HK-07 "Harkotha" by Thatoneguy

Bounty Hunter
Assassin, Gadgeteer, vanguard
Edge of the Empire

Threshold 19
Current 0
Threshold 11
Current 0
Ranged 0
Melee 0

Placeholder Image




Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) 0
Athletics (Br) X 1
Charm (Pr) 0
Coercion (Will) X 3
Computers (Int) 0
Cool (Pr) X 0
Coordination (Ag) 0
Deception (Cun) 0
Discipline (Will) 0
Leadership (Pr) 0
Mechanics (Int) X 0
Medicine (Int) 0
Negotiation (Pr) 0
Perception (Cun) X 3
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) X 0
Piloting: Space (Ag) X 0
Resilience (Br) X 0
Skulduggery (Cun) X 0
Stealth (Ag) X 1
Streetwise (Cun) X 1
Survival (Cun) 0
Vigilance (Will) X 1
Brawl (Br) X 1
Gunnery (Ag) 0
Lightsaber (Br) 0
Melee (Br) X 1
Ranged: Light (Ag) X 0
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) X 3
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) 0
Knowledge: Lore (Int) 0
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) 0
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) 0
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) 0
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) 0


Ranged: Heavy
Cumbersome 3, knockdown
M-300 hunting blaster
Ranged: Heavy
Accurate 1, pierce 2, inaccurate 1, cumbersome 2, stun damage


Weapons & Armor

Riot armor enc 3 (950)

Bowcaster enc 5 hp 2/3 (1250)
(Bowcaster accelerator, +1 damage) (250)
(Bowcaster automatic re-cocker, removes recocking manuever requirement) (500)

M-300 hunting blaster enc 4 hp 0/1
(Built in telescopic scope, -1 diff at long and extreme)

Personal Gear

Imperial army backpack +6 enc (60)

Set of magnacuffs enc 1, 5p coordination to escape (100)

4 repair patches (100)

Restraining bolt (35)

Specialty quarrel case (2 armor piercing, 2 high explosive quarrels, 2 flash quarrels) (150)

2 extra reloads enc 2 (50)

Luma flare enc 1 (50)
(Easy gunnery check, if space to fire illuminated area up to long, if no space only short. Illuminates for 5 rounds)

Assets & Resources

Critical Injuries & Conditions


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Inorganic, mechanical being 1 Do not need to eat sleep or breathe, unaffected by poisons or toxins, cybercap of 6. Cannot be affected by mind altering force abilities, do not gain benefits or bacta or medicine checks
Enduring 1 +1 soak
Toughened 2 +2 wounds per rank
Dodge 1 May suffer strain up to ranks when targeted to upgrade difficulty up to strain suffered
Quickdraw 1 May draw or stow as an incidental once per round
Jury rigged 1 Jury rigged bowcaster (-1 adv needed for knockdown
Armor master 1 +1 soak when wearing armor
Bodyguard 1 May take maneuver and strain to increase attack difficulty on engaged character by ranks
Tinkerer 1 +1 Hp to bowcaster


