Zia Ten - mission cap by OleanderSky

Slicer, F-S Emergent, Shadow, Soresu Defender, Warleader
Force and Destiny

Threshold 18
Current 0
Threshold 24
Current 0
Ranged 0
Melee 0




Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) 0
Athletics (Br) 1 FFFF
Charm (Pr) 0 FFFF
Coercion (Will) 1 FFFF
Computers (Int) X 5
Cool (Pr) X 1
Coordination (Ag) X 1 FFFF
Deception (Cun) X 2 FFFF
Discipline (Will) X 3 b
Leadership (Pr) X 1 FFFF
Mechanics (Int) 0
Medicine (Int) X 2
Negotiation (Pr) 0 FFFF
Perception (Cun) X 2 b
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) 0
Piloting: Space (Ag) 0
Resilience (Br) 0 FFFF
Skulduggery (Cun) X 1
Stealth (Ag) X 3 (bb)
Streetwise (Cun) X 1 -s
Survival (Cun) X 1 b
Vigilance (Will) X 1 b
Brawl (Br) 0
Gunnery (Ag) 0
Lightsaber (Int) X 2
Melee (Br) 0
Ranged: Light (Ag) X 1
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) 0
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) X 1
Knowledge: Education (Int) X 1
Knowledge: Lore (Int) X 1
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) 0
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) X 1 -s
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) X 1
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) 1


Caliginous Sword
Defensive 1, Pierce 5, custom grip, Vicious 3
Ranged: Light
Stun Setting (medium), Pierce 3, Accurate 1
Zia's Lightsaber
Breach 1, Sunder, Personalized, Custom Grip, Accurate 1. May spend force points when making a force power check as part of a combat check to regain 2 strain.
Nova Viper
Ranged: Light
Accurate 2, Pierce 2, Stun Setting


