Jedi Commander Armour: Soak +2, Def 1, +Boost to Leadership and Negotiation
Concealing Robes
Personal Gear
Integrated Jedi Utility Belt (three-day supply of food capsules, an emergency medpac, a light saber maintenance kit, a slim glow rod, a comlink. and an aqua breather)
Stimpack x 5
Thermal Cloak
Military Pack
Rider Ascension Pistol
Assets & Resources
Critical Injuries & Conditions
Book & Page
Jump up from prone as an incidental, 1/turn
Ataru Technique
Use Agility for Lightsaber checks instead of Brawn
Reflect x 2
Spend three strain to reduce damage from ranged attack by 2+ranks (4)
Parry x 2
Spend three strain to reduce damage from melee attack by 2+ranks (4)
Saber Swarm
Spend 1 strain to add Linked quality equal to FR (2) to next Lightsaber (AGI) attack.
Quick Draw
Draw weapon as an incidental, 1/turn
Quick Strike x1
Add 1 bost die per rank (1) to attacks against opponents who have yet to act
Conditioned x1
Remove ■ per rank of Conditioned (1) from Athletics and Coordination checks. Reduce the damage and strain suffered from falling by 1 per rank of Conditioned.
Dodge x1
May spend strain up to ranks (1) to upgrade difficulty of attacks against self by ranks (1)
Toughened x 1
+2 WT/rank
Grit x 1
+1 ST/rank
Well Rounded
Two skills become career skills (Stealth, Leadership)
Sense Danger
Remove two ■ from any one check, 1/session
Force Rating x1
+1 FR/rank
Hawk Bat Swoop
Add Fdie to Lightsaber (AG) checks, use pips to add adv or move in from short range
Force Powers
Force Rating
Add F die equal to FR to Athletics check, use pips for Success or Advantage.
Control: Coordination
Add Fdie to coordination checks
Control: Resilience
Add Fdie to resilience checks
Spend pip to see as if up to medium range was bright
Control Fine Details
Spend pip to make out fine details up to medium range
Born in a lower-class level of Coruscant, Alyssa was given up for adoption almost as soon as she was born. Routine blood tests showed that she had significant force potential, and that was how she wound up as a member of the Jedi order.
Growing up as a youngling in a time of peace, she found herself drawn to the art of lightsaber combat. She showed significant skills in the acrobatic forms of Ataru, and soon enough was a padawan. Still, her educators worried that she was too eager to fight, too excited by the rush of battle.
Then, the Clone Wars began and an eagerness for the front was something to worry about after the war.
Alyssa wants to prove herself worthy of Knighthood, that the disaster on Geonosis was just a fluke - that the Jedi can stand as the guardians of the Republic for a thousand more generations if needed.
Compassion/Hatred - 81 (LS Paragon)
Alyssa is kindhearted, and often empathetic to the plights of others, but her response to those who cause others to suffer can sometimes go too far.
Duty: Combat Victory, 55
Alyssa believes that the Jedi need to show that they are capable of protecting the Republic,
Short, with wild blonde hair and a padawan's braid, Alyssa doesn't look particularly intimidating. Her lightsaber is covered in intricate designs, and the blade a striking silver. Her usual
Other Notes
Took starting duty as XP, bought one lightsaber for 2500 credits.
Operation Enraged Eopie, Part II 15xp 20 duty 1500credits 24 hours. Jedi Achievement Medal: Demonstrating proficiency with a weapon that she wasn't trained in.
Operation: Enraged Eopie Part III 15 xp, 15 duty, 1000, 24 hrs, using 48 hrs for 5xp