Khuyag by BeanDip1109

Soresu Defender, Peacekeeper, Armorer, Colossus
Force and Destiny

Threshold 26
Current 0
Threshold 21
Current 0
Ranged 2
Melee 2

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Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) 0
Athletics (Br) 0
Charm (Pr) 0
Coercion (Will) 0
Computers (Int) 0
Cool (Pr) X 1
Coordination (Ag) 0
Deception (Cun) 0
Discipline (Will) X 2
Leadership (Pr) X 2
Mechanics (Int) X 2
Medicine (Int) 0
Negotiation (Pr) 0
Perception (Cun) 0
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) X 1
Piloting: Space (Ag) 0
Resilience (Br) X 3
Skulduggery (Cun) 0
Stealth (Ag) 0
Streetwise (Cun) 0
Survival (Cun) 0
Vigilance (Will) X 3
Brawl (Br) X 1
Gunnery (Ag) 0
Lightsaber (Int) X 3
Melee (Br) X 0
Ranged: Light (Ag) 0
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) 0
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) 0
Knowledge: Lore (Int) X 1
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) X 1
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) 0
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) 0
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) 0


Basic Lightsaber
Breach 1, Sunder, Crit 2, HP 5, Encum 1


Weapons & Armor

Basic lightsaber (signature item), Armored robes (Defense 1 +1 from talents, Soak 2, Encumbrance 2, Attachments: Bio feedback system +4 strain, energy dispersion system + 2 soak when strain is taking damage, HP 2+1 from tinkerer)

Personal Gear

Jedi Utility belt (Increases encumbrance by 1, contains Jedi multi-tool, 3 days rations, emergency medpack, slim glow rod, aquata breather, and commlink), Backpack (increases incumbrance by 4)

Assets & Resources

Energy dispersion system attachment, bio-feedback system attachment

Critical Injuries & Conditions


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Parry 4 FaD CB 77 When hit in melee, suffer 3 strain to reduce damage by 2+ranks in parry
Toughened 6 FaD CB 77 Gain +2 wound threshold per rank
Defensive stance 2 FaD CB 77 Once per round, may perform Defensive Stance maneuver and suffer a number of strain to upgrade difficulty of all incoming melee attacks by an equal number for the next round. Strain suffered this way cannot exceed ranks in Defensive Stance.
Soresu Technique 1 FaD CB 77 May use Int in place of Br for lightsaber checks.
Reflect 3 FaD CB 77 When hit by ranged attack, suffer 3 strain to reduce damage by 2+ranks in reflect
Grit 5 FaD CB 77 increase strain threshold by 1 per rank
Confidence 1 FaD CB 77 May decrease difficulty of Discipline checks to avoid fear by 1 per rank of Confidence.
Improved Parry 1 FaD CB 77 When parrying a hit that generated 1 despair or 3 threats, may hit target with lightsaber, brawl, or melee dealing base damage after initial attack is resolved.
Defensive Circle 1 FaD CB 77 May take defensive circle action, making a hard Lightsaber/Int check. The charactr, plus one ally in short range per success gains 1 defense, increase defense by 1 per two advantages spent
Supreme Parry 1 FaD CB 77 If the user did not make a combat check during his previous turn, may suffer 1 strain to use Parry.
Dedication 3 FaD CB 77 Gain +1 to a single characteristic. This cannot bring a characteristic above 6. (Int, WP, Pr)
Improved Reflect 1 FaD CB 77 Same as Improved parry, but for ranged hits
Strategic Form 1 FaD CB 77 May take the strategic form action, making a hard lightsaber/INT check rolling Force greater than force rating. If successful, one target in short range may only attack character for 1 round +1 round per force point spent.
Command 2 FaD CB 75 Add 1 boost per rank of command to leadership checks, affected characters add 1 boost to discipline checks for 24hrs
Commanding presence 1 FaD CB 75 Remove 1 setback per rank from leadership and cool checks
Enhanced Leader 1 FaD CB 75 When making leadership checks, add force no greater than FR, add 1 success or advantage per force point spent
Field Commander 1 FaD CB 75 Take the field commander action. Make an average leadership check, on success, a number of allies equal to presence may suffer 1 strain to perform 1 free maneuver.
Improved Field Commander 1 FaD CB 75 Field commander now affects Presence x2 allies, and may spend a triumph from the check to allow allies to perform an action instead of a maneuver
Second Wind 1 FaD CB 75 Once per encounter, use second wind incidental to recover 1 strain per rank
Force Rating 2 FaD CB 75 Gain +1 Force Rating
Gearhead 1 KtP 25 Remove setbacks per rank of gearhead from mechanics checks, halve the cost of adding mods and attachments
Armor Master 1 KtP 25 When wearing armor, increase total soak value by 1
Improved Armor master 1 KtP 25 When wearing armor with a soak value of 2 or higher, increase defense by 1.
Tinkerer 1 KtP 25 May add 1 additional hard point to a number of items equal to ranks in Tinkerer. Each item may only be modified once.
Falling Avalanche 1 KtP 25 Suffer 2 strain to add Br to damage of next lightsaber attack made this turn
Supreme Armor Master 1 KtP 25 Once per round, suffer 3 strain to take armor master incidental. Reduce next critical injury suffered by 10 per point of soak, to a minimum of 1
Imbue Item 1 KtP 25 Take Imbue Item maneuver to suffer 1 strain and commit 1 Force to grant 1 weapon, 1 armor, or 1 item an improvement so long as force remains commited. Suffer 1 strain per turn force remains committed
Enduring 1 KoF 25 +1 Soak vaulue
Durable 3 KoF 25 May reduce critical injury suffered by 10 per rank, to a minimum of 1
Unstoppable 1 KoF 25 If critical injury roll is 1 or reduced to 1, do not suffer critical injury


