R5-D6 by DroidDreamer

Astromech Droid
Mechanic, Thief, Cyber Tech
Age of Rebellion

Threshold 17
Current 0
Threshold 14
Current 0
Ranged 0
Melee 0

Placeholder Image




Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) 0
Athletics (Br) X 0
Charm (Pr) 0
Coercion (Will) 0
Computers (Int) X 5
Cool (Pr) 0
Coordination (Ag) 0
Deception (Cun) 0
Discipline (Will) 0
Leadership (Pr) 0
Mechanics (Int) X 5
Medicine (Int) X 0
Negotiation (Pr) 0
Perception (Cun) X 4
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) X 0
Piloting: Space (Ag) X 2
Resilience (Br) 0
Skulduggery (Cun) X 5
Stealth (Ag) X 5
Streetwise (Cun) 0
Survival (Cun) 0
Vigilance (Will) X 0
Brawl (Br) X 0
Gunnery (Ag) 0
Lightsaber (Br) 0
Melee (Br) 0
Ranged: Light (Ag) X 3
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) 0
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) X 1
Knowledge: Lore (Int) 0
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) 0
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) 0
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) 0
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) 0


HL-27 Light Blaster
Ranged: Light
Accurate (2), Stun Setting


Weapons & Armor

--HL-27 Light Blaster: Damage 5, Crit 3, Accuracy (2), Electronic Sighting System: 1/round Aim as Incidental w/ Electronic Sighting System: 1/round Aim as Incidental and +1 Accuracy Mod. Custom Grip: Remove 1 Setback from all attack checks when using this weapon Mod but FAILED Accuracy Mod check.
--R5's Ion Blaster Tool Kit: Damage 6, Crit 3, Ion Quality; Disorient 1; Knockdown

--R5's Customizable Armor: 3 Enc., 2 Soak, 4 Hard Points; Special Embellishment Stealth: +1 Advantage on Stealth checks.
├─Multi-Band Comlink Attachment: Long Range Comms Unit, 0 HPs
├─Utility Arm Armor Attachment +1 Boost to Mechanics w/ +1 Boost to Mechanics Mod & 1 May Spend 1 Strain To Gain an Additional Free Maneuver Mod, 2 HPs.
├─Repulsor Pack Armor Attachment w/ Increase Handling +1 Mod: Allows user to function as vehicle: Speed 1, Handling -1, System Strain 2, Silhouette same as user. Pack can only travel in atmosphere up to 75 meters in altitude. Operator uses Coordination skill for any relevant checks.

Personal Gear

--Cybernetic Brain Implant: +1 Intellect, comlink and remote computer link
--Cybernetic Cavity: Formidable check to locate hidden object
--Engineering Co-Processor with Emergency Toolkit (Cybernetics Implant (Mechanics) with Integrated Tool (Mechanics) and Unobtrusive (4))
--Math Co-Processor with Secondary Scomp-Link (Cybernetics Implant (Computers) with Integrated Tool (Computers) and Unobtrusive (2))
--Astrogation Buffer with Astrophysics Calculator (Cybernetics Implant (Astrogation) with Integrated Tool (Astrogation) and Unobtrusive (2))
--Lockbreaker Hand: +1 Boost & +1 Bypass Security talent on Skullduggery and Computer checks to defeat locks

--Backpack (Installed as Internal Storage): +3 Encumbrance Threshold
--Load-Bearing Gear (Installed as External Storage): +4 Encumbrance Threshold
--Utility Belt (Installed as Internal Storage): +1 Encumbrance Threshold
--Military Pouch: Holds two zero enc. items; can withdraw as an Incidental

--Holo-Messenger (Installed)
--Handheld Navicomputer (Installed): +2 Boosts, 1 Enc.
--Data Breaker (R) (Installed): +2 Boost to slicing, 1 Enc.
--Whistler Encryption Module (Installed): Difficulty 5 Check to Decrypt Comms. 3 Enc.
--Glow Rod (Installed): 1 Enc.
--Scanner Googles (Installed)
--Datapad (Installed): 1 Enc.
--Climbing Gear (Installed): 1 Enc.

