With two mouths and four throats, Ithorians have a unique natural weapon they can call upon when threatened (Resilience; Damage 6; Critical 4; Range [Short]; Blast 3, Concussive 1, Slow-Firing 2, Stun Damage). Each time they use this ability, they suffer 3 strain
Savage Spirits - Pg.29
Gain +1 strain threshold
Studious Plotting
Savage Spirits - Pg.29
When making a Streetwise or Survival check to navigate on a world, the character may use Intellect instead of Cunning
Expert Tracker
Savage Spirits - Pg.29
Remove setback per rank of Expert Tracker from checks to find tracks or track targets. Decrease time to track a target by half
Savage Spirits - Pg.29
During a chase, the character adds boost equal to the rank in Shortcut to any checks made to catch or escape an opponent
Planet Mapper
Savage Spirits - Pg.29
Remove setback per rank of Planet Mapper from Streetwise or Survival checks used for navigation on a world. Such checks also take half the time
Uncanny Senses
Savage Spirits - Pg.29
Add boost per rank of Uncanny Senses to all Perception checks
Galaxy Mapper
Savage Spirits
Remove setback per rank of Galaxy Mapper from Astrogation checks. Astrogation checks take half normal time
Force Powers
Force Rating
The Force user expands normal visual senses through a connection to the Force. The user may spend Force points to ignore the effects of darkness or blindness and see normally at up to medium range for the remainder of the round (or one minute). The allows the user to view everything most sentients could normally be able to see on a well-lit day.
Spend Force points to make out fine details on a single object within medium range
Spend Force points to see through a single object at medium range as though it were transparent
When making a Vigilance or Perception check, make a Farsighted power check as part of the pool and spend Force points to gain Success or Advantage on the check
Frib is a somewhat peaceful Ithorian who fights internal demons that can result in violence. His trading, penchant for exotic goods and reputation for not shying away from the nefarious has given him experience in many little known routes throughout the galaxy.
Efficiency: Life is a precious resource, and Fryb strives to waste as little as possible. Not only are Fryb's own actions examples of economical, effective perfection, but Fryb also always seeks to similarly improve other sentients, technologies, and even nature where possible to these standards.
Emotional Strength - Discipline: Fryb is focussed on internal mental and physical regimens. Few decisions or actions are made without thought. Such is Fryb’s control that these are rarely made in haste or for poor reasons.
Emotional Weakness - Closed-Mindedness: Studious discipline, however, can bring about intolerance and disregard for outside input. When deciding a course of action, Fryb often refuses any outside ideas and might deviate from internal viewpoints.