Created by a bounty hunter named Galiar Khalon, IG-68 was made for the sole purpose of assisting Galiar in his contracts. The now old droid was based on the ancient IG-65 Assassin droid, made using spare parts that the bounty hunter found as he travelled around the galaxy.
IG-68[s story with the rebellion began with the death of his master, Galiar, who met his doom in the year 1 BBY while trying to eliminate a high ranking imperial officer located in Coruscant. While the droid escaped with only slight damage to his chassis, the bounty hunter succumbed to his several wounds. Lost and without purpose, the rusty droid wandered around the galaxy until his ship accidentally jumped right into a small space battle between an imperial star destroyer and a Mon Calamari cruise. His ship was severely damaged during this accidental encounter, forcing the droid to dive his ship right into the alliance' ships'hangar. Confused, the rebel boarded the destroyed ship after escaped from the imperial fleet and what they found was a deactivated, rusty IG unit, lying next to the destroyed cockpit. Desperate, the rebels decided to alter the droid's programming and the only thing they managed to change was the droid's killing target: The empire. ever since that moment, he did just that destroy as many imperial outposts as he could. While many don't agree with this methods, everyone in the alliance agrees on one thing: He's pretty good at killing
His motivation is set by his programming. While he is slowly developing some sort of independent thought, for now he follows his orders to the letter.
Combat Victory: His sole purpose is extermination of all imperials. He can be easily persuaded into not killing should the mission require not killing the enemy. He likes tackling his problems head-on but he can also perform quite well in stealth missions.
Like most IG units, IG-68 has a skeleton-like body. However, he has this shiny bronze colour around most of his body. His multiple eyes glow a deep red, specially in the dark.