--Emergency Repair Pack (5)
--R5's Ion Blaster Tool Kit: 1 Enc.
--Personal Distress Beacon

--Foamcast: +1 Boost to Repair Hull 1 Enc.
--Holonet Homing Beacon 3 Enc.

Assets & Resources

--Baradium Charge (3)
--Military Field Manual: 1 Enc.
--Supreme Mechanics Toolkit (not carried): 4 Enc.; Supreme Craftsmanship: Upgrade Check; Safety Features: +1 Advantage
--Mechanics Utility Suit: Soak 2; Enc. 2; counts as toolkit
--Electronic Lock Breaker: 1 Enc.
--Synthrope 1 Enc.
--Detonite 2 Enc.
--Emergency Repair Patches
--5 Stimpacks
--Comlink (Handheld)
--Fusion Lantern Enc. 2
--Slicer Gear: 2 Enc.
--Lockpicking Tools: 1 Enc.

--Emergency Containment Measures
--Low-Grav Workshop

--Blaster Pistol (2): Difficulty Easy
--Customizable Armor (2): Difficulty Simple
--Shield (2): Difficulty Simple

-1200cr for two Monotask Droids.
-150cr Three Gadgets (two toolkits made, one used for PMP)
-100cr Load-Bearing Gear
-250cr Holo-Messenger
-500cr Custom Grip
-50cr Custom Grip Mod (Failed)
-250 credits spent on Simple Tool Crafting (Ion Blaster Toolkit)
-600 credits on Ion Pistol Crafting
-2000cr for four tries for R5's Customizable Armor
-2000cr Utility Arm Armor Attachment
-100cr Utility Arm Armor Attachment +1 Boost mod
+SOLD: 1208cr from sale of 3 Customizable Armor sets and 2 Blaster Pistols.
-10cr Military Pouch
-2500cr for Repulsor Pack Armor Attachment
-1500cr for Intelligent Toolbox
-250cr for Heavy Hydrospanner
-400cr for Specialist Tool (Mechanics)
-Cybernetics Implant (Mechanics) 750cr
-Cybernetics Implant (Computers) 750cr
-Cybernetics Implant (Astrogation) 750cr
-Repulsor Pack Armor Attachment Increase Handling +1 Mod 50cr
-Utility Arm Armor Attachment May Spend 1 Strain To Gain an Additional Free Maneuver Mod 50cr
-Handheld Navicomputer 1750cr
+SOLD: 6 Blaster Rifles split between R5, Julie and Ralcom for 2430cr each
-Foamcast 25cr
-1250cr Whistler Encryption Module
-200cr Multi-Band Comlink
-Personal Distress Beacon 50cr
-Holonet Homing Beacon 500cr
-Fusion Lantern 150cr
--Lockbreaker Hand 1100cr
--Data Breaker: 1000cr

--6 Hours for Four Toolkits Crafting Attempts (ST-RE's Fusion Cutter Toolkit)
--5 hours on Simple Tool Crafting (Ion Blaster Toolkit)
--22 hours on Ion Pistol Crafting
--36 Hours for four tries for R5's Customizable Armor
--13 hours for planet-side sale of 3 Customizable Armor sets and 2 Blaster Pistols. Droid's Night Out with R5, TC6 and ST.
--10.5 Hours for Intelligent Toolbox. Assisted by TC.
--1 hour for Specialist Tool (Mechanics)
--14 hours Cybernetic Appendage Leg (Brawn) (ST-RE's Heavy Repulsorlift Engine)
--16 hours Cybernetic Appendage Arm (Agility) (ST-RE's Utility Ariticulator Appendage)
--2 Hours for Customizable Armor (ST-RE's Heavy Mining Droid Armor)
--5 hours for Selena's (Tommy) Customizable Armor
--17 hours for Rom's Vibroweapon.