Weapons & Armor

DR-45 "Dragoon" Cavalry Blaster (Enc. 1)
Damage 8, Crit 3, HP 3
Accurate 1, Stun Setting
[Attachment: Magnetic Weapon Tether. May recover weapon as an incidental within engaged range. Tether Mod: Failed]
[HP 0 Attachment: Combat Tested. Owner adds 1 Boost die to Discipline checks. Tested Mod: Add 1 Boost die to checks to resist fear.]
[Attachment: Environmental Adaptation Kit. Prevent weapon from breaking down due to a hostile environment. (Cold)]
[Attachment: Environmental Adaptation Kit. Prevent weapon from breaking down due to a hostile environment. (Cold)]
[HP 0 Attachment: Combat Tested. Owner adds 1 Boost die to Discipline checks. Tested Mod: Add 1 Boost die to checks to resist fear.]
TT-24G Highpoint Holdout Blaster, the Platonic Ideal of a Ridiculous Holdout
Encumbrance: 1 Hard Points: 2
Rarity: 6 Price: 350
Type: Energy Weapon
Categories: Blaster, Blaster Pistol, Holdout Blaster, Pistol, Ranged
Damage: 7 Range: Long Critical: 2
Skill: Ranged - Light
Qualities: Stun Setting (Medium Range), Accurate 1, Pierce 3, Difficult to Repair
[Attachment: Electronic Sighting System. Allows the shooter to aim once per round as an incidental at short range. Decrease the difficulty to locate the shooter in low light conditions by 1. ESS Mod: Accurate +1]
[Attachment: Custom Grip. Remove 1 setback die from all combat checks weapon's owner makes using this weapon. Others add 2 setback dice to use it. Grip Mod: Accurate +1.]
[HP 1 Attachment: Blaster Suppressor.]
Cargo Clothing with Armor Inserts (Enc. 3 negated when worn) (Negates up to three Enc. 1 items)
[Modified: Total of 2 Soak, 2 Defense, Hard check to notice inclusion]
Jedi Battle Armor (Enc. 5)
Soak 2, Defense 1, HP 6
(Reverse Engineered, +1 setback to identification as Jedi armor due to cosmetic alteration)
[HP 0 Attachment: Multi-band Comlink. A long-range comlink is integrated into the helmet.]
[HP 1 Attachment: Vacuum Sealed.]
[HP 1 Attachment: Omnican 3 Integrated Scanner. While wearing his helmet, the user benefits from a general purpose scanner and adds 1 boost to Perception checks made to detect movement or hidden enemies. Mod: Perception Skill +1.]
[HP 1 Attachment: Amphibious Modification. Mod: 2x +2 hours of life support.]
[HP 1 Attachment: Reflec Shadowskin. Add 1 advantage result to Stealth checks. Mod: 1x Innate Stalker talent. Mod: 1x Add 2 setback dice to Perception checks made to find wearer. Additional Setback mod failed.]
[HP 1 Attachment: Heating System. Reduces difficulty of resilience checks due to the cold by 1. Removes 2 setback dice imposed due to extreme cold.]
Zia's Lightsaber (Enc 1)
Damage 9, Crit 1, HP 5
Breach 1, Sunder
Crafted: Personalized, Diguised (When the crafter makes a successful Lightsaber check with this weapon add one automatic success. Add one automatic threat to Lightsaber checks other characters make with this weapon.) (Add one setback to checks to identify the lightsaber hilt as such while it is not ignited.)
[HP 2 Attachment: Dantari Crystal w/all mods]
[HP 1 Attachment: Shadowsheath. Increases difficulty to find the concealed weapon by 2]
[HP 1 Attachment: Hilt Masking Kit. Add 2 automatic failure results to attempts to identify or find the lightsaber. Hilt Mod: 2x Add 1 automatic failure results to attempts to identify or find the lightsaber.]
[HP 1 Attachment: Custom Grip. Remove 1 setback die from all combat checks weapon's owner makes using this weapon. Others add 2 setback dice to use it. Grip Mod: Accurate 1.]
Cumulative modifications: Add 4 automatic failures to attempts to identify or find the lightsaber. Increase the difficulty to find the concealed weapon by 2. Add one success on successful lightsaber checks by crafter, one threat on all other users. Remove/add setback(s). Accurate 1.
May spend force points when making a force power check as part of a combat check to regain 2 strain.
Reinforced Clothing (Enc. 2 negated when worn)
Soak 2, HP 0
Insulated vs Heat and Cold (+ Boost die when resisting effects of heat and cold)
Embellishment Stealth: + Advantage to Stealth rolls
Integrated Breath Mask
Leg Brace: Reduce damage taken from falling by 10, and Critical Hits suffered from falling by 20
Smuggling Compartment: Checks made to find items hidden in the armor is opposed to the wearer’s Skulduggery. The armor can hide up to 2 encumbrance worth of items.
Extra Storage x2 (Increase Encumbrance limit by 2)
Mirror Finish 1
Ancient Sword (Jian) (Enc. 3)
Damage +2, Crit 2, HP 1
Defensive 1
Custom Sword (Enc. 2)
Damage +3, Crit 3, HP 0
Defensive 2
Custom Training Sword (Enc. 2)
Damage +2, Crit 6, HP 1
Disorient 2, Defensive, Stun Damage
Custom Training Sword (ornate) (Enc. 1)
Damage+2, Crit 6, Hard Point 2,
Disorient 2, Defensive 2, Accurate 1, Mirror Finish (Carved with beautiful patterns) 2, Stun Damage
Caliginous Sword (kilij)
Skill: Lightsaber
Dam: +3
Crit: 2
Range: Engaged
Enc: 0
HP: 0
Custom grip (can be altered by force user with a diff 2 discipline force check), Unwieldy 4, Pierce 5, Vicious 3, Cortosis, Defensive 1, Superior
(Crits: 1)
Raider Arms Model-1 "Nova Viper" Blaster Pistol
Merr-Sonn Model 31 Palm Stunner [Stunning an unaware target requires a skulduggery vs resilience check. Success automatically incapacitates a minion or deals 12 damage to strain threshold. Each success rolled increases damage by 1.] (Enc. 1)
2X (I) EC-17 Holdout blaster pistol (easy to conceal) (HP 2) (Enc. 1)
1X Concealment Holster [adds 1 setback die to Perception checks made to discover hidden weapon] (Enc. 0)
(I) TT-24 Holdout Blaster
Training emitter
Knockout Grenade (Enc. 1)
Adverse Environmental Gear (Enc. 2 negated when worn)
Holdout Blaster Pistol (Enc 2)
Heavy Clothing (Enc. 1)
Combat Knife (Enc. 1)
Caliginous Armour
Encumbrance: 3
Hard Points: 0
Rarity: - (NA)
Price: (NA)
Categories: Full Body, Hard, Full Body, Sealable
Soak: 3
Melee Def: 2
Ranged Def: 1
Qualities: Superior, Cortosis, Vacuum Sealed, Custom Fit, Quick Shed, Amphibious Adaptation, Heat & Cold regulation, Spikes
-While wearing the Armour increase: Brawn by 1; Strain by 4
-Innate Talent (Durable : 2 Ranks)
-Increases Defense value by 1 when User is Force Sensitive
-Quick Shed. User may wear and remove armor in 1 manoeuvre
-Custom fit, remove 2 setbacks and add 2 boosts for any athletics, coordination and stealth checks
-Amphibious Adaptation
-Heat & Cold regulation
-Spikes: When hit by a Melee/Brawl/Lightsaber attack, may use 3 disadvantages to deal 6 damage to attacker.
Avi'ssha's Lightsaber (Enc 1)
Damage 7, Crit 2, HP 6
Breach 1, Sunder, Defensive 1
Crafted: Personalized, Customizable, Disguised (When the crafter makes a successful Lightsaber check with this weapon add one automatic success. Add one automatic threat to Lightsaber checks other characters make with this weapon.) (Add one setback to checks to identify the lightsaber hilt as such while it is not ignited.)
[HP 3 attachment: Solari crystal w/Improved reflect mod, others not attempted]
[HP 1 Attachment: Shadowsheath. Increases difficulty to find the concealed weapon by 2]
Reduce strain taken when using the Reflect incidental by 1.
Reduce cost of 'Improved Reflect' by 1 disadvantage
The crystal becomes useless if its user drops below 50 morality.

