Allu'rani is a Darian Twi'lek born in a suburb of Lessu to two fairly affluent parents. Her mother was a nurse in a local hospital, while her father was a rather prominent local politician. Her childhood was fairly normal, at least, by human standards. By Twi'lek standards, Allu'rani was pampered. When she graduated from secondary school, she attended University in Lessu, studying medicine to follow in her mother's footsteps.
When the Empire occupied Ryloth several years before the Battle of Yavin, Allu'rani and her parents escaped the occupation and sought refuge on Ando. They lived in relative peace for a few months before a bounty hunter found them and captured her father. Allu'rani and her mother fled Ando, making their way to Bothawui.
It was during their time on Bothawui that Allu'rani decided to join the Rebellion. Having heard stories of Rebel victories, and having seen first hand the honor and nobility the Rebellion embodied, she felt she had no choice. Her mother stayed on Bothawui, preferring the peace and tranquility the planet offered.