If Vol's silver eyes did not give him away as a strong Force user early on, throwing a boulder through the wall of his home certainly did. The joy of realizing his true strength quickly subsided upon seeing his sister crying, her legs trapped under the stone. Before he ever had a chance to apologize for the damage he caused, Vol was taken to the Baran Do Sages for training. The Sages taught Vol how to maintain discipline and inner peace, but Vol refused to try using any of his powers for fear of injuring another. Having taught him all they could, the Sages called upon the Jedi to take Vol in to continue his training. Vol arrived at a temple on fire. Before he could step from the ship, the doors slammed shut again and he was whisked off to meet other young Force sensitives fleeing the destruction.
Force Connection
Despite his unwillingness to use the Force, Vol finds great peace in being connected to the Force. During his meditations, Vol seeks to deepen his connection to the Force while furthering his understanding of it.
Magnitude: 50
Strength: Discipline
Weakness: Intolerance
After seeing his powers harm someone he loves, Vol refuses to use any Force powers for fear of hurting another. He believes that if he is able to master discipline over himself, he'll be able to master control of his Force powers. Vol cannot stand seeing others wield their powers in a carefree manner, believing they cannot properly control them without the level of discipline he pursues.
Vol is a 14 year old Kel Dor. He is small for his age, a fact accentuated by his robes that appear to swallow him up. A metallic rebreather and lenses dominate Vol's face, flashes of which can be seen under his hood.