This droid has been on the run ever since the breakup of the Separatist Alliance.
No One: This PC is all alone in the galaxy. Whether he is just a loner or has lost everyone in a catastrophic Imperial attack, he has decided to join the Rebellion because he has nothing left to lose.
Duty: 0 (-5)
Sabotage: The largets and most powerful military force in the history of the galaxy is also the most vulnerable to acts of destruction and asset denial. The character is focused on disrupting Imperial operations in any way possible, whether it's the manufacture of weapons, troop movements, supply shipments, banking systems, or any other key operation, in order to make the Empire act more slowly and less capably. Truly showy acts of destruction also work to erode a population's will to support the Empire, or so the PC often believes (though the Alliance expressly forbids actual acts of terrorism).
BX Commando Droid