When using long rest or bacta to heal wounds, heal another wound. May regenerate limbs, taking at least a month to be usable.
Brawl checks deal +1 damage to opponent with critical rating of 3.
Multiple Opponents
Add a Boost to Lighstaber, Brawl, and Melee checks when engaged with more than one opponent.
Quick Draw
As an incidental, draw or holster a weapon once per round.
Sum Djem
May spend Triumph or 2 Advt to disarm an opponent on a successful attack check.
When hit by a melee strike, suffer 3 strain to reduce damage by 2 plus ranks in Parry.
Pestilent Bite/Scratch
An organic target must make a 4p Resilience chceck. If failed, that are infected with a "wasting" disease. Strain and Wound threshold is lowered by 4. Must keep making the check every 24 hours until death. If the target beats the check at any point, they are cured. Death from infection and while infeced will make the target rise again in undeath.
Vampire Regeneration
At the beginning of its turn, this adversary automatically heals 3 wounds, unless it is in direct sunlight
Undead: Does not need to breathe, eat, or drink, and can survive underwater; immune to poisons and toxins. Cannot use the Force.
Vampire's Embrace
A vampire that Ensnares its target with its Claws attack may spend 2 Advantage or Triumph to make a Bite attack against the target. If the bite attack is successful, the vampire heals damage equal to the damage inflicted after soak
Once seen by any organic characters, the targets must make a 4p Fear check.
Force Powers
Force Rating
The character can hurl objects by making a Move power check and rolling a ranged attack as part of the pool. The attack’s difficulty is equal to the silhouette of the object being thrown (default is silhouette 0) and only succeeds if they can also spend enough Force points to move the object. The attack deals damage equal to the object’s silhouette times 10 (silhouette 0 deals 5 damage) plus 1 per success net . To throw multiple objects, they must generate enough Force points to move multiple objects, and must use rules for Auto-Fire to determine difficulty and targeting.
Disciples of the Prime Jedi, these beings set out to Naboo thousands of years ago. Their aim was to establish a temple to further the practice of the Prime Jedi. However, the dark power of Naboo slowly corrupted them, and they warred with the local Gungans. Eventually, the Prime Jedi caught word of their actions, and came down to slaughter them all. The few that remain were encased in cryo-freeze, and awake today, far flung into the future...
"Elders" are a reptilian race of beings with wide, snake-eyes, flat noses, and scaly lips. Their skin is a pale yellow-green, and they less stocky than Trandoshans, of which they share the closest DNA similarities.