The character may attempt to guide, shape, and even twist the thoughts and feelings of others.
The Overcomer:
When Atreus was young, his people were stepped on by those in authority above him. While the rich and mighty lived on extravagant lavishing's imported from the most exotic worlds, his kind were left to feed on their garbage. To live in the mud and squaller. Once when he was a young boy, one of the noble boys got separated from his family and lost in the city. Atreus followed him, until he was alone, and killed the boy. He hated him. Even though he had no idea who this boy was, he new in his heart that he was just the same as the rest of the "nobles", and wouldn't hesitate to step on whoever was in his way, so Atreus decided to 'not hesitate' first. Before he even knew what had happened, he had killed the boy and ran off with some of his belongings. The retribution the lost boys family brought down on his neighborhood was unlike anything he had ever seen. He saw how his actions caused those he cared about to come to harm, and he vowed then and there that he would do whatever it took to infiltrate these noble circles of society and destroy every single one of them.
He has been serving as an advisor for a fledgling noble family awaiting his opportunity to strike, when it happened. He saw the same nobles who had destroyed his world when he was younger. But when he saw them, he realized that he now had been so brainwashed by this lifestyle that he agreed with them and their methods. Having fully bought into the idea of the strong thrive and the weak deserve to parish, he now seeks to use his powers to become more powerful in might, influence, and ability than anyone ever has before!
Ambition: Power
Atreus wants to amass power and authority. His aspiration to rule may be linked to altruism or despotic desire, but in either case, he wants to control both his situation and those around him.
Current Morality Value: 50
Emotional Strength: Compassion
Atreus cares about the tribulations others face, and wants to help those he comes across. His compassion may lead to self-sacrifice in order to aid those who need it.
Emotional Weakness: Hatred
The galaxy can be a cruel and heartless place, and compassion can quickly turn to hatred of the individuals or situations that cause others to suffer. When a character's mind roils with simmering hatred, that hatred may be all too slow to fade.
Other Notes
Cultural Adopters: When making a social skill check to interact with non-Tholothians, Tholothians add automatic [advantage] to the results.
Natural Roots: When making a check to heal strain while in a natural or wild setting, Tholothians heal one additional strain.