Characters who select this Motivation have a deep and
abiding trust in some recurring facet of galactic existence. They dedicate their lives to spreading this belief,
in the hope that they can bring other beings to come to
a similar understanding. In many cases, their proselytization becomes a central focus. In other cases, spreading
their belief is far less important than simply reveling in it.
The Rebellion: The sooner the Galactic Empire is defeated, the better The character believes absolutely that the Rebel
Alliance is in the right and is doing what must be done to free the galaxy from tyranny.
Mercy: The character shows mercy toward his foes,
dealing with them fairly and honorably. He can spare the
defenseless, will help a helpless enemy, and generally
does not abuse a position of strength.
Jealousy: Love, if not given selflessly, can quickly turn to
jealousy. The character's personality tends toward envy
if his love is not reciprocated, or sometimes he simply
envies others’ accomplishments or possessions.