Born on Tattooine to a couple of moisture farmers, them having moved here to escape the preconceptions of other Mirialans based on their tattoos which spoke of past mistakes. As a youngling, his parents thought they had witnessed signs of force sensitivity in him, and through great expense, reached out to the jedi order to investigate. He was found to be eligible for the training, and thus was taken to the temple to begin his training. Aside from his parents, he had 4 siblings. As he went through the training, it became clear he had an analytical mind, with skills in leadership, mechanical knowledge, and was all around well-suited for enduring hardships. Funnily enough, he's always preferred the wilderness to the trappings of urban society, despite not being very well-versed in dealing with the hard ships. A seasoned Jedi Knight when the Clone Wars erupted with the battle of Genosis, he was called to serve, taking him away from his journeys in the outer rim. Granted, being a part of a larger force has granted him some protection from Hutt-hired bounty hunters. His efforts to help the downtrodden in the Outer Rim hasn't always been met well, after all.


His motivation is to do his best to end the war as quickly as possible so that he may return to the Outer Rim and his personal interests out there. Namely, studying past conflicts between the Jedi and other force-wielding factions, chief amongst them the Sith, hunting for artefacts lost to time, and helping those in the Outer Rim, so often overlooked by the Republic unless something, like resources for war, are needed from them. As such, he has often clashed with other Jedi, feeling that being so closely tied to the Republic is a failing of the Jedi. That they need to be more free to listen to and follow the will of the force. However, he does not let his wants and desires cause him to lose sight of personal convictions. As such, he often requests assignment to the most dangerous of critical missions, so that he may do his best to protect the others sent on them.


Morality value: 50. Emotional Strength: Bravery, Emotional Weakness: Recklessness.


Age: 29 Height: 5'10 Weight: 174lbs Sex: Male

Other Notes

Obligation: 5pts : Bounty: He has a price on his head from his adventures in the outer rim. Duty: Contribution Rank 3, 5 pts: Personnel XP expenditure: Starting XP: Increased Int to 5, and Brawn to 3. The 1,000 XP given: Purchased three additional specializations; Peacekeeper, Armorer, and Colossus. Purchased the entirety of the Soresu defender talent tree for 300xp, from the Peacekeeper tree was purchased; Command 5xp, Commanding Presence 10xp, Toughened 10xp, Enhanced Leader 15xp, Command 15xp, Field Commander 15xp, Improved Field Commander 20xp, Toughened 20xp, Second Wind 20xp, Force Rating 25xp, and Dedication 25xp, total 180xp. From the Armorer Tree was purchased; Gearhead 5xp, Grit 10xp, Armor Master 10xp, Improved Armor Master 15xp, Tinkerer 20xp, Falling Avalanche 20xp, Supreme Armor Master 20xp, Dedication 25xp, Imbue Item 25xp, Force Rating 25xp, total 175xp. From the Colossus tree was purchased; Toughened 5xp, Toughened 10xp, Toughened 15xp, Durable 5xp, Durable 10xp, Durable 15xp, Unstoppable 20xp, Grit 5xp, Grit 10xp, Enduring 15xp, total 110xp. Skill XP expenditure; 1 rank in Knowledge (Outer Rim) and Knowledge (Lore) each, 2 ranks in Lightsaber, 2 Ranks in Resilience, 2 ranks in Vigilance, 1 rank in Piloting (Planetary), 2 ranks in Mechanics, 2 ranks in Leadership, 1 rank in Cool.

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