Myth Erand by Mytherand

Edge of the Empire

Threshold 18
Current 15
Threshold 16
Current 0
Ranged 1
Melee 0

Placeholder Image




Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) 0
Athletics (Br) X 2
Charm (Pr) 0
Coercion (Will) 0
Computers (Int) X 3
Cool (Pr) 0
Coordination (Ag) X 2
Deception (Cun) 3
Discipline (Will) 3
Leadership (Pr) 0
Mechanics (Int) X 6
Medicine (Int) 0
Negotiation (Pr) 0
Perception (Cun) X 2
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) 0
Piloting: Space (Ag) X 0
Resilience (Br) 2
Skulduggery (Cun) X 5
Stealth (Ag) X 5
Streetwise (Cun) 0
Survival (Cun) 0
Vigilance (Will) X 2
Brawl (Br) 0
Gunnery (Ag) 0
Lightsaber (Br) 0
Melee (Br) 0
Ranged: Light (Ag) X 6
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) 0
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) X 1
Knowledge: Lore (Int) 0
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) 0
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) 0
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) 0
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) 0


Weapons & Armor

Myth's "Smooth Criminal" Blaster Pistol (Energy Weapon) Dmg 8 (+15) Crit 3 (+40 crit) Superior, Accurate 1, Pierce 2 !roll [ppppppabbbdd][a]

Customizable Armor, 1 enc, +2 adv to Stealth, +1 rng Def, Aquatic sealed, vacuum sealed enhanced optics suite, superior, optical camo system( +2 upgrade to Stealth)

Personal Gear

Myth's "Smooth Criminal" Blaster Pistol (Energy Weapon) Dmg 8 (+5) Crit 3 (+40 crit) Superior, Accurate 1, Pierce 2, !roll [ppppppabbbdd][a]

Myth's "Innocent Scoundrel" Blaster Pistol DMG 8 (+5), Crit 3 (+40 Crit) Rakatan Upgrade Module (Superior Quality) Pierce 2, Accurate 1 !roll [ppppppabbbdd][a]

Myth's "Smooth Criminal" Blaster Pistol (Energy Weapon) Dmg 8 (+5) Crit 3 (+40 crit) Superior, Accurate 1, Pierce 2, Quick Strike 2, Dual Blasters (+2 Boost) !roll [ppppppbbbbbddd][a]

Myth's "Innocent Scoundrel" Blaster Pistol DMG 8 (+5), Crit 3 (+40 Crit) Rakatan Upgrade Module (Superior Quality) Pierce 2, Accurate 1, Quick Strike 2 (+2 boost) [ppppppbbbbbdd][a]

Assets & Resources

**Myth's Tool Kit** - 1 encumbrance, Safety Feature (+1 Advantage on Mechanics) Supreme Craftsmanship (upgrade Mechanics check) !roll [ppppppdd][a]

Enhanced Optics Suite (Removes up to 2 setback added to Perception, Vigilance, and combat skill checks due to darkness, smoke, or other environmental effects that obscure vision)

Myth's Rakatan Precision Tool

Critical Injuries & Conditions

Myth Erand Perception !roll [ppa]

Myth Erand Stealth (Stalker) !roll [ppppppab][aa]

Myth Erand Skullduggery !roll [pppaa]

Myth Erand Computers !roll [ppa]

Myth Erand Coordination (Stalker) !roll [ppaaaab]

Myth Erand Deception !roll [ppp]

Myth Erand Brawl Attack !roll [aa]

Myth Erand Athletics !roll [pp]

Myth Erand Discipline !roll [ppa]


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Second Wind 2 EoE 141 Once per encounter, may recover strain = to ranks
Resolve 1 EoE 142 Suffer 1 less strain if involuntary
Grit 4 EoE 136 +4 Strain
Toughened 4 AoR 87 +8 Wounds
Rapid Recovery 1 AoR 87 +1 strain recovery/rank
Time to Go (Improved) 1 AoR 86 Spend 1 Destiny Point, may move self and engaged ally out of blast radius
Powerful Blast 2 AoR 86 +2 blast dmg for explosives, grenades, and explosive weapons
Master Grenadier 1 AoR 86 Decrease the cost to activate the Blast quality on any weapon used by 1 to a minimum of I.
Dedication 5 AoR 86 +3 Agi, +2 Int
Sniper Shot 1 AoR 93 may increase range by 1 band before attack/upgrade 1x
Deadly Accuracy 1 AoR 93 Add skill to Dmg of weapon(Ranged:Light)
True Aim 2 AoR 93 Upgrade combat check/rank
Lethal Blows 4 AoR 93 +10 Crit roll on crit
Natural Marksman 1 AoR 93 1/ session may re-roll any ranged light attack
Stalker 1 FiB 32 +1 boost to all stealth/coordination per rank of Stalker
Disorient 1 FiB 32 for 2 ADV, can disorient target for rounds/rank
Prime Position 1 FiB 32 if in cover at short range, +1 soak
Dodge 3 FiB 32 1 Strain/Rank to increase difficulty by 1/rank of attack against player
Quick Strike 2 EoE 31 1 boost/rank to enemies that have not acted yet this encounter
Guns Blazing 1 FC 31 2 strain to reduce difficulty of two-weapon attack
Enduring 1 DC 29 +1 Soak Value
Improvised Detonation 1 DC 29 1/session make a hard mechanics check to create explosive. Add INT+Mech Ranks+Success
Improvised Detonation (Improved) 1 DC 29 Reduce to Normal difficulty and add DMG to 2x Mechanics