Linking Lightsabers
A rare and unique modification mainly used on lightsabers. Can be attached to a pair of lightsabers, balancing them perfectly for duel-wielding and allowing them to attach at the base to form a double-bladed lightsaber.
Can only be applied to two basic lightsabers or two shoto lightsabers.
As a maneuver, the user can join the weapons to form a single double bladed lightsaber (+0 Damage, - Crit, 2 Encumbrance, Engaged, Lightsaber, Linked 1, Unwieldy 3), or separate into the two base lightsabers. When joined into a double bladed lightsaber, pick one of the original lightsabers and use the crystal for the double bladed lightsaber. Only attachments that match on both sabers apply while joined.
Hard Points Required: 1 (Per weapon)
Price: 1000 credits (for the pair); Rarity 5

Personal Gear

Crafted Cybernetic Brain Implant
+ 1 Rank in Computers
Integrated Simple tool: Integrated Slicer tools
Unobtrusive 5: Add 1 Setback die per rank to check to determine that the character has the cybernetic installed
Ion Shielded: Does not shut down when affected by weapons w/ the Ion quality
Tailored: if built for a specific being, does not require a check to be installed in that being.

Neuro-Saav Cyborg/Droid Interface

Backpack (Enc. increase +4)
Utility Belt (Enc. increase +1) [Attachment: Concealed Climbing Cord]
MK III Modular Backpack w/6x Extra Pockets (Enc. increase +8)
Load-Bearing Gear (Enc. Increase +3)
Rim Excursions INC. Military Belt Pouch [stimpacks] (Enc. 0)
Extra Reload (Enc. 1)
Concealed Escape Kit
Commlink - handheld (Enc. 0)
Earbud Commlink (Enc. 0)
Mem-Stik (5) (Enc. 0)
Restraining Bolt (2) (Enc. 0)
Outlaw Tech Databreaker (Enc. 1)
Reed whistle
Forgery Tools
Authentication Tools
Lockpicks (Enc. 1)
[Compact 2, +v Skullduggery, +Rank Skullduggery]
Custom Slicer Gear +v Computers (Enc 1)
Datapad (4) (Enc. 1 per)
Security Sweeper
Lightsaber Maintenance Kit (Enc. 2)
Verpine Bond Gauntlets (Enc. 1) [Grant their users 1 boost die to checks made to handle volatile materials or perform delicate work.]
Physician's Kit (Enc. 2)
Emergency Medpac (Enc. 1)
Stimpack (10)
Binders (Enc. 0)
Restraining Bolt (2)
Climbing Gear
Anti-Grav Chute (Naboo)
Sporting Macrobinoculars (Enc. 1)
Recon Remote (Enc. 1)
Glow Rod (Enc. 1)
Scanner Goggles
Field Rations (4)
Fire Paste (5) (Enc. 0)
Fusion Lantern
Thermal Cloak - snow camo (Enc. 2)
Disguise Kit (Enc. 2)
Holographic Costume
1 Imperial NCO (Navy), 2 Imperial Officer (Navy), 3 ISB officer, 4 Imperial technician, 5 nice core world suit, 6 banal mid rim clothing, 7 cocktail dress, 8 evening gown
False credentials [Genna Malhor]
Raion idols
Backgammon set
Tea set
Green cocktail gown
Teal evening gown
Nice core-world clothing
Wedding ring (+v to negotiation checks)
Banal Apparel - mid rim style
Concealing robes - poncho
Concealing robes - outer rim spacer
Shyriiwook to Basic dictionary
Datapad game cartridge
Hand-carved pen
Wedding holo
Family holo

