The Down and Out:
The player may decide that the character comes from humble or hardscrabble beginnings. Characters from this type of background strive to better themselves and do their utmost to escape their plight. The character either trains incessantly, picking up knowledge any way that they can, or simply is tough and resourceful enough to go out on their own.
Freedom: The character desires to see others freed from the shackles of bondage and servitude in all its forms.
For some reason, the character has a price on their head. This may be in the form of a legal warrant or a contract by criminals, collection agencies, or even someone who felt their honor violated in some way. What they did to earn this mark is up to their background, and the severity of their actions can be based on the size of their Obligation.
Xell was born into slavery, being used as labour in a spice mine on Tatooine.
As Xell reached his teens, he came up with a plan to allow him and all his fellow labourers to escape and be free. The plan worked, but at a cost... he was the only one who made it out alive. And so, with nothing and no one left, he wandered Tatooine - moving from town to town to try to redeem himself for what couldn't do: save the people he cared about. So he became a freelance detective, helping those in need. But he would always leave as quick as he came, and he became sort of an urban legend around the towns.