professionalism, which clearly went a long way amongst his peers in the bounty hunting business."

Other Notes

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