Nines is an Imperial Probe Droid who was nearly destroyed while searching for Rebel Sympathizers. After completing numerous missions they crashed on the planet Kashyyyk. With no one around to conduct repairs, a faltering battery and numerous systems strained, their once vibrant red eye began to fade...
Once their system came back online they knew they were compromised, and to protect the Imperial data they had collected, they immediately went through a self-defense, self-destruct sequence. However, a quick diagnostic check showed them that the amount of repair that was done to them far exceeded what was required to access their databanks. Puzzled by this logic, they canceled the self-destruct and tried to learn the nature of why they were restored. It seemed that the Wookies wanted to have their permission to access the data, since Nines was still in tact. This didn't compute and so Nines zapped the Wookies nearby and sped off to complete their mission.
However, They noticed something once they fled. The first was that no one followed them. Odd. After all, they did have intricate details of certain Imperial holdings as well as a complete rundown of the data they had collected on rebel bases up to this point. The second was that there seemed to be something just a bit different about their programming. They couldn't tell if it was the removal of code, or the addition of new code, but there was no longer a mandatory protocol to follow the orders surrounding the mission. It was as if they now had a choice. It was as if they had... free will.
They felt different systems coming online as well. Memory units began to fill with information on criminal activity, warfare, slicing techniques, espionage, and even astronomical charting. It was as if two completely different systems were being merged together. The strange thing is that they seemed to fit. Nines hunkered down in a small outcropping and began to sort and integrate this data. Years worth of investigative data on rebel activity combined with their Imperial knowledge streamlined and began to make room for this new data. An understanding went off like a hammer in their brain.
The way they viewed rebel activity before was through empirical data. Numbers, movement, Inventory, it all was all information, collected, condensed, and generated to a report. Now they saw the faces of those they collected the data on. The looks as they ran. The sanctity of life washed over them. The TIE Bombers that would destroy everything behind them as they casually swept the next sector. They did this. They were part of a genocide... Dozens of times over. They also realized that even though they had complete control over their actions now, they had absentmindedly established communications with the nearest Imperial communications tower. They had sent a report on the very Kashyyyk that restored them. That saved them. That awoken them.
They rushed back to the village just in time to see two TIE Bombers soaring up to the clouds. A wake of smoke and fire behind them as the Kashyyyk village lay in ruins....
Since then they have been on the move from the Imperial Navy. Knowing that they are trackable as an active droid they have been forced into hiding among populated systems. Caught between trying to defect to a rebel cell and not bringing the Empire to the rebels, or accidentally sending more data to the Empire, they have chosen fringe smuggling jobs that are quick and profitable. Though freedom without a group is a difficult task. On more than one occasion a restraining bolt has been threatened and within inches from them. And multiple jobs have withheld their share at the very last moment as to not pay a droid.
Their current job is suppose to be a quick one and one that should get them close enough to a rebel cell to see if they can remove their tracker. From there, who knows what's next.