The one-two punch of the death of Jabba the Hutt and the collapse of the Empire threw politics in the outer rim, and especially in Hutt Space, into chaos. The Klatooinians used this chaos to free themselves from the control of the Hutts; this rebellion was largely successful due to lack of substantial effort on the part of the Hutts. However, freedom wouldn't be kind to the residents of Klatooine. They weren't a priority for the emerging New Republic, and had a reputation amongst residents of the outer rim, so they were mostly left to fend for themselves. By the time Kardakk was coming of age, most Klatooinians were apathetic at best to the idea of the New Republic, but Kardakk felt that they merely needed to show that they could be a valuable resource. He joined the New Republic Defense Force, and volunteered almost immediately for Special Operations.
I'm proving to my people the value of the Republic, and proving to the Republic the value of my people. Both are skeptical, but I know I can one day convince them both.
Support [7]- Unlike the Empire, and certainly unlike the Hutts, the New Republic takes care of its troops. Loyalty isn't coerced, it's earned, and the NR does its best to deserve it. I do my best to deserve it.