(Accidental deletion, stuff is probably missing)

Tooka-cat harness w/charm
Tooka-cat supplies
Tooka-cat plush toy
Loth-cat plush toy

Darth Dulag's holocron
Master Vale Gawyn's holocron
Sith robes
Books - Star charts, Hyperspace War, combat forms, Jensaarai, book from home

Portable DataVac
A plain rectangular brick of durable composite the size of a large datapad, this high-density storage device is designed for one thing: holding as much data as the designer could fit in the allotted volume, and transferring it into or out of itself at high rates of speed. A simple port array under one water/spacetight sealed end accepts practically any widely known port design or adapter. Encumbrance 1(0), [Enhanced Performance: durability, Enhanced Performance: storage space]

Leadership training tool
Encumbrance 6, Remove 4 setback dice, add 2 advantages

Token of Resistance: Carved Bone of a Sith
Often worn on a necklace as a starburst of metallic shards, this fetish acts to dampen Force powers used to sway the wearer's thinking. For those who fear the mind tricks of olden days, it is essential to preserve an individual's sense of self.
The red bone is carved with intricate runes and designs.
Whenever the user is targeted by an opposed social skill check where a Force power was used either to perform or augment the check, they may choose to have the opposing character roll 2 fewer Force dice as part of the check. If this means there are not enough Force dice for the check to be made or the power to activate, the check automatically fails.
Growing Power III: If the talisman is used to oppose an enemy's skill check or an enemy must perform a skill check due to the talisman's activation, that check's difficulty is increased by 1.
Invigorating I: The user recovers 1 strain after using the talisman.
Noticeable: Force users add □ to any checks made to determine that the talisman is an actual alchemically crafted item and not merely decorative jewelry or an ornamental keepsake
Empowered by Evil: The User suffers 2 Conflict after using the talisman

