When hit by a melee attack suffer 3 strain to reduce damage by 2 plus ranks of Parry.
KoF 27
Gain +2 Wound Threshold
KoF 27
May suffer a number of strain to downgrade difficulty of Coercion checks or upgrade difficulty when targeted by Coercion checks by an equal number. Strain suffered this way cannot exceed ranks of intimidating.
Lethal Blows(x2)
KoF 27
Add +10 per rank of Lethal Blows to any Critical Injury results inflicted on opponents.
Embrace Your Hate
KoF 27
May spend 1 Destiny-Point and then suffer Conflict equal to dark side Destiny Poitn Pool to add equal damage to melee attack. May use this ability once per encounter per rank.
Quick Strike(x2)
KoF 27
Add boost per rank of Quick Strike to combat checks against targets that have not yet acted this encounter.
Multiple Opponents
KoF 27
Add boost to Lightsaber, Brawl, and Melee checks when engaged with multiple opponents.
KoF 27
Gain +1 to a single characteristic. This cannot bring a characteristic above 6.
Embrace Your Hate
KoF 27
May spend 1 Destiny Point and suffer Conflict equal to dark side Destiny Points in pool to add equal damage to melee attack. May use this ability once per encounter per rank.
Juyo Savagery
KoF 27
The character adds +5 to Critical injury rolls from lightsaber attacks from each dark side destiny point in the Destiny Pool.
Inner Peace(x2)
KoF 27
Once per encoutner, convert a number of dark side Destiny Points equal to ranks in Inner Peace to Light side Destiny Points and reduce Conflict gained this session.
KoF 27
When the character recovers strain at the end of the encounte,r they may add light side die per Force rating. They recover additional strain equal to force die generated.
Vaapad Control
KoF 27
When making a Lightsaber combat check, the character may suffer 1 strain to downgrade the difficulty of the check a number of times eqwual to the number of light side destiny points in the destiny pool.
Force Powers
Force Rating
The Force user can move small objects via the power of the Force.
The user may spend 3to move one object of silhouette 0 that is within short range up to his maximum range. The default maximum range is short range.
(Challenge)Birthright: This character's discovery of the Force awakened a need to claim forgotten teachings, martial techniques. I and a forbidden way of life. Legends drive this character both to learn about and strive to emulate the Jedi of old.
(Positive)Dedication: Remains focused on the there and now, unwavering.
(Negative)Obsession: Unwilling to see the big picture and sometimes lets things fall on the wayside to finish the job.
Other Notes
Precognition: Voss occasionally see glimpses of the future, letting them predict certain events even before they occur. In addition to seeing flashes of the future at the GM's discretion, an Iktotchi may spend triumph on a check to determine initiative to perform a free maneuver before the encounter begins or to have an ally in short-range perform a free maneuver before the encounter begins.