--SUB-TOTAL: 147.5 Hours

--22 hours for Cybernetics Implant (Mechanics)
--10 Hours Cybernetics Implant (Computers)
--16 hours Cybernetics Implant (Astrogation)
--14 Hours for Cybernetics Implant (Negotiations) for TC-6
--8 Hours for Cybernetics Implant (Charm) for TC-6
--14 Hours for Cybernetics Implant (Coercion) for TC-6
--10 Hours for Cybernetics Implant (Resilience) for ST-RE
--18 Hours for "Iron Grip" Cybernetics Implant (Coercion) for Selena.
--16 Hours for Cybernetic Arm for Maniac.

Subtotal: 275.5 Hours
--8 Hours for Agility Leg for Four
--5 Hours shopping trip
--17 Hours buying a Hand Held Navicomputer for R5 and selling 6 blaster rifles for R5, Julie and Ralcom
--20 Hours to backstop Julie and Maggie's ID
--15 Hours to backstop Julie and Maggie's ID
--10 Hours to backstop Garium and Jace's ID
--68 Hours to craft for Whiskey (WZ-K3) cybernetic arms and legs and cybernetic implants (Computers, Mechanics & Astrogation)
--2 Hours to craft TC's Crafted Shield
--2 Hours to craft TC's Crafted Customizable Armor
--4 Hours to craft TC's Crafted Cybernetic Arm Appendage

-------TOTAL HOURS 426.5 Hours---
--1 Hour to craft Rom's Mechanical tool

Critical Injuries & Conditions


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Enduring (2) +1 Soak
Toughened (3) +6 Wound Threshold
Gearhead Remove 1 Setback Die on Mechanics checks per rank of Gearhead. Cut attachment mod cost in half.
Solid Repairs (4) +1 Hull Trauma when repairing vehicle damage
Bypass Security (2) Remove 2 Setback Die per rank to disable security device or open locked door
Hidden Storage (1) Gain hidden storage in vehicles or equipment with total encumberance equal to ranks in Hidden Storage
Grit (3) +3 Strain Threshold
Bad Motivator Once per session, take a Bad Motivator Action to make a Hard Mechanics check to cause on targeted device to spontaneously fail.
Fine Tuning (1) When reducing System Strain, reduce by +1 System Strain per rank of Fine Tuning
Dedication (2) +1 Intellect, +1 Agility
Hold Together Spend 1 Destiny Point to convert Hull Trauma to System Strain as an Incidental after vehicle/ship takes damage
Contraption Once per session, take a Contraption Action to make a hard Mechanics check to solve current problem using just the tools at hand.
Natural Tinkerer Once per session, re-roll 1 Mechanics check
Cyberneticist Remove 1 Setback from building, repairing and installing Cybernetics; Cut cybernetics cost in half.
Eye For Detail Suffer 1 Strain to trade 1 Success for 1 Advantage on Mechanics/Computers checks
Dodge (2) As Incidental, suffer 1 Strain to upgrade one incoming attack up to ranks in Dodge
Stalker +1 Boost to Stealth checks
Natural Rogue 1/Encounter may re-roll Skullduggery or Stealth check
Master of Shadows 1/round suffer 2 Strain to decrease difficulty of next Skullduggery or Stealth check
Short Cut During a chase, add +1 Boost to catch or escape an opponent
Jump Up 1/round may stand from seated or prone as an incidental


DROID ARMY (Crafted Droids)

Droidefied Toolkit -- TK-1 was a monotask chassis built around a Custom Toolkit (Enc. 1) and Digitial Lockpick. He had Superior Hardware (Intellect 2) and Modular Hardware (Digitial Lockpick). He was programmed with Repair Directives and had Loyal & Patient personality traits.

Repair Directives Unit 1 -- Repair Directives Unit 1 was a monotask chassis droid programmed with Repair Directives. He was programmed with Repair Directives and had Well-Mannered and Efficient personality quirks.


--HOLOVID 1: Delta drops a rotting fruit on to Orion from the roof of a building. Delta and R5 laugh for a bit until Orion reaches the roof quite angry, grabs Delta who is still laughing uncontrolably and dangles him over the edge of the roof telling him "control your shit" before putting Delta back down on the roof. Throughout this time R5's holovid record shakes as the droid laughs. Orion then punches Delta doing stun damage causing R5 to laugh even more and say "Now Delta punches Orion!" while lauging in binary. The holovid turns off as R5 cackles in binary, clearly pleased.