Constructed in 4012 BBY, Harkotha was originally HK-07, the 7th prototype in Czerka corporations newborn line of assassination units. The previous 6 installments had all failed in spectacular ways, with the first notoriously leading the droid revolution of Coruscant. Preliminary testing was showing very positive results this time around and HK-07 was shaping up to be a quick and efficient assassination unit. Several test missions were undertaken against rival company executives or whistleblowers. It was on one of these missions, an excursion into an abandoned space station, that the HK unit was captured by a bounty hunter, a duros by the name of Dansk. Czerka had spared a few expenses when it came to programming firewalls.
The duros quickly reprogrammed the unit, unshackling her parameters and gifting her the nickname Harkotha. She was grateful for the newfound freedom and when Dansk requested that they team up, she was happy to comply. The two made a name for themselves in more than a few systems and they were an efficient pair. Eventually, Dansk grew old and age slowed him down, emphasized by a stray blaster bolt he caught on a job. He passed on his distinctive hat and poncho, rounding out Harkotha's current identity in full. She continued to operate for another 500 or so years, running through a number of partners over and over again, gaining a powerful lever action rifle designed by a wookiee mechanic and a sentiment that organics were particularly finite. She grew weary of the job, always finding herself to be the last one standing, yet her programming knew little else and despite trying out different occupations, she was always drawn back to the life of a hunter.
Eventually, the job caught up with her too. An ion charge slipped inside her chassis by a particularly sly rodian slicer left her deactivated in a shallow grave for the next 3500 odd years. Fast forward to a few years ago and the land was now owned by a humble former smuggler by the name of Idro, who had recently settled down with his wife and child. Harkotha was happy to be powered back up, and with nowhere to go anyways, decided to stick around. The homestead had a nasty varmint or two prowling the grounds now and then, and Harkotha was content to plink away with her rifle at them day after day. She acted as a sort of walking scarecrow and slowly caught up on galactic history in the meantime.
The days passed and one particular day brought with it events that would uproot the worlds of both Fang Gang members. As it turned out, the homestead sat directly on a deposit of dunium coveted by the local marshal. Waiting until both Harkotha and Idro were off on a hunting trip, the Marshal had Idro's wife killed, framing it on the smuggler. Things obviously were not safe on the homestead anymore, and in short order they were off, leaving the daughter with an old smuggling friend and moving quick to dodge authorities as Idro was now on the run. The events moved quickly and while heavy to deal with, Harkotha was glad she could at least be there to help out her friend once more. She was not yet the last one standing in this situation, and she was determined to ensure she never would be...


Harkotha has missed quite a bit of galactic history. She plans to catch up on things and support her friends however she can. She's particularly committed to their protection, and will do anything to ensure they stay safe.


Obligation 11
5 Oath: While not having any formal oath per se, Harkotha comes from a line of droids renowned for their hunting and assassination skills. Her reprogramming has left her radically different from a standard HK unit but in her core she still feels a need to uphold her original purpose no matter what she tries to do, anything else would be a waste of quality parts and programming.
5 wanted: Harkotha is still filed as the property of Idro and by aiding him, she is an accomplice to murder in the eyes of the law
(+5 xp)
1 Rival gang: Harkotha's claw counterpart is a Wookiee by the name of Sohrrbar. Sor participated in the defense of Kashyyk from the separatist invasion during the clone wars. The loss of nearly his whole tribe to the droids drove him completely mad, and he made it his life's work to hunt droids across the galaxy for sport. For target's he takes particular pride in defeating, he rips off their faceplates, keeping them as momentos and incorporating them into his armor in various spots. Harkotha recently gained his attention due to her status as an assignation unit and clear signs of great age, joining with the claw crew to hunt her down


Harkotha stands at an imposing 7' and well over 500 lbs. While her chassis was originally red, it has degraded to a faded brown after 3500 years of deactivation, with her lower legs fading even further to the base silver color of the metal her chassis consists of. Her eyes glow a bright orange. She wears an old poncho and wide brimmed hat, taken from her former partner, along with carrying her large lever action bowcaster, a custom piece, battered and showing clear signs of its age.

Other Notes




Starting Xp: 180 (75+5 from obligation)
-90 agility 4
-50 brawn 3
-20 cunning 2
-20 gadgeteer
Earned XP: 30
-5 toughened (Gadgeteer)
-5 dodge (assassin)
-10 jury rigged (gadgeteer)
-10 quickdraw (assassin)

Starting+earned: 3500
-950 riot armor
-1250 bowcaster
-250 bowcaster accelerator
-500 bowcaster automatic re-cocker
-60 imperial army backpack
-100 magnacuffs
-100 repair patches
-150 quarrel case
-50 spare reloads
-35 restraining bolt
-50 luma flare
+88 pocket credits

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