Weapons & Armor
A95 Sting Beam: 5dmg, 3crit, -1 Enc, Stun, Vicious 1; Add 2 black die to a character's Perception checks when attempting to find an A95 Stingbeam on a person's body
Smuggler's Trench Coat: +1Def, +1Soak, -3 Enc; Checks made to find anything hidden within a Smuggler’s Trenchcoat while it is being worn are opposed by the Skulduggery of the wearer. The coat can conceal up to 2 encumbrance worth of items.
Personal Gear
Sabacc Card - but not.
Utility Belt: +1 Enc
Backpack: +4 Enc
Surveyor Bag: +2 Enc
Tracker Utility Vest: +2 Enc, 1 Hardpoint
Lock Pick: -1 Enc; Hidden
Disguise Kit: -1 Enc; Hidden
Neural Recorder: Neural Recorders allow the user to make an Easy (Purple) Discipline check to recall any information experienced while the recorder was running. Information gained from this check is highly detailed, and is generally comparable in quality to the recording a standard holorecorder would make.
Encrypted Data Pad: -1 Enc
Recon Remote: full 360 degree visual sensors with night vision capability and have the ability to transmit data to a remote receiver up to 20 kilometers away; Hover: They ignore difficult or impassable terrain as long as they can reasonably stay above it, and ignore the penalties for moving through/over shallow water.