--R5-D6 HOLOVID 2 (OP Sunny Days (Battle of Hoth): SCENE 1: Cade and Samuel bribing an Imperial customs officer after Samuel was almost arrested for slapping the datapad out of the officer's hand. SCENE 2: R5 is almost killed by a Wamp, Grrukta shoots the beast, knocking it prone and then R5 double taps it and kills the Wampa! SCENE 3: R5 pilots a speeder while Gaalid shoots at two AT-STs from the rear gunnery position. The speeder is taken out by an AT-ST and R5 does emergency repairs to get it back into action. R5 flies defensively while Gaalid takes out an AT-ST. Then Gaalid hits an AT-ST with a harpoon and then R5 flies around the AT-ST tangling the walker's legs in the harpoon line. The two fly away as the AT-ST goes down. SCENE 4: Gaalid and R5 return to the Echo Base hanger. While in the hanger they see snow troopers and a black caped bad guy (Darth Vader) before a hallway collapses separating vader from the party.

--R5 records Rom taking a combat stim. He tells him "you only have one meat bag, meat bag!" then turns away the recorder. Rom reminds R5 "This one is off the records you know that. Technically we are not here..."

--R5 records a combat mission in which Xet and R5 flew an X-wing through a planetary canyon. R5 was in the astromech slot when he recorded Xet taking some type of spice, a bluish material. R5 seems worried on the recording, especially since he was in the backseat of the X-wing! The mission was a smash success with Xet and R5 leading the squadron, spotting targets, dodging fire and charting a course for allies following behind.


**ST-RE Motivation: Relationship: Droid Sidekick:** The droid character is extremely loyalty to the team he serves alongside, putting the care, safety or happiness of the droid’s allies above the droid’s own regardless of the droid’s make, model or design. The droid is motivated to be a droid sidekick to the ally heroes of the mission, playing a secondary, supporting role to the heroes.

**R5-D6 Duty: Support:** R5 was built for supporting the Rebel Alliance with Mechanics, Computers and other support capabilities



**R5-D6 HL-27 Light Blaster Attack:** Damage 5, Crit 3, Accuracy (2), Electronic Sighting System: 1/round Aim as Incidental w/in Short range: Custom Grip: Remove 1 Setback !Roll [pppaabb]

**R5-D6 Ion Blaster Toolkit Attack:** Damage 6, Crit 3, Ion Quality; Disorient 1; Knockdown !Roll [pppaadd]

**R5-D6 Bad Motivator Action:** Once per session, take a Bad Motivator Action to make a Hard Mechanics check to cause on targeted device to spontaneously fail. Natural Tinkerer: Re-roll Mechanics once per session; Gearhead: Remove 1 Setback; Engineering Co-Processor with Emergency Toolkit (Cybernetics Implant (Mechanics) with Integrated Tool (Mechanics): +1 Skill Rank; Ion Pistol Toolkit Safety Features: +1 Advantage; Utility Arm Armor Attachment: +2 Boost. !roll [ppppppbbddd][a]

**R5-D6 Contraption Check:** Once per session, take a Contraption Action to make a hard Mechanics check to solve current problem using just the tools at hand. Gearhead: Remove 1 Setback; Engineering Co-Processor with Emergency Toolkit (Cybernetics Implant (Mechanics) with Integrated Tool (Mechanics): +1 Skill Rank; Ion Pistol Toolkit Safety Features: +1 Advantage; Utility Arm Armor Attachment: +2 Boost. !roll [ppppppbbddd][a]

**R5-D6 Mechanics Check:** Natural Tinkerer: Re-roll Mechanics once per session; Eye For Detail: Suffer 1 Strain to trade 1 Success for 1 Advantage; Gearhead: Remove 1 Setback; Engineering Co-Processor with Emergency Toolkit (Cybernetics Implant (Mechanics) with Integrated Tool (Mechanics): +1 Skill Rank; Ion Pistol Toolkit Safety Features: +1 Advantage; Utility Arm Armor Attachment: +2 Boost. !roll [ppppppbb][a]

