Toflien grew up alone on the streets of Coruscant. He's seen those unable to stand on their own trampled over by not just criminals, but entire communities, governments even: and watched all of those people walk free. Toflien feels a strong distaste for most authorities and considers them to be useless
Justice: The character has a strong,unshakable sense of right and wrong, and he sees the injustices of Imperial rule throughout the galaxy. He is committed to seeing justice brought back to the galaxy, and he wishes those who have betrayed it to receive the punishment they deserve.
Vigilante: Toflien has seen the wheels of justice grind up the innocent and let the guilty walk free. He has sworn to take the law--or any version of it, at any rate--and bring justice to those who deserve it. If this character takes on a bounty contract, he is most likely to pursue a hardened criminal.
Rugged male Iktotchi. Blast Vest over plain clothes. Leather belt and holster with slugthrower rounds stored in ring like slots.