Weapons & Armor
Quickfire Holdout Blaster: Contains a powerpack instead of ammo. Add a Setback to a character's Perception checks when attempting to find a Q4 Quickfire on your person. If this weapon runs out of ammo due to a Despair, it may not be reloaded, as it must be recharged instead. Has a Stun Setting which can do Strain damage instead of Wounds.
Ayelixe/Krongbing Flare Jacket: +1 to soak. These jackets contain small charges in their seams, which can release a blinding and stunning flash of light, which can be useful if you need to make an escape. Once per encounter, you can trigger the charges as a maneuver. Each character within short range makes a Hard Vigilance check. If they fail, they are staggered for 1 round, and for an additional round if they receive 3 Threat.
Personal Gear
Species Database: A resource with information about biological differences about various species. Adds 2 Boost die to Knowledge (Xenology) checks.
Merr-Son "Rider" Ascension Pistol: A device dedicated as a grappling hook. Make an Average Ranged (Light) Check to fire the grappling hook at an object up to a medium range away. You may reel in the cord, pulling yourself up to the target object. If you are carrying yourself and another, you must make an Average Athletics Check to avoid losing your grip on your pistol or your partner.
Handheld Commlink