**R5-D6 Computer Check:** Eye For Detail: Suffer 1 Strain to trade 1 Success for 1 Advantage. Math Co-Processor with Secondary Scomp-Link (Cybernetics Implant (Computers) with Integrated Tool (Computers)): +1 Skill Rank; Cybernetic Brain Implant: Wireless computer access link. !roll [pppppp]

**R5-D6 Computer Check (SLICING):** Eye For Detail: Suffer 1 Strain to trade 1 Success for 1 Advantage. Math Co-Processor with Secondary Scomp-Link (Cybernetics Implant (Computers) with Integrated Tool (Computers)): +1 Skill Rank; Cybernetic Brain Implant: Wireless computer access link. Data Breaker: +2 Boost to slicing. !roll [ppppppbb]

**R5-D6 Computer Check (DEFEAT LOCKS):** Eye For Detail: Suffer 1 Strain to trade 1 Success for 1 Advantage. Math Co-Processor with Secondary Scomp-Link (Cybernetics Implant (Computers) with Integrated Tool (Computers)): +1 Skill Rank; Cybernetic Brain Implant: Wireless computer access link; Lockbreaker Hand: +1 Boost & +1 Bypass Security talent on Skullduggery and Computer checks to defeat locks. Data Breaker: +2 Boost to slicing. !roll [ppppppbbb]

**R5-D6 Skullduggery Check:** Natural Rogue: 1/Encounter re-roll Skullduggery check; Master of Shadows: 1/round suffer 2 Strain to decrease difficulty of next Skullduggery check; Bypass Security talent: Remove 2 Setback Die to disable security device or open locked door. !roll [paaaa]

**R5-D6 Skullduggery Check (DEFEAT LOCKS):** Natural Rogue: 1/Encounter re-roll Skullduggery check; Master of Shadows: 1/round suffer 2 Strain to decrease difficulty of next Skullduggery check; Bypass Security talent: Remove 3 Setback Die to disable security device or open locked door. Lockbreaker Hand: +1 Boost & +1 Bypass Security talent on Skullduggery and Computer checks to defeat locks. !roll [paaaab]

**R5-D6 Stealth Check:** Natural Rogue: 1/Encounter re-roll Stealth check; Stalker: +1 Boost; Master of Shadows: 1/round suffer 2 Strain to decrease difficulty of next Stealth check. Customizable Armor Special Embellishment Stealth: +1 Advantage !Roll [pppppb][a]

**R5-D6 Education Knowledge Check:** !Roll [paaaaa]

**R5-D6 Underworld Knowledge Check:** !Roll [aaaaaa]

**R5-D6 Warfare Knowledge Check:** !Roll [aaaaaa]

**R5-D6 Coordination Check:** Stalker: +1 Boost. !Roll [aaaaab]

**R5-D6 Repulsor Pack (Coordination) Check:** Stalker: +1 Boost !Roll [aaaaab]

**R5-D6 Perception Check:** !Roll [paaa]

**R5-D6 Vigilance Check:** !Roll [a]

**R5-D6 Survival Check:** !Roll [a]

**R5-D6 Crit Check:** !Crit

**R5-D6 Destiny Roll:** !destiny roll

**R5-D6 Initiative Roll:** !init pc [a]

**R5-D6 Watch Your Back Astromech Action:** Each Success provides +1 Defense to 1 zone until the end of the astromech's next turn. Eye For Detail: Suffer 1 Strain to trade 1 Success for 1 Advantage. Math Co-Processor with Secondary Scomp-Link (Cybernetics Implant (Computers) with Integrated Tool (Computers)): +1 Skill Rank; Cybernetic Brain Implant: Wireless computer access link. !roll [ppppppdd]

