Padawaan Narru'Hoth Vukaal by Scioness

Kel Dor
Arbiter, Nimaan Disciple, Rigger, (Ataru Striker, Starfighter Ace)
Force and Destiny

Threshold 10
Current 0
Threshold 10
Current 0
Ranged 0
Melee 0




Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) 0
Athletics (Br) 0
Charm (Pr) 0
Coercion (Will) 0
Computers (Int) 0
Cool (Pr) X 1
Coordination (Ag) 0
Deception (Cun) 0
Discipline (Will) X 1
Leadership (Pr) X 0
Mechanics (Int) X 0
Medicine (Int) 0
Negotiation (Pr) X 1
Perception (Cun) X 0
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) 0
Piloting: Space (Ag) 0
Resilience (Br) X 0
Skulduggery (Cun) 0
Stealth (Ag) 0
Streetwise (Cun) 0
Survival (Cun) 0
Vigilance (Will) 0
Brawl (Br) 0
Gunnery (Ag) X 0
Lightsaber (Br) X 1
Melee (Br) 0
Ranged: Light (Ag) 0
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) 0
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) X 2
Knowledge: Lore (Int) X 1
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) 0
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) X 0
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) 0
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) X 0

Weapons & Armor

Personal Gear

Assets & Resources

Critical Injuries & Conditions


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Parry 2 When hit by a melee attack, suffer 3 strain to reduce damage by 2 plus ranks in Parry.
Reflect 1 When hit by a ranged attack, suffer 3 strain to reduce damage by 2 plus ranks in Reflect
Grit 1 Gain +1 strain threshold.
Toughened 1 Gain +2 wound threshold.
Nobody's Fool 1 May upgrade difficulty of incoming Charm, Coercion, or Deception checks once per rank of Nobody’s Fool.
Nimaan Technique 1 When making a Lightsaber skill check, the character may use Willpower instead of Brawn.
Defensive Training 2 When wielding a Lightsaber, Melee, or Brawl weapon, the weapon gains the Defensive quality with a rating equal to ranks in Defensive Training.
Gearhead 1 Remove Setback per rank of Gearhead from Mechanics checks. Halve the credit cost to add mods to attachments.
Larger Project 1 Signature Vehicle can have a silhouette 1 larger per rank of Larger Project.
Signature Vehicle 1 Choose one starship or vehicle as Signature Vehicle. Upgrade all Mechanics checks made on that vehicle once.
Fancy Paint Job 1 Upgrade all Charm, Deception, and Negotiation checks made in the presence of Signature Vehicle once.
Tuned Maneuvering Thrusters 1 Increase the handling of Signature Vehicle by 1 per rank of Tuned Maneuvering Thrusters
Bolstered Armor 1 Increase the armor value of Signature vehicle by 1 per rank of Bolstered Armor.





Other Notes

Dark Vision: Remove up to 2 setback dice imposed due to darkness.
Atmospheric Requirement: Must wear a breathing mask to breath and see outside their native environment. Oxygen is a rating 8 toxic atmosphere. Can survive in vacuum for up to 5 minutes.

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