Modified Heavy Blaster Rifle
Disruptor Pistol
Mandalorian Armor:
Cortosis Weave
Biofeedback System
Leviathan Power Armor:
Personal Gear
Assets & Resources
Critical Injuries & Conditions
Book & Page
Expert Tracker 1
CRB, Pg. 61
Remove 1 setback per rank of Expert Tracker from checks to find tracks or track targets. Decrease time to track a target by half
Dodge 2
CRB, Pg. 59
When targeted by combat check, may perform a Dodge incidental to suffer a number of strain no greater than ranks of Dodge, then upgrade the difficulty of the check by that number
Grit 1
CRB, Pg. 59
Gain + 1 strain threshold.
Quick Draw 1
CRB, Pg. 59
Once per round, draw or holster a weapon or accessible item as an incidental
Quick Strike 1
CRB, Pg. 59
Add 1 boost per rank of Quick Strike to combat checks against targets that have not acted yet this encounter
Lethal Blows 1
CRB, Pg. 59
Add +10 per rank of Lethal Blows to any Critical Injury results inflicted on opponents
Inventor 3
CRB Pg. 90
When constructing new items or modifying attachments, add boost or remove setback per rank of Inventor.
Imbue Item
CRB Pg. 90
Preform the Imbue Item maneuver; suffer 1 Strain and commit 1 force die to grant 1 weapon, piece of armor, or item an improvement while the force die remains committed. Suffer 1 Strain per round while the force die remains committed.
Solid Repairs 1
CRB Pg. 90
This character repairs +1 Hull Trauma per rank of solid repairs whenever he repairs a vehicle.
Force Rating
CRB Pg. 90
Gain +1 Force rating.
Intuitive Improvements
CRB Pg. 90
When making a check to craft or repair an item, may add force dice up to force rating. Spend 2 force points to increase HP by 1, to a maximum of +2
Force Powers
Force Rating
The User allows the will of the force to lead the way to something lost or forgotten.
The User may spent 2 force points to gain insight into the general location or direction of a person or object he knows about, regardless of current distance.
The User may spend 1 force point and succeed at an average Vigilance (or opposed Vigilance vs. Discipline check) to see through illusions
Ongoing effect: Commit 1 force die. Upgrade the ability of perception and vigilance checks once.
Magnitude 2
Spend 1 force point to gain one additional detail per rank of magnitude