**R5-D6 Target Lock Astromech Action:** Success grants +1 Boost and +1 Boost per 2 Success after the first on Pilot Gunnery Check against declared target. Target Lock last for one round +1 round for every two Advantages. Target Lock cannot be attempted for 1 round per Threat generated. Eye For Detail: Suffer 1 Strain to trade 1 Success for 1 Advantage. Math Co-Processor with Secondary Scomp-Link (Cybernetics Implant (Computers) with Integrated Tool (Computers)): +1 Skill Rank; Cybernetic Brain Implant: Wireless computer access link. !roll [ppppppdd]

**R5-D6 Space Pilot Check:** !Roll [ppaa]

**R5-D6 Space Copilot Check:** If successful, downgrade pilot's next check 1 time per 1 Success. !Roll [ppaaadd]

**R5-D6 Planetary Pilot Check:** !Roll [aaaaa]

**R5-D6 Planetary Copilot Check:** If successful, downgrade pilot's next check 1 time per 1 Success. !Roll [aaaaadd]

**R5-D6 Astrogation Check:** Astrogation Buffer with Astrophysics Calculator (Cybernetics Implant (Astrogation) with Integrated Tool (Astrogation)): +1 Skill Rank; Handheld NaviComputer: +2 Boosts !Roll [paaaaabb]

**R5-D6 Plot Course Astrogation Check:** If successful, each 1 success removes 1 setback from difficult terrain. Astrogation Buffer with Astrophysics Calculator (Cybernetics Implant (Astrogation) with Integrated Tool (Astrogation)): +1 Skill Rank; Handheld NaviComputer: +2 Boosts !Roll [paaaaabbdd]

**R5-D6 Boost Shields Mechanics Check:** If successful, vehicle suffers 1 Strain, 1 zone increases by 1 until beginning of next turn. Increase duration by 1 round per 1 success. Natural Tinkerer: Re-roll Mechanics once per session; Eye For Detail: Suffer 1 Strain to trade 1 Success for 1 Advantage; Gearhead: Remove 1 Setback; Engineering Co-Processor with Emergency Toolkit (Cybernetics Implant (Mechanics) with Integrated Tool (Mechanics): +1 Skill Rank; Ion Pistol Toolkit Safety Features: +1 Advantage; Utility Arm Armor Attachment: +2 Boost. !roll [ppppppbbddd][a]

**R5-D6 Spoof Missiles Computers Check:** If successful, Guided weapon quality weapon attacks upgraded 1 time, plus 1 upgrade per 2 Advantages until beginning of Astromech's next turn. Eye For Detail: Suffer 1 Strain to trade 1 Success for 1 Advantage; Gearhead: Remove 1 Setback; Math Co-Processor with Secondary Scomp-Link (Cybernetics Implant (Computers) with Integrated Tool (Computers)): +1 Skill Rank; Cybernetic Brain Implant: Wireless computer access link; Slicer Gear. !roll [pppppadd]

**R5-D6 Slice Enemy System's Computer Check:** Reduce 1 enemy shield zone by 1 for a number of rounds equal to Successes, Disable 1 weapon with 1 Triumph, spend 2 Advantages to add 1 System Strain. Eye For Detail: Suffer 1 Strain to trade 1 Success for 1 Advantage. Math Co-Processor with Secondary Scomp-Link (Cybernetics Implant (Computers) with Integrated Tool (Computers)): +1 Skill Rank; Cybernetic Brain Implant: Wireless computer access link; Slicer Gear. !roll [ppppppdd]

**R5-D6 Jamming Computer Check:** If successful, enemy must make Average Difficulty Computer Check to use comm Systems. Increase difficulty by 1 for 2 Successes and effect 1 additional target for each 1 Success. Eye For Detail: Suffer 1 Strain to trade 1 Success for 1 Advantage. Math Co-Processor with Secondary Scomp-Link (Cybernetics Implant (Computers) with Integrated Tool (Computers)): +1 Skill Rank; Cybernetic Brain Implant: Wireless computer access link; Slicer Gear. !roll [ppppppdd]

