This Rodian has been placed in charge of
shipboard security. He claims to have some
knowledge of the systems within Moff
Sarne's Kathol sector from years as a free-
trader in this area.
His experience gives him some insights
into the various settlements and cultures in
the sector, and might offer some contacts
which may be able to help the FarStar.
Khzam spends much of his time on the
FarStar's bridge, overseeing operations, and
is often near Ciro and Adrimetrum to offer
suggestions or alternative strategies when
He seems to be mindful of the crew's
needs and safety - Captain Clro often asks
Khzam to comment and critique his ideas in
certain situations.
Khzam is a peculiar individual, and has a
multitude of odd behaviors. He avoids
physical contact with others, to the point
where he refuses to engage in hand-to-hand
The Rodian is also mindful of how close
others come to him. A sure way to upset him
is to invade his "personal space" by coming
more than half a meter close to him. He is
fond of telling others "Kozak lo neetska“ -
"keep to your own space."
His attitude seems condescending
regarding other aliens, especially those
species officially enslaved by the Empire.
Khzam is very careful around these aliens
and avoids them when he can. He's often
looking over his shoulder, as if someone's
stalking him. Khzam is slow to offer
information or advice unless directly asked.
At times, it seems as if he wants to voice his
opinions, but he suppresses them until
Khzam is cool and calculating, and always
seems to be looking for a way out of any
situation he is in if things start to turn sour.