Kare Escalei was taken by the republic at the young age of 2. He was placed in the republic special forces unit cadet training. at the age of 3 he was being taught the way of the empire, and was being taught basic, jawa, wookie, droid, ithorian, bothan, rodian, klantoonian, and many more. at the age of 5 Kare underwent intense physical training with hand to hand combat, he came out on top through all his sparring matches some ended up killing his opponents. When Kare turned 7 he learned more languages such as gamorrean, twi'lek, clawdite, chiss, caamasi, aqualish, trandoshan, and zabrak. As the years went by Kare turned 9 and was still undefeated in hand to hand combat. he started his special unit selection even further with his great physical and mental prowess. the empire started his weapons training in more advanced hand to hand combat, a plethera of light/heavy blasters. melee weapons such as batons, knives, swords, and staffs. when he Kare turned 10 he began his leadership training coming out top of the class . far surpassing his peers. his intense training and indoctrination to the empire continued. Kare is now 17 and the then republic now known as the galactic empire. Kare is being shipped out for his first deployment under the command of a chiss vice admrial.
To be the best. He wants the best life he knows, or that he knows of.