Catch Vest (1 Soak, +1 against energy weapons, Armor Inserts +2 Defense, +2 Soak, 4 free HPs)
Little Bastard (4 HP, Fully modded Blaster Actuating Module, Amplifying Chamber, Mandalorian Chamber and Custom Grip)
Longeing Whip (1HP)
Credence (When Paragon, gain Stun Damage and Increase Dmg by +2, when Dark side, gain Vicious 2. Wil Hootkins can upgrade Knowledge checks once per session): Mods: Balanced Hilt (Modded out: Accurate 2, Decrease Encumbrence with 1), Stun Pulse (Stun 5),
Explorer's knife (grant a boost to Survival checks)
Exoglove (As an action, check Average Ranged Light to shoot the grappling hook to medium distance, and then reel themselves in in the next turn.)
Comlink (handheld)
Stimpack (10)
Military pack
Hunting Goggles
Wilderness Survival Kit
Qualis stone (Soak +1 against energy weapons) - +2 corrupted
Doctor's bag
5 spikes
Assets & Resources
3600 credits' worth of Rarity 4 materials
Mechanics Specialist Tool (Crafted, Enc 8, never gonna take it with me anyway, worth 500 credits)
Critical Injuries & Conditions
Book & Page
Uncanny Senses
Outcast 5 XP
Add a boost to Perception
Secrets of the Force
Outcast 10XP
Lore and Lightsaber become career skills.
Know the Enemy
Cadet 10 XP
Use Knowledge (Warfare) when rolling init.
Outcast 15 XP
Suffer 3 strain to reduce damage by 2+ rank
Well Rounded
Archaeologist 5 XP
Two skills instantly become career skills. (Computer, Resilience)
Archaeologist 5 XP
Remove one setback for all Knowledge checks, research takes half the time.
Renegade Form
Outcast 15 XP
Use intellect for Saber checks.
Uncanny Reactions
Outcast 5 XP
Vigilance checks get a boost.
Cadet 5XP + Arch 5 XP
+2 strain
Formation Tactics
Cadet 15 XP
Make a Hard Leadership check. Success: one ally has combat checks upgraded against them until the end of next turn.
Cadet 15 XP
Add boost to Leadership checks, Affected targets get bossts to Discipline checks.
Sense Emotions
Outcast 5 XP
Add a boost to Charm, Coercion and Deception checks.
Outcast 20 XP
Suffer 2 strain to reduce ranged damage by 2+ranks in Reflect.
Force Rating
Outcast 25 XP
Hard Headed
Arch 5 XP
Force Powers
Force Rating
The user can use Sense to feel the Force interacting with the world around him. The user may spend a pip to sense all living beings within short range. The user may spend a pip to sense the current emotional state of a being they are engaged with.
Control: Upgrade difficulty
Once per round, when an attack targets the user, the attack roll needs to be upgraded.
The Force User allows the Force to lead thetm to something lost or forgotten.
Willemstad has always been bookish. He read everything that he could lay his hands on. He grew up in a wealthy family and he would have been a normal, slightly disappointing waste of an offspring...but he got bitten by the adventure bug. Ever since his first trip to a dig site somewhere on a Mid-rim world, he has been craving more and more.
This desire for adventure focused his need to read as well: he very quickly became an expert on all fields Old Republic. He finished his studies in record time and started travelling, uncovering secrets across the Republic.
He is not a person who is slowed down by petty political squabble. The Clone War has helped him uncover many a secret about old times, but he has ran into some problems. Now, he's on his way to an Outer Rim world called Daalang-III hoping to find something new, something valuable, something great.
Wil craves knowledge and secrets. He would give up significant amounts of money for the possibility of learning something new, and becoming more famous in the meantime.
+5 Fame: Wil has been chasing fame since he started this deal of being an archaeologist. He has found some Old Republic artifacts, sure, but that was a few years ago, and, unfortunately, it's pretty hard to impress anyone with obscure findings. He wants more.
+10 Sponsorship: And to find more, he has taken odd jobs from a lot of different people, not all of them law-abiding. Fortunately, his last expedition was sponsored by a planetary governor, so no running away from authorities. Unfortunately, he didn't find anything of value, so the governor mentioned above might be a bit... salty by now. That's one reason Wil is on Daalang III now.
10 - Criminal: SOLVED
1 - Oath. Vex. Wil wants to find out anything possible about the Purge Trooper that calls himself Vex and end him.
5 - MidRim Runners - Wil is the co-owner of MIdRim Runners. Owning a business comes with obligations.
1 - Criminal: This player was involved in lying to the government about details surrounding the kidnapping of the Ncil Governor's Daughter. While they successfully recovered the child, they lied about details involving who was responsible, choosing to blame the Hutts instead of a group of pirates. The Governor has since learned that it was not the Hutts and has put them into the legal system. This obligation should show up as not passing a background check, law enforcement pressing the player, or something similar. If it is more suitable for the mission, it could also present as the Hutts trying to cause trouble with the players for falsely accusing them of a crime.