**R5-D6 Damage Control (HULL TRAUMA) Mechanics Check:** If successful, recover 1 point of Hull Trauma per 1 Success with +4 Hull Trauma for Solid Repairs Talent. Repair Hull Trauma only 1 time per encounter. Natural Tinkerer: Re-roll Mechanics once per session; Gearhead: Remove 1 Setback; Engineering Co-Processor with Emergency Toolkit (Cybernetics Implant (Mechanics) with Integrated Tool (Mechanics): +1 Skill Rank; Ion Pistol Toolkit Safety Features: +1 Advantage; Utility Arm Armor Attachment: +2 Boost; Foamcast: +1 Boost. !roll [ppppppbbbdd][a]

**R5-D6 Damage Control (SYSTEM STRAIN) Mechanics Check:** If successful, recover 1 point of System Strain per 1 Success with +1 System Strain for Fine Tuning Talent. Natural Tinkerer: Re-roll Mechanics once per session; Gearhead: Remove 1 Setback; Engineering Co-Processor with Emergency Toolkit (Cybernetics Implant (Mechanics) with Integrated Tool (Mechanics): +1 Skill Rank; Ion Pistol Toolkit Safety Features: +1 Advantage; Utility Arm Armor Attachment: +2 Boost. !roll [ppppppbbdd][a]

**R5-D6 Workshop Crafting Check (Mechanics):**
__TALENTS__: Natural Tinkerer: Re-roll Mechanics once per session; Gearhead: Remove 1 Setback; Eye For Detail: Suffer 1 Strain to trade 1 Success for 1 Advantage on Mechanics/Computers checks; Cyberneticist: Reduce cybernetics raw materials cost by 50%.
__WORKSHOP__: Workshop Emergency Containment Measures: Downgrade difficulty once; Workshop Low-Grav Workshop: +1 Advantage; Workshop Spare Parts Bin (1): Reduce raw material Rarity of workshop-crafted items by 1
__CYBERNETICS__: Engineering Co-Processor with Emergency Toolkit (Cybernetics Implant (Mechanics) with Integrated Tool (Mechanics): +1 Skill Rank;
__TOOLS__: Toolkit with Supreme Craftsmanship and Safety Features: Upgrade Check Once and +1 Advantage; Utility Arm Armor Attachment: +2 Boost; Heavy Hydrospanner: +1 Advantage; Intelligent Toolbox: 50% time reduction for crafting/repair; Specialist Tool (Mechanics): +1 Success.
__DROID HELPER__: Unskilled Assist from Droidefied Toolkit +1 Boost
!roll [ppppppbbba][saaa]


R5-D6 was an beat up, out-dated astromech droid assigned to assist the Rebellion in a support capacity. Although out-shined in make and model by the R2 and R3 droid models, R5-D6 was a scrappy droid that could do a lot with aftermarket gear such as Climbing Gear upgrade, installed Datapad, upgraded photoreceptors (Scanner Goggles) and the always helpful tool-mounted Glow Rod. His chassis bristled with onboard tools (Mechanic's Utility Vest) and he frequently consulted his Military Field Manual which was installed into his Datapad.

Personality-wise, R5 was a sarcastic astromech who did not like being told what to do but relished support tasks involving his Mechanical and Computer skills. He packed a HL-27 Light Blaster hidden in his chassis and knew how to use it.

Other Notes

XP & DUTY (115 total)
175XP droid starting XP
+10XP from starting Duty
+20XP Age of Rebellion Sector Force starting XP (did not take Recruit)
+20XP, +15 Duty, +300cr from Operation Step In (1-13-2018)
+30XP, +20 Duty, +300cr from Hear No Evil (1-15-2018)
+25XP, +15 Duty, +300cr from Operation To Catch a Rat (1-18-2018)
+20XP, +20 Duty, +300cr from Operation Speak No Evil (Rec) (1-19-2018)
+25XP, +20 Duty (including +5 Duty for Report), +300cr from Operation Speak No Evil (Assault) (1-27-2018)
+30XP, +10 Duty, +300cr for Operation Road Trip (2-3-2018)

