R6-G3, better known as "Argent" due to its striking silver highlights, is one of the first droids built by Industrial Automaton after the Battle of Endor. A prime example of the line of thought that wanted to leave the commercial failures of R5 behind, R6s have inherited a lot of traits from the venerable R2 line, and as is apparent to everyone who has ever met Argent, this includes the development of quirky personalities.
Argent in particular started life in the emergent New Republic Starfighter Corps. After a series of transfers and personnel promotions it ended up accompanying a squadron leader as part of the entourage of a diplomat to Naboo, the late Emperor's home planet. In a rather capricious exchange between the New Republic representatives and the Nabooian nobility, Argent found itself part of a cultural exchange of gifts and assigned to the Palace on Theed.
Needless to say, the little droid didn't particularly like this turn of events and felt betrayed at being handed over without a moment's thought. Determined to show its displeasure by performance, it angered one security officer too many and found itself sold off to a local merchant, who sought to resell it for a profit.
Resentful over its current circumstances, a new chance for something more came along in the bounty hunter who just purchased *him*. A new adventure was about to begin...
Reliable & Arrogant:
Argent is one of those droids that believe in the inherent superiority of undying buckets of bolts over temporal meatbags and thinks that the galaxy is suffering from an organic overpopulation problem.
That said, he is willing to make exceptions for bioliogicals who are experts in one domain or another, considering them elevated organic machines. In particular, he seems very fond of his new master, a renowned bounty hunter...