Assets & Resources

Critical Injuries & Conditions


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Anatomy Lessons Shadow After making a successful attack, may spend 1 Destiny Point to add damage equal to Intellect to one hit.
Balance Emergent When the character recovers from strain at the end of each encounter, he may roll his Force rating in Force dice. He regains additional strain equal to the number of Light Side gained from the Force Die.
Blind Spot Warleader This character and allies within short range add an Advantage to combat checks while benefiting from cover.
Bypass Security 1 Slicer Remove 1 setback die per rank of Bypass Security from checks made to disable a security device or open a locked door.
Careful Planning Warleader Once per game session, the character can choose to introduce a “fact” or additional context directing into the narrative as if he had spent a Destiny Point.
Codebreaker 2 Slicer, Shadow Remove 1 setback die per rank in Codebreaker from checks to break codes or decrypt communications. Decrease difficulty of checks to break codes or decrypt communications by 1.
Confidence 3 Soresu Defender, HR May decrease difficulty of Discipline checks to avoid fear by 1 rank per rank of Confidence.
Dedication 4 Int, Int, Cunning, Agility, Willpower,
Defensive Slicing 1 Slicer When defending computer systems, add 1 setback die per rank of Defensive Slicing to opponents' checks.
Defensive Stance 1 Soresu Defender One per round on the character’s turn, the character may perform a Defensive Stance maneuver to assume a defensive stance against incoming melee attacks. He then suffers a number of strain no greater than his ranks in Defensive Stance. Until the start of the character’s next turn, upgrade the difficulty of all melee combat checks targeting the character a number of time equal to the strain suffered by the character in this way.
Dodge 2 Shadow When targeted by a combat check, may perform a Dodge incidental to suffer a number of strain no greater than ranks in Dodge, then upgrade the difficulty of the check by that number.
Force Rating 3 Emergent, Shadow, Warleader Gain +1 Force Rating.
Grit 11 Gain +1 strain threshold.
Master of Shadows Shadow Once per round, suffer 2 strain to decrease difficulty of next Stealth or Skulduggery check by one.
Master Slicer Slicer Once per round, may take a Master Slicer incidental to suffer 2 strain and decrease difficulty of Computers or other slicing checks by 1, to a minimum Easy (1 Purple).
Mental Fortress Slicer, Shadow Spend 1 Destiny Point to ignore effects of Critical Injuries on Intellect or Cunning checks until end of encounter.
Natural Exorcist HR Once per game session, the character may reroll any one Discipline or Knowledge (Lore) check.
Natural Programmer Slicer Once per session, may re-roll any 1 Computers or Astrogation check.
Natural Rogue HR Once per game session, the character may reroll any one Skulduggery or Stealth check.
Now You See Mee Shadow Once per session, take Now You See Me action. Make a Hard Deception check to make a number of NPCs equal to Cunning within medium range forget about character.
Parry 4 Soresu Defender When hit by a melee attack, suffer 3 strain to reduce damage by 2 plus ranks in Parry.
Parry (Improved) Soresu Defender When parrying a hit that generated Despair or 3 threat may hit attacker once with Lightsaber, Brawl, or Melee weapon (dealing base damage) after original attack resolves.
Parry (Supreme) Soresu Defender If the user did not make a combat check during his previous turn, may suffer 1 strain to use parry.
Prime Positions 2 Warleader When this character or an ally in short range takes cover, he increases soak by one per rank of Prime Positions until he leaves that cover.
Prophetic Aim Warleader When benefiting from an aim maneuver, Despair from this character's Ranged (Heavy) and Ranged (Light) checks cannot cause attacks to his allies engaged with the target.
Resolve 1 Slicer When involuntarily suffering strain, suffer 1 less strain per rank of Resolve, to a minimum of 1.
Sense Danger Once per session, remove 2 setback dice from any one check.
Shroud Shadow The character may spend 1 Destiny Point to make himself undetectable via Force powers and make his own powers go unnoticed for the remainder of the encounter.
Sleight of Mind 2 Shadow Add 1 boost die to all Stealth checks unless the opposition is immune to Force powers.
Soresu Techinque Soresu Defender When making a check using the Lightsaber skill, the character may use Intellect instead of Brawn.
Spirits of the Raion HR Add 1 boost die to all Discipline and Survival checks.
Street Smarts 1 Shadow The character removes a setback dice per rank of Street Smarts from their Streetwise and Knowledge (Underworld) checks.
Suppressing Fire 1 Warleader The character and each ally within short range may spend an advantage result on their failed combat checks to inflict 1 strain on their respective targets per rank of Suppressing Fire. Each character can only activate this effect once per round.
Technical Apptitude 1 Slicer Reduce time needed to complete computer-related tasks by 25% per rank.
Touch of Fate Emergent Once per session, add 2 boost dice to any one check.
Toughened 3 Gain +2 wound threshold.
Uncanny Reactions 1 Emergent Add 1 boost die per rank to all Vigilance checks.
Uncanny Senses 1 Emergent Add 1 boost die per rank to all Perception checks.
Well Rounded (Core Worlds, Medicine) 1 Shadow Choose any 2 skills. They permanently become career skills.