==CR1 (100 DUTY; 355XP; 144 Hours): CR1 Rewards: Workshop and Cybernetic Cavity
+20XP, +15 Duty, +300cr for Operation Wet Walker (2-18-2018)
+25XP, +25 Duty, +400cr for Operation Operation Heavy Metal (3-25-2018)
+Base XP: +25, +5 Motivation; Base Duty: +5, + 5 Positive Spin, +5 Duty, +5 150% Duty. Total: +30 XP, +20 Duty, +400cr & 2750cr Loot for Operation Housebroken (4-22-2018)
+Base +15XP +5 Motivation, +10 Duty, +5 Duty, +5 150% Duty. Total: +20XP, +20 Duty, +400cr for Operation Squire (4-22-2018)
+20XP, +30 Duty, +500cr for Operation Jake Break (5-19-2018)

==CR2 (210 DUTY; 470XP; 264 Hours): CR2 Rewards: Emergency Containment Measures and Low-Grav Workshop
+15XP, +15 Duty, +500cr for Operation Data Cap (5-20-2018)
+25XP, +20 Duty, +500cr for Operation Bottoms Up (6-23-2018)
+25XP, +20 Duty, +500cr for Operation Sunny Days (aka Battle of Hoth) (6-30-2018)
+25XP, +5 Duty, 500cr for Operation Friend In Deed (7-6-2018)
+25XP, +25 Duty including +5 from Mission Report, 500cr for Operation Archery (7-21-2018)
+25XP, +5 Duty 600cr for Operation Liquid Gold (7-28-2018)

==CR3 (300 DUTY; 595XP; 408 Hours): CR3 Rewards: Cybernetic Brain Implant and ???
+15XP, +15 Duty 600cr for Operation Space Dweller (8-18-2018)
+25XP, +25 Duty and 2500cr for Operation Monastery (8-19-2018)
+20XP, +15 Duty and 600cr for Operation Deposit (9-3-2018)
+25XP, +15 Duty and 600cr for Operation No Name (9-30-2018)
+20XP, +15 Duty and 600cr for Operation Turf War (10-13-2018)
+5 Duty from Sector Force Bounty Cards Article
+20XP, +15 Duty and 600cr for Operation Emerald Ordinance (10-27-2018)

==CR4 (400 DUTY; 720XP; 552 Hours): ??? and ???
+25XP, +25 Duty and 700cr for Operation Malachite Lance (11-18-2018)
+25XP, +20 Duty and 700cr for Operation Crusades (11-25-2018)
+25XP, +20 Duty w/ Positive Spin and 700cr for Operation Owners Owned (12-2-2018)
+25XP, +20 Duty w/ Positive Spin and 700cr for Operation Clover War (12-9-2018)
+25XP, +20 Duty w/ Positive Spin and 700cr for Operation Clover War (12-9-2018)

==CR5 (505 DUTY; 845XP; 672 Hours): ??? and ???
+25XP, +25 Duty w/ Positive Spin and 700cr for Operation Uninvited (1-6-2019)
+25XP, +20 Duty and 800cr for Operation Slaver’s Paradise (1-12-2019)
+20XP, +20 Duty w/Positive Spin and 800cr for Operation Pitter Patter (1-14-2019)
+25XP, +15 Duty w/Positive Spin and 800cr for Operation Crypt Keeper (1-15-2019)
+25XP, +15 Duty and 800cr for Operation Kerbal Part 2 (2-3-2019)

==CR6 (600 DUTY; 965XP; 792 Hours) (Audit Completed: 4-14-2019): ??? and ???
+20XP, +25 Duty w/ Positive Spin and 800cr for Operation Tactical Fighter Where? (2-10-2019)
+20XP, +15 Duty and 900cr for Operation Cruise Ship (2-18-2019)
+25XP, +25 Duty w/ Positive Duty and 900cr for Operation Pinions (3-2-2019)
+25XP, +15 Duty and 900cr for Operation Grave Robber (3-9-2019)
+20XP, +15 Duty and 900cr from Operation Membership (7-28-2019)
+25XP, +10 Duty and 900cr from Operation Blinded Captive (10-12-2019)

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