The Down and Out

The player may decide that the character comes from humble or hardscrabble beginnings. Perhaps he was a moisture farmer on some barren world, an indentured servant working for the Hutts, or abandoned from a young age to survive in the depths of Coruscant’s underworld. This character starts out knowing that life is nasty, brutish, and short and probably has seen more than his share of horror. He may have seen friends and family members die from malnutrition, disease, or violence and witnessed tremendous injustice done to the weak or vulnerable.

Despite (or because on this harsh, early view of the universe, characters from this type of background strive to better themselves and do their utmost to escape their plight. The character either trains incessantly, picking up knowledge any way that he can, or simply is tough and resourceful enough to go out on his own.

However, leaving this rough-and-tumble life might not be as easy as it seems. The character may still have family left behind in squalor, former comrades that take a dim view of him leaving a gang, or former “employers” that want the character to finish up their "contracts.


*Motivation - Expertise*
The character wants to excel in his chosen profession and constantly practices to achieve perfection. Alternatively, this character picks a skill or two in which to excel.

4/6 - not triggered
5/3 - triggered
5/17 - triggered
5/24 - triggered
5/31 - triggered
6/28 - Triggered
7/5 - triggered
7/12 - triggered
7/19 - triggered
7/26 - triggered
8/23 - triggered
8/30 - triggered
9/6 - triggered
9/13 - triggered
9/20 - triggered
9/27 - triggered
10/4 - triggered
10/18 - triggered
10/25 - triggered
10/31 - triggered
11/1 - triggered
11/8 - triggered
11/15 - triggered
11/29 - triggered
12/13 - triggered
1/3 - Triggered
1/10 - Triggered
1/17 - triggered
2/7 - triggered
2/14 - triggered


cleared on 8/2

10 conflict - for feeding the Zygarrians to the Vantari
20 conflict for sacrificing the dantari and sith
1 conflict for Rakatan weapon (threw it away)
10 conflict for shooting Dubious
10 conflict for being ok with the Predor's plan
10 conflict for keeping the minefield on (vote)
5 conflict for the stone pattern ritual


*Duty - Resource Acquisition (1080)*
There are never enough supplies to fully support those fighting against the juggernaut that is the Empire, and this PC knows it very well. He is determined to seek out new sources of raw materials, food, clothing, weapons, armor, and equipment of all kinds. One spare crate of medpacs can save quite a few lives, and a handful of comlinks can mean the difference between success and failure on a mission. He will trade, beg. borrow, and steal anything for the cause.

5/18 - triggered
5/24 - triggered
5/31 - triggered
6/28 - Triggered
7/5 - Not Triggered
7/12 - triggered
7/19 - triggered
7/26 - triggered
8/23 - triggered
8/30 - triggered
9/6 - triggered
9/13 - triggered
9/20 - triggered
9/27 - triggered
10/4 - triggered
10/18 - triggered
10/25 - triggered
10/31 - triggered
11/1 - triggered
11/8 - triggered
11/15 - triggered
11/29 - triggered
12/13 - Triggered
1/3 - Triggered
1/10 - Triggered
1/17 - Triggered
2/7 - triggered
2/14 - not triggered

Other Notes

**Myth's "Smooth Criminal" Blaster Pistol (Energy Weapon) (True Aim2, +2 Strain) **
**Dmg 8 (+5) Crit 3 (+40 crit)** Superior, Accurate 1, Pierce 2, Quick Strike 2, Dual Blasters (+2 Boost). If Successful,
**Myth's "Innocent Scoundrel" Blaster Pistol**
**DMG 8, Crit 3 (+40 Crit)** Rakatan Upgrade Module (Superior Quality) Pierce 2. **Guns Blazing (2 strain to reduce difficulty of two weapon attack)** !roll [ppppppppbbbbbdd][a]

**Improvised Detonation**
Once per session, make a Hard Mechanics check to perform the Improvised Detonation action and build an explosive device, dealing damage equal to ranks in Intellect + Success. **Improved Improvised Detonation** Reduce difficulty to Normal and increase to 2x Mechanics ranks. !roll [ppppppdd][a]

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