Force Powers

Force Rating
When making an Athletics check, the Force user may roll an Enhance Power Check as part of the pool.
The user may spend o/● to gain Success or Advantage (user's choice) on the check.
Upgrade Effect
Control (Coordination) Enhance can be used with the Coordination skill.
Control (Resilience) Enhance can be used with the Resilience skill.
Control (Leap Horizontal) Take a Force Leap Action. Make an Enhance Power Check. The user may spend o/● to jump horizontally to any location in short range. The user may not activate this multiple times.
Control (Leap Vertical) When performing a Force Leap, the user can jump vertically in addition to jumping horizontally.
Range Spend o/● to increase power's range by a number of range bands equal to range upgrades purchased. The user may not activate this multiple times.
The Force user bolsters his ally with renewed energy or saps his foe of vital energy.
Heal (light side Force user only): Spend o/● to heal a number of wounds equal to Intellect from an engaged living creature (including user). This counts as a use of a stimpack on the affected target. The user may not activate this multiple times.
Harm: Spend o/● to inflict a number of wounds equal to Intellect (ignoring soak) on an engaged living target. The user gains 1 Conflict. The user may not activate this multiple times.
Upgrade Effect
The character may attempt to guide, shape, and even twist the thoughts and feelings of others.
Special Rule (o/● use): When guiding and shaping thoughts, only ● may be used to generate negative emotions such as rage, fear, and hatred. Only o may be used to generate positive emotions such as peace, tranquility, and friendliness. Other emotions or simple commands such as confusion can be generated with either o or ●.
The character may spend o/● to stress the mind of one living target he is engaged with, inflicting 1 strain. The user may activate this multiple times, increasing the strain inflicted by 1 each time.
Upgrade Effect
Control (Emotion/Belief) The Force user may make an opposed Discipline vs Discipline check combined with an Influence power check. If the user spends o/● and succeeds on the check, he can force the target to adopt an emotional state or believe something untrue, lasting for 1 round or 5 minutes.
Control (Skills) When making a Coercion, Charm, Deception, Leadership or Negotiation check, the Force user may roll an Influence power check as part of his dice pool. He may spend o/● to gain Success or Advantage (user's choice) on the check.
Range 2 Spend o/● to increase the power's range by a number of range bands equal to Range upgrades purchased. The user may activate this multiple times, increasing the range by this number each time.
Magnitude 3 Spend o/● to increase targets affected equal to Magnitude upgrades purchased. The user may activate this multiple times, increasing the number of targets multiple times.
Strength 1 When stressing the mind of a target, the character inflicts 2 strain.
Duration 2 Spend o/● to increase duration by a number of rounds (or minutes) equal to Duration upgrades purchased.
The Force user can move small objects via the power of the Force.
The user may spend o/● to move one object of silhouette 0 that is within short range up to his maximum range. The default maximum is short range. The user may not activate this multiple times.
Upgrade Effect
Strength 1 Spend o/● to increase silhouette able to be targeted equal to Strength upgrades purchased. The user may activate this multiple times, increasing the silhouette of the objects he can move by this number each time.
Range 1 Spend o/● to increase power's range by a number of range equal to Range upgrades purchased. The user may activate this multiple times, increasing the range by this number each time.
Control: Hurl The user gains the ability to move objects fast enough so as to be both difficult to dodge and capable of inflicting damage. Resulting impacts deal damage to both the target and the object being moved. The user makes a Force power check and rolls a ranged attack (using the Discipline skill) as part of the pool. The attack's difficulty is equal to the silhouette of the object being thrown instead of the normal difficulty. The attack only suceeds if the user can also spend enough o/● to move the object. Silhouette 0 objects deal 5 damage, while other objects deal damage equal to ten times their silhouette. This attack follows all the rules for ranged attacks, including ranged defense and aiming.
Control: Pull The Force user can pull objects out of secure mountings or out of an opponent's grasp.
The Force user can sense the Force interacting with the world around him.
The user may spend o/● to sense all living things within short range (including sentient and non-sentient beings).
The user may spend o/● to sense the current emotional state of one living target with whom he is engaged.
Upgrade Effect
Control (Upgrade Difficulty) Ongoing effect: Commit 1 Force die. Once per round, when an attack targets the Force user, he upgrades the difficulty of the pool once. The user may not activate this multiple times.
Control (Sense Thoughts) Spend o/● The Force user senses the current thoughts of one living target with whom he is engaged. The user may not activate this multiple times.
Range 3 Spend o/● to increase power's range by a number of range bands equal to Range upgrades purchased. The user may activate this multiple times, increasing the range by this number each time.
The Force user expands normal visual senses through a connection to the Force.
The user may spend o/● to ignore the effects of darkness or blindness and see normally up to medium range for the remainder of the round (or for one minute). This allows user to view everything most sentients could normally be able to see on a well lit day.
Upgrade Effect


Relationship with the Empire: Visionary Opportunist
Joining the Rebellion: The New Recruit
Spy: Enemies
Languages: Basic, Binary, Arkanian, Raion, Sith, High Sith, Huttese



Compassion/Hatred: 65


Other Notes

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