Once per game session a caamasi may form a new memnii that encompasses one scene or encounter. At any time, a Caamasi may perfectly recall any memnis that he has formed or witnessed, or share it with another Caamasi or a Force-sensitive character.
Knowledge (Warfare)
Rank 1
career skill
Force rating 2
+ 1 Force rating
Add 1 blue die per rank of Command when making Leadership checks. Affected targets add 1 blue die to Discipline checks for the next 24 hours
Stand Firm!
As an action, make a Hard Leadership check Choose one ally per success who increase their wound threshold by the character's Presence until the end of the encounter.
Enhanced Leader
When making a Leadership check add force die no greater than Force rating.Spend force pips to add success or advantage to the result.
Natural Champion
Once per session may re-roll 1 leadership or Lightsaber check
Force Powers
Force Rating
The Force user can move small objects via the power of the Force.
The user may spend a force pip to move one object of Silhouette 0 that is within short range up to his maximum range. The default maximum range is Short Range.
Spend 1 force pip to increase Silhouette able to be targeted equal to Strength upgrades purchased
The Force user can hurl objects to damage targets by making a Discipline check combined with a Move power check, dealing damage equal to 10x Silhouette (Silhouette 0 does 5 damage)
The Force user can pull objects out of secure mountings or out of an opponent's grasp
Spend 1 force pip to increase Silhouette able to be targeted equal to Strength upgrades purchased
Spend 1 force pip to increase power's range by a number of range bands equal to Range upgrades purchased.
Other Notes
Duty: 10
1 rank in knowledge (warfare), is career skill
Utilizes Short Path to Power