Weapons & Armor
Mandalorian Armour
Def 1, Soak 2, Encum 3, hp 5
Lucky Blaster
Encum 1, hp 2
When a character uses a single maneuver with a lucky blaster to aim, they gain 2 boost dice on their next combat check, they may not use their second maneuver to aim again.
Vodran Hunting Rifle
Encum 4, hp 2
hp 1
This can only be applied to Ranged (Heavy) weapons.
Base Modifier: Encumbrance +1. Weapon may be used with the following profile.
Mod Options: 2x "Damage +1 (of the bayonet)"
Personal Gear
In-Helmet Scanner
Hp 1
Base Modifier: Remove 1 setback die from darkness or lack of visibility. Allow the detection of heat sources up to medium range.
Mod Options: 1x "Install hands-free comlink in helmet."
Custom Grip
Hp 1
Base Modifier: Remove 1 setback dice from all combat checks weapon's owner makes using this weapon. Others add 2 setback dice to use it.
Mod Options: 1x "Accurate +1"
SoroSuub "Bantha's Eye" Laser Sight
Base Modifier: Add automatic advantage result on successful combat checks with the weapon.
8 stimpack